Jackson Hole Group 

The following are links to articles about the two Jackson Hole Group "Thought Leaders".  In the main story there are other links with information about these two so these links are intended to provide more background: 

Dr. Paul Ellwood









CNN/Fortune, "Medical Care's Next Revolution"
New York Times, "But What About Quality?"
The Burton Report, "Paul Ellwood and the Genesis of Managed Health Care"
CNN/Fortune, "Let's Really Cure the Health Care System"

"Computerized claims- review programs spot doctors whose tests and procedures deviate from observed patterns. Despite some successes, utilization review doesn't get to the heart of the problem. Only doctors can figure out better ways to treat patients. Partly in the hope of heading off further ham-handed controls, the medical profession is swinging behind what Eddy calls ''an intellectual revolution'' to clear up the uncertainties. One way is through ''outcomes management,'' a concept pioneered by Dr. Paul Ellwood and InterStudy, the Minneapolis research organization he heads. Ellwood believes the whole health system needs a ''unified scorekeeping system.'' One day, he hopes, computer databanks will medically track everyone in the population, both at the time of treatment and afterward, to see which treatments are best for the patient in the long run. Over the past four years, InterStudy and others have been testing standardized ''score cards'' for charting patients through 16 illnesses -- among them diabetes, cataracts, and hypertension -- and nine more are in the works."

New York Times, "The Nation:  Looking Back at Jackson Hole"

C.I.O Magazine, "Health I.T. - A Modest Prescription to Remedy Health Care's Ills"


Alain Enthoven







Stanford University, Profile: Professor Alain Enthoven

[Excerpt] Professor Enthoven holds degrees in Economics from Stanford, Oxford, and MIT. He began his teaching career in 1955 while an Instructor in Economics at MIT. In 1956, he moved to the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica and participated in continuing studies on U.S. and NATO defense strategies. In 1960, he moved to the Department of Defense, where he held several positions leading to appointment, by President Johnson, to the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Analysis in 1965.

[Side:  1986 WGBH Interview - Defense Department experience - non-health care

Alain Enthoven was one of Robert Strange McNamara's Whiz Kids 

1960's Systems Analysis
Origins International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis

Robert Strange McNamara - became President of the World Bank after leaving his position as U.S. Secretary of Defense

Wiki on the World Bank  - (but there are better sources of info)

In 1995, James Wolfensohn of Australia became the President of the World Bank.

Where does James Wolfensohn live?     Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Where does Rupert Murdoch of News Corp come from?   Australia.  He was just a publisher of a small town newspaper - suddenly with lots of money to establish a global media corporation.