Last November there was an
article in the Idaho Statesman article about the Red Chinese announcing
plans to build an
electric bus manufacturing facility in Boise.

Zonda Group and Zonda USA sign agreement for "new energy
Zonda USA is the American name for the Red Chinese
(government) corporation called (Zonda)
Zhongda Industrial Group. It's interesting
that Zhongda is a relatively new company - started in
1994. The following are the products they list for
sale at the Zhonda Industrial Group website:
- hydraulic lift for vehicles
- paint spraying and baking
booths for vehicles
- "design of workshop
districts and whole maintenance designs" Our
solution contains each detail for the layout of your
workshop, such as office area, reception area, show
room, storage area, maintenance area and the
whole scheme of water, electric and gas etc.
- Car washing machine
(brushes on rollers)
- Simple spray booth (frame
and sheet plastic)
- Scissor car lift
But here in Idaho, they are
going to build electric buses. Notice - this
is an
artist's rendition:

We're sure they'll
be able to do it though -- because they stole the designs from
the Germans:

Court deal big blow to Zhongwei, domestic bus industry
The Boise Valley Economic (Fascists) "Partnership"
were just thrilled. Comrade Clark Krause was quoted as saying:
“No extravagant or big promises were made to this company from
the Valley or the state,” he said. “We will make sure that Zonda
gets what it deserves in terms of
workforce training.”
That comment should have been a RED flag
for the taxpayers and parents of Idaho because who pays for "workforce
training"? You do. Does the "workforce training"
ever end? No. "Workforce training" is the system
designed to give free labor and subsidized wages for corporations under
the guise of "training". This "training" isn't just for unemployed
people who seek assistance from the State "Workforce
Development" section of the Idaho Department of Labor, our high
schools are being redesigned to provide the children with about an 8th
grade level of socialist training - followed by on-the-job training
(i.e. workforce training). But then peasants don't need to
read, they just need to
learn to work. And the free labor "education" continues
through the two year community colleges but at the university level, the
free labor system is renamed to be "research and development" -
and it is heavily subsidized by the taxpayers. And then one
lucky winner is selected to be the face of a start-up business at a
university small-business incubator - paid for by who? You
guessed... it's YOU! I bet you didn't realize the extent of
your generosity.
And it gets better...
The Smart Grid is an Information
Technology (IT) system overlay on top of the electric
grid. The purpose of it is to allow the utility
companies to manage electrical usage - and in particular
peak load times. Once it's implemented, they'll be
able to shut down your electrical devices and .... drum
roll please.... the electric power will go
to the electric charging stations for electric cars and
electric buses. Ta-Da!
And you'll have to buy a battery
backup system for your refrigerator and probably you'll
have electric power for washing cloths at 2:00 am or so.
The dryer? Build a clothes line you won't be
able to afford the electric dryer anyway.
Of course, that's 5 or 6 years
and about a million lies from public officials away, but
the course is clear. We're moving backwards to the
Vicky Davis
May 2, 2012