International Cities



This aspect of the strategic plan to create a North American Union by dissolving the United States as a nation was by far,  the most difficult to get a handle on.  The first clue that something wasn't right - at least for this writer was the Kansas City Smart Port and the Kansas City Mayor's Office of International Affairs & Protocol.   Upon reflection, to implement the strategy of regionalism which disempowers the traditional U.S. representative government structures, they needed to engage local officials in some way to get them to actively participate in the disintegration of their own power structures - city and county governments and ultimately the disintegration of our nation itself.  

Pulling together the story of this front on the war against America was rather like finding a few pieces in a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  Because of that, this section will present those pieces as they were found.

Environmentalism as a Political Change Agent

Recall that even though the plan for the disintegration of the United States as a nation began during Lyndon Johnson's Administration when he signed the "Declaration of the Presidents of the Americas", the merger process didn't begin in seriousness until Ronald Reagan signed the La Paz Agreement with Mexico in 1983 ostensibly to work with Mexico to clean up the environment of the border region.   It has become clear that environmentalism is the cancerous seed from which the treasonous plot to dissolve the United States was hatched.  This is the beginning point of the story on how America's Mayors and County officials have been drawn into the plan to break apart the United States.


In June of 1993, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 12852 calling for the creation of the 'President's Council on Sustainable Development' (PCSD).   On the surface, the goal for the Council was to develop the strategic plans to preserve the environment.  The reality is that 'Sustainable Development' is the "United Nations Agenda 21 plan for communist environmental and social programs with regionalism as the strategic method through which they are being implemented without knowledge or understanding by a majority of the American public and has never been debated by Congress.

In 1996, “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency joined with several non-profit and government organizations to form the Smart Growth Network (SGN) which is effectively a network of insurgents to infiltrate local communities to guide local officials in the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 21.   

Then in 1998, the EPA established the "The Sustainable Development Challenge Grant program. The grant program provided the 'buy-off money' to get local officials to participate.

The PCSD invited "stakeholders" which included City Mayors and County Officials to participate.  Professional facilitators using the Delphi Technique led the "stakeholders" down the primrose path from environmental issues to thinking that they must become involved at the international level to save the environment.   This strategy was a cannibalizing force to change the mindset of city officials away from thinking as entities of the United States as a nation towards thinking in terms of regions and international associations.  

In May of 1999, the PCSD published a report, 'Towards A Sustainable America:  Advancing Prosperity, Opportunity and a Healthy Environment for the 21st Century".  The purpose of the report was to present the ideas of the Council and supposedly of the "stakeholders" for implementing 'Sustainable Development' in the U. S.  In the listed goals, Goal 9 was "International Responsibility".  Chapter 5 contains the detail which includes encouraging city and county officials to become involved at the international level.

"Towards A Sustainable America"
Page 87


KC SmartPort Origins

1994 NAFTA Superhighway Coalition forms (NASCO)

1997 NAITCP - International Organization of Mayors and private partners forms

KC SmartPort Inland Port concept design originates with MARC - the Kansas City Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) when they produced the "Mid-continent TradeWay Study in 1999.

2000 - U.S. Foreign Trade Zone Board begins stepped up authorization for preferential treatment economic zones in the U.S.

"During fiscal 2000, the Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) Board issued 60 formal orders. The decisions included approvals for 5 new general-purpose zones and 22 new subzones. Authority was also granted for the expansion of 16 existing general-purpose zones and 3 subzones."

Mexican Customs in Kansas City

U.S. - Mexico Border Partnership Action Plan Smart Border: 22 point agreement

World Bank of Cities

In June of 2006, the UN Habitat organization met in Vancouver, BC.   Kate Price of Operation Information attended the conference and reported back the following.  I added the links because at the time of the conference, there was almost nothing known about this at the time.  With consideration for all the information that is now available, its clear that the goal is subversive towards national interests and is intended to reorient loyalties to the communist global United Nations system. 

"The main theme is localization.  The key to localization is decentralization (it's new meaning).  The hook will be the World Bank for Cities, especially to those nations who still maintain some resemblance to sovereignty as closing comments demonstrated by congratulating those who came 'without their flag'.   The other hook is education, in the highest sense of the term.  They exploit the poor and the good will of caring individuals to place them into shackles; slaves to the NWO and then call it true freedom."

"Land owners are demonized.  The taking of their land in the name of the poor is glorified without taking into account how land owners work to acquire land for their own families, to make a living, and the work they put into achieving the very goals the poor yell they have a right to.  Also, without taking into account how each individual found themselves in poverty, whether by deceitful UN policy, their own corrupt governments or, from lack of personal ambition."

Cities in Transition (Note: even though there is a disclaimer saying that the options expressed are those of the author and should not be attributed to the World Bank, the facts are that the United Nations and the World Bank are cooperating in implementing the concepts presented so the disclaimer is meaningless. 





Going back to a case study (May 1999) about the Pacific Northwest (regional) Council, it says the following regarding the PCSD leading activities to subvert city and county governments:

* Tapping Local and Regional Sustainable Development Efforts

Time and again, PCSD members note the energy and excitement they gain from observing on the ground efforts to put sustainable development into practice or from engaging individuals in the PCSD’s work. This excitement generated a desire by many members to ensure that the council’s work support and catalyze additional community-based actions. This has been a theme that has touched all three phases of the PCSD, and that resulted in significant “ripple effects,” such as the support provided by federal agencies to the National Association of Counties and the U.S. Conference of Mayors for the creation of the JCSC. Pg 8

[Note: JCSC is the "Joint Center for Sustainable is Communities (JCSC). The JCSC is designed as an information clearinghouse and technical assistance center that supports innovative multi-jurisdictional approaches to community and urban development and also showcases communities that implement or demonstrate PCSD recommendations." pg 6]

* Build Bridges Between Domestic and International Agendas

Another challenge facing the PCSD is finding a way to connect the PCSD’s domestically driven agenda with official U.S. commitments to fulfill Agenda 21. pg 10

Finally, the PCSD’s somewhat sporadic efforts to engage internationally with other councils needs to be more systematic and consistent. To date co-chair Jonathan Lash has carried the banner of the PCSD in forums outside the United States. The international task force needs to institutionalize such interactions in its work. pg 10

Toward the goal of reorienting the focus of U.S. Mayors away from a national focus and part of the United States as a nation, the Aspen Institutes of France and Germany in cooperation with Ambassador Felix Rohatyn and J. Thomas Cochran of the U.S. Conference of Mayors organized an international conference to propagandize U.S. Mayors:

Aspen Transatlantic Mayors Summit   April 6-8, 2000
In cooperation with the U.S. Embassies in Berlin and Paris, the Aspen Institute France, the Aspen Institute Berlin and the U.S. Conference of Mayors held a conference on "Smart Growth - Problems of Urban Development in the 21st Century." Mayors from the U.S., Germany and France met for three days in Lyon France to discuss how globalization affects urban development. The summit also included experts on urban planning and development from international organizations, research institutions, and think tanks.
The mayors agreed that their own role is changing as a result of globalization. They are no longer the traditional city planners of the past 100 years, but rather ombudsmen and innovative leaders of important communities and regions. Mayors can no longer afford to deal only with local stakeholders. They conduct their own foreign policy in an environment that sets local issues on the agenda of local politics. Ambassador John Kornblum strongly encouraged mayors to ignore the admonishments of foreign ministries not to engage in foreign affairs. For the good of their citizens, mayors will increasingly enter the international arena and become global players. The network resulting from the Aspen Transatlantic Summit series provides a forum for a sustainable international dialogue among mayors to discuss common challenges, exchange best practices, and promote international understanding.
The issue which generated the most intense discussion was the question of how to successfully assimilate immigrants and minorities into existing communities. What is the recipe for a multicultural society? All present agreed that this was one of the most important issues facing them today and in the future, and that this topic should be the focus for the next summit meeting in Berlin in 2001. Aspen Institute Berlin has begun coordination for the second volume in the three-part series, which takes place under the umbrella of the New Traditions Network.

Aspen Institute, "The Fate of National Sovereignty"

The Globalization Strategy:  America and Europe in the Crucible

Global Management

World Mayors Prepare For The Future of Cities

xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lyon, France
: Webb Opens First Transatlantic Summit of Mayors

"The Twenty-First Century will be the Century of Cities," Conference President Emphasizes
"If the nineteenth century was the century of empires and the
twentieth century the century of nation states, then the twenty-first century will be the century of cities," said Conference President and Denver Mayor Wellington E. Webb, opening the historic first Transatlantic Summit of Mayors in Lyon, France, April 6-8.
The Summit, created by Ambassador Felix G. Rohatyn, U. S. Ambassador to France, and J. Thomas Cochran, Conference of Mayors Executive Director, brought about thirty German, French,
and U.S. Mayors together to discuss key issues of globalization
and their impact on the world's cities. In Mayor Webb's words, "The century we have just entered will be the century of cities, reflecting
a renewed faith in cities and a rediscovery of the vitality and richness that has long characterized our great urban centers.
"We are facing a new era, owing in large measure to a remarkable confluence of events as the forces of commerce, culture,
technology, and political reconciliation create unprecedented opportunity for all our citizens," Mayor Webb said. "Our cities will
be both the heart and soul of this historic and global transformation." And "globalization gives us new opportunities for partnership," he stressed.
U.S. Delegation Members
In addition to Mayor Webb, the U.S. delegation included Mayors
Victor H. Ashe of Knoxville, past President of the Conference of Mayors; H. Brent Coles of Boise, Conference Vice President;
James A. Garner of Hempstead, Conference Trustee; Clarence Harmon of St. Louis; David W. Moore of Beaumont; Marc H.
Morial of New Orleans, Chair, Advisory Board, Conference of
Mayors; Donald L. Plusquellic of Akron; Susan Savage of Tulsa; Sharon Sayles Belton of Minneapolis; and J. Thomas Cochran, Executive Director of the Conference of Mayors.
Knoxville Mayor Victor Ashe underscored the theme of interdependence: "I have been struck today," he said, "by the
fact that if we remove our language differences, we see that the
issues we mayors face in common go across both continents and across all counties. Mayor Ashe pointed out the power and
potential of the Internet: "The Internet will change society,"
he noted. The issue is "how to harness changes brought about
by the Internet and make it serve people." Mayor Ashe also noted
that it is much cheaper for him to fly to Europe than to San
or to Seattle. New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial: "You
Can't Be a Mayor Today Without Having Your Own Foreign Policy"


"Glocalization" is an historical process whereby localities develop direct economic and cultural relationships to the global system through information technologies, bypassing and subverting
traditional power hierarchies like national governments
and markets.