In 1996, the
suggestion was made to Mayor Coles, that he organize a forum of local
officials to discuss the issues of growth and planning:
"The idea of the June meeting came
from Christine Saum , Executive Director of the Mayors’
Institute on Cities and Dena Belzer, an economist from Berkeley,
California who works with
communities on growth and development issues. They had gotten to
know Boise Mayor Brent
Coles at an earlier Mayors’ Institute and suggested a regional forum
for Valley leaders to discuss
their concerns. Coles was open to the idea. The initial question
was, how to get other regional
leaders interested? Boise (population 180,000) is the largest city
in the Valley and state, and as
the “800 pound gorilla” it couldn’t be seen as trying to force
regional solutions on its neighbors."
Coles set aside money from his
budget to develop a forum on regionalism and directed his staff
to work with Saum and Belzer.... Given that, Coles suggested a
conference to discuss the issues in more depth, and others agreed.
Saum and Belzer helped by inviting several national experts on
economics, city planning, open space, growth and transportation
issues to speak at the conference. The primary players were the
elected officials of nine local jurisdictions: the cities of Boise,
Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Garden City, Meridian, Nampa, Parma and Ada
and Canyon Counties. [3]
The "Treasure Valley Institute" forum was held
in 1997. A non-binding agreement called the
Treasure Valley
Partnership Agreement 2000[4] was signed by all officials
present committing to cooperation and collaboration with the following
Treasure Valley Partnership Goals
1. Create coherent regional growth and development patterns
(such as coordinated
investment in waste water treatment plans, cooperation on managing
storm water runoff
and finding ways to conserve ground water reserves)
2. Link land use and transportation (increasing transit use,
creation of bike and pedestrian
trails, and of greenbelt areas)
3. Reinforce community identities and their sense of place
(involves development of a vision
for the region’s future that honors each locality’s unique
characteristics), and
4. Protect and enhance open space and recreational opportunities
(in part by encouraging
acquisition and preservation of interconnected open space).
[Note: A fifth goal, to
educate and build support for the partnership within the Valley, was
added in 2000.]
During this period when the group was
still informal, there were two big issues that were addressed: land
issues and police powers.
“Before the Partnership, police in one city or
county couldn’t arrest suspects across jurisdictional
lines. They had to go through a complicated process to follow,
arrest and prosecute criminals.
And ambulances couldn’t assist people in cases where they were over
the county lines, even if
the “appropriate” ambulance was much further from an accident! We
got an early win during the
first year when the Partnership members began to sign memos of
understandings (MOUs)
allowing their respective ambulances and police officers to cross
jurisdictional lines.”
"By the end of 1998, the members agreed that the
Partnership was going to be around for awhile
and they needed to be more organized. The members voted to establish
the Partnership as it own
entity and hire staff – thereby removing the dependence on the staff
at Boise City. They formed a
nonprofit 501 (c) (3) corporation and spent a great deal of time in
‘98 and early ‘99 having
monthly educational meetings where all the members became familiar
with issues of regional
impact such as sewer and water issues, planning issues, etc
Treasure Valley
Partnership - Articles of Incorporation (P.12)
In 1998, the Ada Planning Association (APA) applied for, and got a
grant from the Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA). A history of this grant was posted on the
Doherty & Associates website presumably because they were selected
to be the Project Coordinator as indicated in the
history prepared by Doherty. The
following are excerpts:
1998 - Grant Instigation:
This federal grant was authorized under the
Transportation and Equity Act for the Twenty First Century (TEA-21),
with the grant known as the Transportation and Community and System
Preservation Pilot Program (TCSP). The grant and administration of
the grant are under the auspices of the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA).
"Idaho Smart Growth, an advocacy group for alternative planning,
notified both the Ada
Planning Association (APA), the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
for Ada
County, and the City of Boise/Treasure Valley Partnership that there
was an opportunity
for funding to work on growth and planning issues in the Treasure
Valley. APA worked
with Idaho Smart Growth and the Treasure Valley Partnership to call
a meeting inviting
many diverse groups to evaluate what type of coalition could be
formed to apply for
grant monies. The group pulled together by APA decided to apply for
the grant for a
study into ways to improve the land use, transportation and
community planning in the
Treasure Valley area of Idaho."
The Treasure Valley comprises Ada and Canyon Counties, including
six cities in Ada
County (Boise, Meridian, Garden City, Eagle, Kuna and Star) and nine
cities in Canyon
County (Nampa, Caldwell, Middleton, Melba, Notus, Parma, Wilder,
Homedale, and
Greenleaf) as well as the unincorporated and rural areas in both
counties. This federal grant was authorized under the
Transportation and Equity Act for the
Twenty First Century (TEA-21), with the grant known as the
Transportation and
Community and System Preservation Pilot Program (TCSP). The grant
administration of the grant are under the auspices of the Federal
Administration (FHWA). ...The
full grant was sent to FHWA on March 15, 1999, under the title of
Treasure Valley Futures: Alternative Choices for the American West...
On May 3, 1999 APA received confirmation that Treasure Valley
Futures had been selected to receive a grant in the amount of
$510,000. The grant contract between FHWA and APA was signed on July
1, 1999.
[Note: The Ada Planning Association (APA)
name was changed to Community Planning Association of Southwestern
Idaho (COMPASS) in 2003. In 2002, Canyon County
reached the population milestone required to create an Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO). When Canyon County joined the Ada
County MPO, the name was changed. Extra federal funds are
available when a "Transportation Management Area" population reaches
200,000. The combined populations of Ada County and Canyon
County did that for them.]
TCSP grant RFP
is still posted on the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) website and
they are still issuing grants for it. The FHWA lists the
follow summary for the TCSP grant:
01: Ada/Canyon
Counties: "Treasure Valley Futures: New Choices for the American
West" $510,000
Develop an education process which defines barriers to attaining
these goals and identifies a range of alternative choices for policy
implementation that can be incorporated directly into the existing
land use and transportation policy framework. The project should
result in an increase in the number of policy decisions being made
by agencies and other groups supporting local and regional
objectives. The project approach is designed to work within the
Treasure Valley's fragmented political framework and deeply held
beliefs concerning private property rights.
copy of the APA-TVP
grant proposal was found on the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
website. Because this grant proposal is key to understanding both
what happened it Boise and in fact, has been replicated throughout the
United States (and perhaps the world), a copy of the proposal was taken
and highlighted to show the important parts.
Highlighted copy of the grant proposal:
1999 Grant Proposal

There was a website for the Treasure
Valley Futures project but it has been relegated to the dustbin of
history. Fortunately however, most of it can still be retrieved from the
Internet Archives.
Treasure Valley Futures: Alternate Choices for the American West
The project ran from July 1, 1999 through
April 2001. The project included the following
The grant is designed around six
project benchmarks that detail the work to be done. Each benchmark
will result in a project product created by grant members working
with the public. Each benchmark will also include evaluation.
The benchmarks are:
1. Introduce Local Policy Makers to the TVF Project
2. Establish a Regional "Trend" Baseline
3. Conduct an Implementation Barriers Analysis
4. Compile an "Alternative Choices Catalog"
5. Develop Local Demonstration Project Prototypes
6. Conduct a Regional Forum on "Next Steps for the Treasure Valley"
Essentially, these benchmarks were just the preliminaries to
establish the soviets and the networks. The demonstration
prototype projects were prepared by students at Boise State University
as learning exercises.