Discovering History - The Helsinki Final Act


Reading the name, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), an American would immediately think - this organization has nothing to do with us, it’s a European organization.  They would be wrong.  It has everything to do with us - and understanding how it relates to us - is the key to seeing through the smokescreen of how 'our' government is operating.   The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe is an independent agency of the U.S. government that monitors "compliance with Helsinki Final Act and other OSCE commitments" and participates in the formulation of OSCE policy.  As a signatory of the Helsinki Final Act, the U.S. was and is bound by the provisions in the act as well.  

"On August 1, 1975, the leaders of the original 35 participating States gathered in Helsinki and signed the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Also known as the Helsinki Accords, the Final Act is not a treaty, but rather a politically binding agreement consisting of three main sections informally known as "baskets," adopted on the basis of consensus. This comprehensive Act contains a broad range of measures designed to enhance security and cooperation in the region extending from Vancouver to Vladivostok."    OSCE - Origin of the Helsinki Accords

Helsinki Process

The Helsinki Final Act is - with the benefit of hindsight, one of the most important agreements the U.S. ever entered into in terms of how it affects U.S. domestic affairs.  The scope of it is breathtaking.  And when the lines are drawn from the conceptual areas of agreement to the legislation and actions of our government, it becomes clear that members of Congress - and in particular, the Senate are mere puppets who have in effect, been operating as agents of a foreign power - against the interests of the American people and our nation.
   So how did that happen?

When Willy Brandt was elected in West Germany in 1969, the peaceful reunification of East and West Germany was a priority.  

"While East and West struggled with their respective ideologies and attitudes towards reparation and restitution, the question of a future unification of Germany would loom large. In Timothy Garton Ash’s study, the major initiative that contributed to the unification of Germany was Willy Brandt's Ostopolitik, the goal of which was to reduce tensions between the two countries by establishing cooperative relationships in the hope that they would constitute an evolutionary process toward unification. For Ash, the question is squarely located in Western as well as in Eastern European context, where it belongs. This policy established communication between two Germanys on different levels and provided a framework for peaceful and constructive resolution of disputes between the two countries, as well as the Soviet Union, Poland and Czechoslovakia."[1]

Toward that goal, the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) began in 1973 and the agreed upon framework of actions for reunification was codified in the Helsinki Final Act that was signed in 1975.   

Signing of the Helsinki Final Act

The third and final stage of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) - the signing of the Helsinki Final Act - took place in the Finnish capital from 30 July to 1 August 1975.

Thirty-five Heads of State or Government from all over Europe, the USA and Canada gathered for the signing. Among them were the leaders of the two superpowers, Gerald Ford and Leonid Brezhnev, and the two Germanys, Helmut Schmidt and Erich Honecker.

In his speech, US President Gerald Ford underlined the historic significance of the event: "History will judge this Conference not by what we say here today, but by what we do tomorrow - not by the promises we make, but by the promises we keep."


The Helsinki Final Act encompasses three main sets of recommendations, which are often referred to as 'baskets'. These three baskets are:

  1. Questions relating to security in Europe.

  2. Co-operation in the fields of economics, of science and technology, and of the environment.

  3. Co-operation in humanitarian and other fields

Basket 1. 

Questions Relating to Security

Considering that the reunification of Germany was pivotal in the creation of the European Union, and the fact that both Canada and the United States were signatories to this agreement - and again, with the benefit of hindsight, the significance of Helmut Schmidt referring to both Canada and the United States as 'North America' in his speech at the signing, should not be overlooked:  

"The States of Europe and North America, recognizing their common responsibility, have tried "to build bridges of co-operation between the systems, spanning the gulfs that divide them". Those were the words in which Walter Scheel, then Foreign Minister and today President of the Federal Republic of Germany, described the mandate of this Conference here in Helsinki in July 1973." 

In plain English, this agreement was about regionalism - expansion of frontiers (borders) and the establishment of a supranational governing body with provisions for the exchange of observers to ensure compliance and progress towards the 'common' goal of a one-world international system of 'governing'. 

One would be hard pressed to consider that the establishment of the David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in 1973 was coincidental to the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) given that the mission of the of the Trilateral Commission coincides with the agenda of the Helsinki Final Act.  Even though Japan was not a participant in the CSCE, the efforts of Nixon and George H.W. Bush to open up China led to Bush sending Robert Zoellick to Asia to assist in the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperative in 1989. 

The stealth strategy for regionalization has been the same even though the precise language may differ for each region.  The first step is trade and cultural exchange, followed by 'open market' and enlargement of the 'frontiers' an external tariff, followed by the stand-up of the regional governing body which is attached to the totalitarian, COMMUNIST United Nations system.


Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
European Union

U.S. - Canada - Mexico  (excludes trade agreements)

Partnership for Prosperity  (P4P)
Deputy USTR Peter F. Allgeier - Parliamentary Summit for Hemispheric Integration, 2002
Security and Prosperity Partnership
Americas Society - Council of the Americas, FTAA Blueprint for Prosperity


Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Prosperity and Security in the Asia-Pacific Region
Central Asia - Partnership for Prosperity


On September 11, 2000, Charlene Barshevsky, Ambassador and U.S. Trade Representative gave a speech to the Inter-American Development Bank titled, "The Turning Point:  The Caribbean Basin Initiative and the Free Trade Area of the Americas in 2000" in which she said the following:


This is an especially appropriate time for us to meet. The months ahead will mark a turning point in the

relationship between the United States and the Caribbean region. This is true in the most direct terms,

 as we implement a newly strengthened trade and investment relationship. And it is true in a larger

 sense, as we prepare for a fundamental change in the economic environment of the entire Western

 hemisphere - as, in accord with our mandate from the Summits of the Americas, we complete a first

 draft of the agreement creating the Free Trade Area of the Americas.


The FTAA represents a dream two centuries old but never yet fulfilled - an integrated western

hemisphere, united in democratic ideals and shared prosperity. This was the goal of the first Pan-

American Congress held 170 years ago in Panama. And a renewed commitment to it - , drawing ideas

from and building on the success of CBI together with NAFTA, Mercosur, CARICOM and the Central

American Common Market - was President Clinton's central aim in convening the first Summit of the

Americas in Miami six years ago.

On April 2, 2001, George W. Bush issued a proclamation declaring April 14 as Pan-American Day and April 8 through April 14 as Pan-American Week.  The following is an excerpt of that speech - note the near political gaff:

In 1890, a Pan American conference established the International Union of American Republics. The Union eventually became the Organization of American States (OAS), which continues to faith-fully serve its member states. The OAS charter, in affirming the shared commitment, states that "the true significance of American solidarity and good neighborliness can only mean the consolida-tion . . . of a system of individual liberty and social justice based on respect for the essential rights of man."

On September 11, 2001Secretary of State Colin Powell was in Lima Peru to sign the Inter-American Democratic Charter.  Quite a series of coincidences - especially considering that in the aftermath of 9-11, our borders remained open, there was no criminal investigation, the 9-11 Commission produced a report of administrative changes for our government and the plan for the new Department of Homeland Security was prepared in the late 1990's propaganda to the contrary notwithstanding.

In a speech in 2002, Ambassador Abelardo L. Valdez said the following in a speech titled, "The Free Trade Area of the Americas: Laying The Corner Stone for a Community of the Americas":

"The dream of a "Pan-American Community" is an old one.  In 1826, Simon Bolivar, the Liberator of South America, convened a hemispheric conference to begin the process of building a sense of community among the newly independent nations of the Americas. (The United States was invited to the conference, but its delegation failed to arrive in time to participate in this historic meeting, primarily because Congress delayed approval of the President's request to send a delegation to Panama.) Secretary of State James Blaine kept the Pan-American dream alive when he convened the first Inter-American Conference in 1888 to consider a hemispheric customs union.  For the most part, however, relations between the United States and Latin America were destined to be plagued by misunderstanding and, at times, conflict.

Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor Policy" and John F. Kennedy's "Alliance for Progress" were the first positive initiatives to reestablish the cooperation that Bolivar had envisioned for the Americas. However, it was not until the establishment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that the leaders of the hemisphere were convinced that significant mutual benefit and a genuine spirit of community could be achieved through expansion of trade relations."


The plan was for the 'Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)'  aka North American Union to be complete by 2005. 

Continued   [1]    [2]   [3]   [4]         


[1] Germany and the Future of European Security, Palgrave Macmillan, Christopher Bluth, 17 Aug 2000


Vicky Davis
March 5, 2008