bacteria-eating virus to treat meat
WASHINGTON - A mixture of six bacteria-killing viruses can be safely sprayed on meat and poultry to combat common microbes that kill hundreds of people a year, federal health officials said Friday.
The mixture of special viruses, called bacteriophages, would target strains of Listeria monocytogenes, the Food and Drug Administration said in declaring it is safe to use. The viruses are designed to be sprayed on ready-to-eat meat and poultry products just before they are packaged. MORE

"A bacteriophage infects,
then reproduces within a bacterium and destroys it.
Science News June 3, 2000 |
Blogger Story -
Is That Dog In Your
The Answer Is
"Yes" If George Bush Gets His Way
In a further
degradation of food safety standards, the Bush
now allowing rabbit, cat and dog meat to be mixed
with ground beef
and sold.
Andrew Martin of the Chicago Tribune reports:
A short notice from the United States Department
of Agriculture has created
a stir-and perhaps a wave of nausea-among the
nation’s meat inspectors.
“FSIS NOTICE 15-06: Use of Non-Amenable Animal
Tissue in Inspected Products,” the notice
essentially says that animals that you wouldn’t
normally associate with hamburgers can be
“included in amenable meat or
poultry products produced in official
In other
words, anything from deer to dog meat can be
ground into hamburger, as long as it meets
state regulations, which inspectors say tend to be
looser than the federal government’s.
Martin asked Steven Cohen, spokesman for the
USDA's Food Safety Inspection
Service, if dog meat really could be mixed with
beef and sold to consumers across America:
“I don’t believe that it is illegal, but there is
no place that is producing dog meat,” Cohen said,
adding that the regulation fits a “very limited
circumstance. “I don’t think there’s anyone who is
doing this on a commercial basis.”
But roadkill wouldn’t qualify because, since the
animal wasn’t slaughtered,
it would be considered adulterated, he said.
According to Martin, even migratory birds could be
added to the mix:
Non-amenable animal tissue, as defined in the
notice, is any tissue from animals not subject to
inspection under the Federal Meat Inspection Act
the Poultry Products Inspection Act. It includes
edible tissue from exotic animals, rabbits,
migratory birds and other animals not under the
scope of
USDA inspection, like alligator and kangaroo.
This is especially troubling because state
inspections are often much weaker
than the USDA's – which itself has been weakened
by the Bush Administration.
With Bird Flu a real threat, allowing the
admixture of migratory bird tissue
with beef is asking for trouble – big trouble.
And how has this announcement affected the
nation's already disheartened
Food Inspectors?
News of the notice swept through the community of
meat inspectors after one
of them sent an email to USDA’s technical support
center asking for
clarification. In response to a question, Kris
Kenne, a USDA staff officer, said someone could
mix deer meat with pork and sell deer dogs with a
logo as long as the ingredients were labeled and
state law allowed it.
Does this
also mean that a slaughtered cat or dog can be
added to sausage, Kenne was asked? “Yes,
that is a possibility should one wish to pursue to
use them as an ingredient in the product.
Public perception may not be so acceptable of the
practice though,” Kenne responded.…
“Suffice it to say, this is bizarre to inspectors
in the field,” said Trent Berhow, president of the
Midwest Council of Food Inspectors locals…
USDA --- Sulfuryl
Fluoride Sprayed On Our Food
Sulfuryl Fluoride: The Postharvest Fumigant of the
Future ?
fluoride is considered by many to be the
postharvest fumigant of the future,
replacing the soon-to-be-eliminated methyl
Under the trade name Vikane gas fumigant, it is
currently registered for structural fumigations to
combat wood termites and wood-boring beetles.
Dow AgroSciences
has begun EPA
registration procedures to allow its use in
postharvest situations.
Unlike methyl
bromide, which is being phased out because it was
determined to be an ozone depleting substance,
sulfuryl fluoride is not an ozone depleter.
AgroSciences is pursuing the registration of
sulfuryl fluoride as a gas fumigant for
postharvest use in dry fruits, tree nuts, and
cereal grains. The postharvest formulation
of sulfuryl fluoride will be called ProFume gas
fumigant. Tolerance testing is currently under way
on each of the food types, with the ultimate goal
of phasing in the use of ProFume as methyl bromide
is being phased out. According to Brian Schneider,
Dow AgroSciences' ProFume biology development
leader, this should be an accomplishable goal. "We
have a jump-start since sulfuryl fluoride is
already registered for structural uses," contends
sulfuryl fluoride is an inorganic material,
as opposed to the organic methyl bromide, it
doesn't bind onto items being protected, so more
of the chemical is available to get to the
insects," says Schneider.
Background June 3, 2000
Viruses that slay bacteria
draw new interest
For people with a
damaged liver or too much iron in their blood, enjoying raw
oysters from the Gulf of Mexico is a deadly gamble. Most of
the oysters harbor Vibrio
vulnificus, a bacterium responsible for almost all
seafood-related deaths in the United States. Healthy people
shrug off the microbe, but susceptible folks who get a
full-blown infection have more than a 50 percent chance of
Although U.S.
physicians today don't embrace the strategy, phage
therapy dates back almost a century (SN: 6/1/96,
p. 350). The viruses infect, reproduce within, and
eventually burst bacteria. Since phages reproduce
only as long as they have target bacteria to
infect, Elizabeth M. Kutter of Evergreen State
College in Olympia, Wash., calls the viruses
"self-replicating, self-limiting antibiotics."
In the
V. vulnificus
work, Gulig and his colleagues sampled muck from
oyster beds and isolated phages that destroy the
bacterium. They simultaneously infected mice with
V. vulnificus
and enriched the rodents' blood with iron, which
helps the bacterium thrive. When given phages at
the time of infection, five of eight mice remained
healthy. Without such treatment, all mice
succumbed within 18 hours.
Scientific Facts on the
Biological Effects of Fluorides
Fluoride depletes the energy reserves and the
ability of white blood cells to properly destroy
foreign agents by the process of phagocytosis. As
little as 0.2 ppm fluoride stimulates superoxide
production in resting white blood cells, virtually
abolishing phagocytosis. Even micro-molar amounts
of fluoride, below 1 ppm, may seriously depress
the ability of white blood cells to destroy
pathogenic agents.
Fluoride confuses the immune system and causes it
to attack the body's own tissues, and increases
the tumor growth rate in cancer prone individuals.
Eat Me
The Soviet method for attacking infection that we
can learn from.
By Daria Vaisman
Posted Tuesday, May 30,
2006, at 12:41 PM ET
In the 1920s and '30s, with diseases like
dysentery and cholera running rampant, the
discovery of bacteriophages was hailed as a
breakthrough. Bacteriophages are viruses found
virtually everywhere—from soil to seawater to your
intestines—that kill specific, infection-causing
bacteria. In the United States, the drug company
Eli Lilly marketed phages for abscesses and
respiratory infections. (Sinclair Lewis'
Pulitzer-winning Arrowsmith is about a
doctor who uses phages to prevent a diphtheria
epidemic.) But by the 1940s, American scientists
stopped working with phages for treatment because
they no longer had reason to. Penicillin,
discovered by the Scottish bacteriologist
Alexander Fleming in 1928, had become widely
available thanks to synthetic production and
zapped infections without the expertise needed for
finicky phages.
But now the
equation has changed. Many kinds of bacteria have
become antibiotic-resistant—prompting a few
Western scientists, and patients, to travel to
former Soviet Georgia to give bacteriophages for
treatment a try. Phages have been used in the
former Soviet Union for decades because scientists
there had less access to antibiotics than their
American and European counterparts did. Phages
were a cheap alternative, and in Soviet clinical
trials, they repeatedly stopped infections. Now in
a bid for medical tourists, Georgia has opened a
center in its capital, Tbilisi, which offers
outpatient phage treatment to foreigners. In
connection with
the Eliava
phage research institute, which Stalin helped set
up in Tbilisi in 1923, the treatment center offers
personalized cures for a host of infections the
United States says it can no longer do anything
In 2000,
the Centers for Disease Control, along with other
federal agencies, warned that the world might soon
return to a "pre-antibiotic era." Two
million people each year now get hospital-borne
bacterial infections, 1.4 million of them
resistant to antibiotics and 90,000 of them
lethal. One example is sepsis, the
infection that sickened* Joan
Didion's daughter, as Didion relates in
Year of Magical Thinking. New antibiotics
are being discovered. But it takes 10 years and at
least $800 million to bring an antibiotic to
market, according to the
Infectious Diseases Society of America. The
big advantage that phages offer over antibiotics
is that bacterial resistance is less of a problem.
Unlike antibiotics, new phage batches can quickly
be whipped up to take the place of phages to which
bacteria become resistant.
Fluoride is
Poison Says Dartmouth Doctor
New evidence seems to confirm that by fluoridating
our water, we are poisoning our children.
More than two years ago, the court-killed
Spotlight wrote about George Glasser, a citizen
researcher who blew the whistle on the use of
highly-toxic fluorosilicic acid from rock
fertilizer processing as the primary source of
community water fluoridation. Now, a massive study
of young children who have been subjected to
fluorosilicic acid fluoridation in their New York
communities shows that the water additive does not
improve kids’ teeth and could even be poisoning
them. Until that time, most people were under the
impression that water fluoridation used sodium
fluoride, rat poison, a by-product of aluminum
manufacturing. Glasser, however, pointed out that
more than 75 percent of the U.S. water
fluoridation communities have been using the even
more toxic fluorosilicic acid since the late
Stupidity And Population Control
fluoride, a hazardous-waste by-product from the
manufacture of aluminum,
is a
common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons,
anesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, and
military nerve gas. It's historically been
quite expensive to properly dispose of, until some
aluminum industries with an overabundance of the
stuff sold the public on the terrifically insane
but highly profitable idea of buying it at a
20,000% markup, injecting it into our water
supplies, and then DRINKING it.
Yes, a 20,000%
markup: Fluoride-- intended only for human
consumption by people under 14 years of age--is
injected into our drinking water supply at approx.
1 part-per-million (ppm), but since we only drink
1/2 of one percent of the total water supply, the
rest literally goes down the drain as a free
hazardous-waste disposal for the chemical
industry, where we PAY them so that we can flush
their expensive hazardous waste down our toilets.
How many salesmen dream of such a deal? (Follow
the money.) ...
begin at the beginning: The first occurrence of
fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in
Germany's Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo
had little concern about fluoride's supposed
effect on children's teeth; their alleged reason
for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was
to sterilize humans and force the people in their
concentration camps into calm submission. (Ref.
book: "The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by
Joseph Borkin.)
The following letter was received by the Lee
Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee
Wisconsin, on 2 October 1954, from Mr. Charles
Perkins, a chemist: "I have your letter of
September 29 asking for further documentation
regarding a statement made in my book,
The Truth
About Water Fluoridation, to the effect that the
idea of water fluoridation was brought to England
from Russia by the Russian Communist Kreminoff.
"In the 1930's, Hitler and the German Nazi's
envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled
by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German
chemists worked out a very ingenious and
far-reaching plan of mass-control which was
submitted to and adopted by the German General
Staff. This plan was to control the population in
any given area through mass medication of drinking
water supplies. By this method they could
control the population in whole areas, reduce
population by water medication that would produce
sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of
mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent
place. ...
doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in
time reduce an individual's power to resist
domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a
certain area of the brain, thus making him
submissive to the will of those who wish to govern
him.” [A convenient light lobotomy]
USDA - Certified
Don't look at the
animals - look at the paperwork
USDA Process Verified Program
Suppliers with approved USDA Process Verified
Programs are able to make marketing claims
associated with their process verified points --
such as age, source, feeding practices, or other
raising and processing claims -- and market
themselves as "USDA Process Verified." The USDA
Process Verified Program does not relieve the
supplier of meeting regulatory requirements issued
by other Federal Departments or USDA Agencies.
USDA Scales Back
Mad-Cow Testing
- The Agriculture Department is cutting
its tests for mad cow disease by about
90 percent, drawing protests from
consumer groups.
- The
current testing level " 1,000 each day "
reflects the heightened concern that
followed the discovery in December 2003
of mad cow disease in the United States.
- Since
then, tests have turned up two more
cases of the disease, known medically as
bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or
BSE. The government says there may be a
handful of undetected cases.
Phage Biology -
Soviet Research
Western Phage Therapy-Related Articles
A lytic bacteriophage which was previously
isolated from sewage and which attaches to
the K1 capsular antigen has been used to prevent
septicemia and a meningitis-like infection in
chickens caused by a K1+ bacteremic strain of
Escherichia coli. Protection was obtained even
when administration of the phage was delayed until
signs of disease appeared. The phage was able to
multiply in the blood. In newly borne
colostrum-deprived calves given the E. coli
orally, intramuscular inoculation of phage delayed
appearance of the bacterium in the blood and
lengthened life span. With some provisos there is
considerable potential for this approach to
bacterial-disease therapy.
New Idaho CJD
Cluster -
Looking In The
Wrong Places?
With the death of
the fifth person from CJD, and the investigation
of a sixth since January 2005 in a small area in
Idaho, health authorities are scrambling to figure
out why. CJD, the 100% fatal brain wasting
disease, is supposed to be vanishingly rare.
Scientists from the Center for Disease Control
(CDC) in Atlanta are puzzled. According to Reuters
(ref 1): "Is what is happening in Idaho an
anomaly, a statistical fluke? That is possible,"
said Ermias Belay, a top CJD expert with the CDC
who is helping advise officials in Idaho.
"But once
it exceeds 1.5 or 2 per million, you start asking
(1) In 2002 a bombshell paper from
Professor John Collinge's research group provoked
a stir in academia.
The paper
showed that genetically engineered mice, when
injected with mad cow disease protein,
unexpectedly produced a molecular profile that
closely resembled sporadic CJD, as well as the
expected variant CJD profile (ref 2).
Collinge's group is a global leader in mad cow
disease research. They followed up with
confirmatory results in 2004 (ref 3) essentially
saying the same thing.
consequence for humans was that mad cow disease
might manifest as BOTH variant and sporadic CJD.
Collinge's research suggests that maybe we should
consider the possibility that some cases of
sporadic CJD may arise from eating mad cow meat.
This has implications for the Idaho CJD cluster.
Food industry
fighting bacteria with viruses
Trying to convince
the public to buy foods sprayed with viruses, the
company behind this technology realizes
not only fighting bacteria, they're also fighting
a PR war.
believe there are viruses in the Chesapeake Bay
that, when isolated from the water and sprayed on
food, kill bacteria, making that food safer
to eat. Some consumers balk at the idea, but a
Baltimore biotech firm just got approval from the
FDA to do just that.
Testimony - June 2000
Dr. Hirzy is appearing at the request of Senator
Robert Smith of New Hampshire, Chairman of the
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, in
response to New Hampshire Pure Water Association,
for Safe Drinking Water and other groups and
individuals that are concerned that fluoridation
mandates are being imposed without unbiased review
of scientific evidence.
Dr. Hirzy's discussion of the maximum
contaminant level (MCL) for fluoride along with
MCL's being considered for arsenic, and already
established for lead, will provide a visual
contrast of how issues of
fluoride are treated by EPA.
is more toxic than lead and slightly less toxic
than arsenic, yet the protective measures
of maximum contaminant levels for lead is 15 parts
per billion (ppb), arsenic
currently 50 ppb and under discussion for
lowering to 5 to 20 ppb, while the MCL for
fluoride is 266 to 800 times less protective at
4000 ppb....
Revisions in professional health associations'
recommendations for controlled-dose fluoride that
now advise that an infant with no exposure to
fluoride in the water be provided no further
supplementation because of excessive exposure from
all other sources; and children from 6 months to 3
years advised to receive prescriptions limited to
the amount of fluoride found in one cup of
fluoridated water.
of Fluoride |
Eat To Live: Hot dog with virus, please!
UPI Food Writer
LE BUGUE, France, Aug. 30 (UPI) -- You might feel
relieved, when packing your schoolchild off with a
boxed lunch of baloney sandwich, to know that it
could be served with a dose of virus on the side
-- courtesy of the Food and Drug Administration.
On Aug. 18, for
the first time ever, the FDA approved viruses as a
useful food additive. Not just for ready-to-eat
meats but for poultry, too. Before you recoil in
fear at the chicken breast you have poised at the
end of your fork, viruses, like certain fats, can
be good.
On the other
hand, you might feel horrified. Is this taking the
description "food additive" in a far-reaching
direction that could all too easily run out of
The concoction
that has just been approved has a job to do. It is
a cocktail of six different "good" viruses
designed to kill off strains of Listeria
monocytogenes bacterium, which just love cold cuts
and poultry as much as we do. It will be sprayed
on packaged processed meats.
Unlike other
additives, however, whose ranks the virus cocktail
will now officially join, it will not be listed on
the labels. So you won't know it's there.
Last year 500
Americans died from eating Listeria-contaminated
ready-to-eat meats and poultry products. Around
2,500 more became seriously ill.
This remarkable
FDA approval of a virus for food safety use is a
subject, you won't be surprised to hear, that has
had Internet bloggers in a frenzy. A sample or two
from digg.com:
"How about when
the bacteria evolve to be immune to the viruses
... "
problem I see, as some have mentioned is the
viruses attacking our natural bacteria flora in
our gut. If the virus can sometime down the road
attack a friendly bacteria species such as e. coli
(yea it's good) or lactobacillus acidofilus then
this could be harmful or at least uncomfortable."
"... a certain
bacteriophage turns a certain strain of bacteria
into the one that cause Cholera. Another one does
coffers-filling possibilities for Intralytix, the
firm that came up with the stuff, is another red
rag to the bulls. The company has already licensed
its spray to a multinational corporation for
global use -- but, with unusual caution, refuses
to name which one.
And it's
now angling for FDA approval for viral sprays to
treat E. coli- and Salmonella-contaminated foods.
The Office of
Food Additive Safety at the FDA promises we won't
be aware through a change in taste of which meats
have been treated with these blights in shiny
But perhaps we
should be. Perhaps the issue, as the bloggers have
it, has nothing to do with taste concerns.
bacteriophages (from the Greek meaning "bacteria
eater") are not unfamiliar to us. They appear in
our digestive tracts, as well as in the
environment, food and water, doing what they can
to keep us healthy by fighting harmful bacteria.
But Byron J.
Richards, a certified clinical nutritionist, is
particularly vexed over the FDA's approval.
Writing on NewsWithView.com on Aug. 24 he
denounces the foods due for treatment as "the
first virally contaminated foods entering our food
supply with the blessings of the FDA." Strong
EPA Unions
Call for Nationwide Moratorium on Fluoridation,
Congressional Hearing on Adverse Effects, Youth
Cancer Cover Up
Eleven EPA employee
unions representing over 7000 environmental and
public health professionals of the Civil Service
have called for a moratorium on drinking water
fluoridation programs across the country, and have
asked EPA management to recognize fluoride as
posing a serious risk of causing cancer in people.
The unions
acted following revelations of an apparent
cover-up of evidence from Harvard School of Dental
Medicine linking fluoridation with elevated risk
of a fatal bone cancer in young boys.
The unions sent
letters to key Congressional committees asking
Congress to legislate a moratorium pending a
review of all the science on the risks and
benefits of fluoridation. The letters cited the
weight of evidence supporting a classification of
fluoride as a likely human carcinogen, which
includes other epidemiology results similar to
those in the Harvard study, animal studies, and
biological reasons why fluoride can reasonably be
expected to cause the bone cancer – osteosarcoma –
seen in young boys and test animals. The unions
also pointed out recent work by Richard Maas of
the Environmental Quality Institute, University of
North Carolina that links increases in lead levels
in drinking water systems to use of silicofluoride
fluoridating agents with chloramines disinfectant.
By Dr. Carolyn Dean
June 19, 2005
U.S. Delegation to Codex has just issued a formal
written statement to the Codex Alimentarius
Commission that the United States, during the July
4-9, 2005, meeting in Rome, will support
compulsory rules created by this international
organization directly overruling U.S. law
regarding access to vitamins.
U.S. law that is about to be vanquished is the
Dietary Supplement, Health and Education Act of
1994. Codex is a joint venture between the United
Nation’s World Health Organization and Food and
Agriculture Organization. (WHO/FAO) The World
Trade Organization (WTO) has already stated that
it will enforce Codex “guidelines” as the world
standard for trade in dietary supplements. This
will mean that gradually, pill-by-pill, our access
to the dietary supplements we depend on will
The lawlessness
of the FDA, Big Pharma immunity, and crimes
against humanity (opinion)
June 30, 2006 is a day that will be long
remembered as a dark milestone in the history of
FDA and its campaign against health consumers. On
June 30, an FDA "Final Rule" goes into effect,
establishing a regulatory power grab of such scale
and scope that it attempts to bypass all laws, the
will of Congress and fundamental protections for
consumers. This "Final Rule," which may as well be
called a "Final Solution" for drug consumers,
claims that consumers can no longer sue drug
companies for the harm caused by any FDA-approved
drug, even if the drug's manufacturer
intentionally misled
the FDA by hiding or fabricating clinical
trial data.
In one blatantly
illegal act, the FDA is attempting to pull off the
Big Pharma coup of all: The outright
elimination of any responsibility whatsoever for
the suffering and death caused by deadly
In the preamble
of the FDA's new "Final Rule" to take effect on
June 30, the agency asserts that FDA approval of
prescription drugs -- and their implied safety
-- may no longer be second-guessed by consumers or
organizations of any kind. The FDA's stamp of
approval, the agency claims, is an absolute
declaration of safety of all such drugs, for any
use whatsoever, including off-label use (the use
of drugs on health conditions that were never
tested in clinical trials)
"The history of
forcing fluoride on humans through the
fluoridation of drinking water is wrought with
lies, greed and deception. Governments that add
fluoride to drinking water supplies insist that it
is safe, beneficial and necessary, however,
scientific evidence shows that fluoride is not
safe to ingest and areas that fluoridate their
drinking water supplies have higher rates of
cavities, cancer, dental fluorosis, osteoporosis
and other health problems.... The lies of the
benefits of water fluoridation will continue to be
fed to the public, not to encourage health
benefits to a large number of people, but to
profit the military-industrial complex.
I had
just tracked down Dr. Hardy Limeback, B.Sc., Ph.D
in Biochemistry, D.D.S., head of the Department of
Preventive Dentistry for the University of
Toronto, and president of the Canadian Association
for Dental Research. (Whew.)
Dr. Limeback is Canada's leading fluoride
authority and, until recently, the country's
primary promoter of the controversial additive. In
a surprising newsmaker interview this past April,
Dr. Limeback announced a dramatic change of heart.
under three should never use fluoridated
toothpaste," he counseled. "Or drink fluoridated
And baby
formula must never be made up using Toronto tap
water. Never."
Why, I wondered? What could have caused such a
powerful paradigm shift?
"It's been building up for a couple of years,"
Limeback told me during a recent telephone
interview. "But certainly the crowning blow was
the realization that we have been dumping
contaminated fluoride into water reservoirs for
half a century.
The vast
majority of all fluoride additives come from Tampa
Bay, Florida smokestack scrubbers. The additives
are a toxic byproduct of the super-phosphate
fertilizer industry." "Tragically,"
he continued, "that means we're not just dumping
toxic fluoride into our drinking water.
We're also exposing innocent, unsuspecting people
to deadly elements of lead, arsenic and radium,
all of them carcinogenic. Because of the
cumulative properties of toxins, the detrimental
effects on human health are catastrophic."
By Byron J. Richards, CCN
August 24, 2006
On Friday, August 18, 2006,
FDA approved a viral cocktail to be sprayed on foods we
eat. This is the first time viruses have been approved for
use as food additives.
The FDA wants you to
believe it will be safe to consume these viruses every day
for the rest of your life with no adverse health effects.
This is a monumental announcement by the FDA,
indicating they are throwing all caution to the wind
regarding the safety of our food supply.
Are you willing to
stand in line for a virus-laden sandwich? How do you
like the idea of buying virus-infested food for your family?
The first virally contaminated foods entering our food
supply with the blessings of the
will be luncheon meat and poultry. Live viruses will be
sprayed on foods such as cold cuts, sausages, hot dogs,
sliced turkey, and chicken.
At issue is the very
real problem of a poor quality FDA-approved food supply that
is already full of diseased and sickly animals, many of them
imported from other countries. The use of antibiotics
during growth and radiation during food processing is
required by the fast-food animal farms owned by
multi-national companies to cover up the horrendous health
of the animals they wish to feed to Americans.
Animals in poor
health are a friendly place for bacteria to grow and
prosper, especially after such meat goes to market.
Rather than address the source of the problem, the FDA wants
to add another adulteration into our food supply.
Genetic Armageddon
Genetic Armageddon Introduces you
to the fast biotech experimentation that has far
reaching deadly effects on all people, food,
animals and environment -
this is the unnatural mixing of DNA
[Note: one of the
articles that talks about virus eating bacteria
that the FDA approved for spraying on our food is
dredged from the muck of the
Bay which is I believe where the the Potomac
River ends.
Intersex Fish Found in Potomac River
Pollution Feared
to Cause Mutation
Sept. 6, 2006 — Intersex
fish have been found
in the Potomac River
in Washington, D.C.,
where scientists
have discovered
immature eggs in the
sex organs of male
smallmouth and
largemouth bass.
"It indicates a
problem we need to
be concerned about,"
says Vicki Blazer,
the fish pathologist
at the U.S.
Geological Survey,
who has studied the
problem since 2003,
after a large fish
kill in the south
branch of the
Potomac. Blazer
first noticed the
intersex abnormality
in 2004. "We need to
try to figure out
what's going on."