North American Union

What Is It?


What is the North American Union?   The North American Union is the merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico. It is the integration of our economies, harmonization of laws, open borders and national treatment for foreign businesses and foreign nationals.  De facto, integration means disintegration of national sovereignty.    Ultimately the North American Union will include all of the countries of North and South America into one big non-descript region.


The concept of the North American Union is exactly the same as the European Union.  In Europe it began as the Common Market.  Using the ploy of 'free trade' and the promise of increased prosperity, the people of Europe were persuaded to give up economic sovereignty to a higher level authority called the European Union. 

Look at the European Union and substitute "North American" for European.  Substitute the names of European countries for the states of the United States plus the countries of the Americas


OAS - Trade and Integration


We are about a decade behind the European Union in consolidating power in the unelected, undemocratic supranational governing body.  We're still in the stage of integrating economies through 'free trade', but as soon as that is done, they will name this monster, the North American Union.  The dirty deed will be completed when they conclude the 'free trade' agreements to complete the 'Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)'

In the history of the European Union (link above), it states:

A key activity of the EU is the establishment and administration of a common single market, consisting of a customs union, a single currency (adopted by 12 of the 25 member states), a Common Agricultural Policy and a Common Fisheries Policy. On 29 October 2004, European heads of government signed a Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, which is currently awaiting ratification by individual member states.

Miami - "NAFTA - Will it ever have a European Union Profile?"

Carving a path to [North American] regional governance - "customs union". 

On November 29, 1994, Congressman Bill Richardson placed a speech titled "Free Trade for the Americas: Next Steps" by Ambassador Abelardo L. Valdez into the Congressional Record.  In the speech, Valdez says the following:

...our hemispheric neighborhood and the world have changed dramatically, and the small seed planted at Punta del Este is in the process of blossoming into a hemispheric free trade area, and, I predict, into a future Common Market of the Americas. The North American Free Trade Agreement (`NAFTA') has set the stage for achieving free trade throughout the Americas and strengthening the economic and political relations between the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean.


Punta del Este, Uruguay in 1967

The first summit on the North American Union was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay in 1967.  The idea right from the start was to create a Common Market - integrating the economies, first of the Latin American countries and then the North American countries.


Latin America will create a common market.

"THE PRESIDENTS OF THE LATIN AMERICAN REPUBLICS resolve to create progressively, beginning in 1970, the Latin American Common Market, which shall be substantially in operation in a period of no more than fifteen years. The Latin American Common Market will be based on the complete development and progressive convergence of the Latin American Free Trade Association and of the Central American Common Market, taking into account the interests of, the Latin American countries not yet affiliated with these systems. This great task will reinforce historic bonds, will promote industrial development and, the strengthening of Latin American industrial enterprises, as well as more efficient production and now opportunities for employment, and will permit the region to play its deservedly significant role in world affairs. The ties of friendship among the peoples of the Continent will thus be strengthened."

"Economic integration demands a major sustained effort to build a land transportation network and to improve transportation systems of all kinds so as to open the way for the movement of both people and goods throughout the Continent; to establish an adequate and efficient telecommunications system; to install inter-connected power systems; and to develop jointly international river basins, frontier regions, and economic areas which include the territory of two or more countries."

Remarks at the 36th Annual Washington Conference of the Council of the Americas

Secretary Condoleezza Rice
May 3, 2006

SECRETARY RICE: Thank you. Thank you very much, Bill, for that wonderful introduction. You're a good friend and I appreciate the nice words. Thank you. Let me also thank Susan Segal and Eric Farnsworth for their leadership of the Council. This organization's strong commitment to active U.S. leadership in the Americas, of course, began with David Rockefeller and David, you are a force and we appreciate your commitment and the inspiration that you've had for this organization, but also for U.S.-Latin American relations. Thank you.


President Lyndon B. Johnson


Public Enemy No. 1

David Rockefeller

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

Hidden Face of Globalization

Rockefeller Internationalism

Council of the Americas - May 2001
Setting the New Hemispheric Agenda


Hemispheric Integration

To really understand how all this came about requires that one go back and follow the international agreements and legislation forward.  The following is a brief timeline of the most significant events.  A more complete timeline is available on the front page of this section of the website.

1972 - Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment This agreement called for cooperation between countries on their border regions.  It was following this declaration that Rockefeller initiated the formation of the Trilateral Commission.   [More on the Trilateral Commission]

1981 - U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission was established by Ronald Reagan

1983 - Ronald Reagan signed the La Paz Agreement creating an international zone in our border states.  The La Paz Agreement was a stepping stone to harmonize laws and to integrate U.S. Government departments with Mexican Government Departments.

1988 - Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA) is signed by Ronald Reagan and Brian Mulroney.

1994 - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) becomes effective

2001 - George Bush and Vincente Fox launch the U.S.-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity   Joint Statement - September 6, 2001    More - scroll down for dates Sept 4th thru Sept 7th.  State Dept: Partnership for Prosperity.

Vincente Fox - Address to Congress on September 6, 2001

Inter-American Agreements, Conventions and Other Documents


La Paz Agreement - Border Region










President Ronald Reagan


Security & Prosperity


The initiatives identified in the Security & Prosperity Partnership (SPP) are really not new.  The SPP is simply the public announcement of the integration (dissolution of our sovereign nation).  The steps they take from this point on can't be hidden and can't be done in stealth mode as they have done everything else.  Case in point, the failure to protect our borders and the failure to enforce our laws as it pertains to the invasion of our country by Mexican foreign nationals.  It's all part of the process of breaking our nation.   

Because the idea that our own government officials would commit national suicide is so repugnant and unthinkable, it is useful at this point to look at statements from official government websites so that we can be assured that it is real and not just some wild imaginings of 'conspiracy theorists'.

Caution: Since the 1980's, language has been used to mask the truth of what is being discussed.  The use of the word 'partnership' is case in point.  It sounds friendly and nice - neighborly.  You have to peel off the mask of language and use the real words the words that accurately describe what they are talking about.  "Partnership" means integration - integration of law and the functions of our governments - which by definition means the disintegration of national sovereignty.


Jerome Corsi filed a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents relating to the Security & Prosperity Partnership.  He received over 1,000 documents that can be viewed HERE.


April 21, 2001 (before September 11, 2001 & "terrorism"), Fact Sheet: President's Speech at the Summit of the Americas - Quebec City

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America

Joint Statement - North American Leaders Unveil 'Partnership' 

North American Partnership Offers Agenda of Prosperity

North American Partnership Offers Agenda of Security

SPP.Gov  - Partnership in Treason Website

Canada - Partnership for Prosperity

Trade and Integration of the Americas

Vincente Fox - Address to Congress on September 6, 2001

U.S. State Department - Issues for the 107th Congress (2001)

"President Fox has been urging an expanded European Union-like conception of NAFTA"

Commerce Secretary Carlos Guttierez: United States Looks To Deepen Commercial Ties with Mexico, January 31, 2007

U.S. Treasury - Press Release - April 15, 2002 (PO-2095)

Inter-American Agreements, Conventions and Other Documents



Judicial Watch also submitted a FOIA for the Organization Chart and Contacts for the SPP.  This information was found in PDF form and can be seen HERE.


Robert Pastor, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Building A North American Community (PDF)

Trinational Elites Map North American Future   [PDF]

"As America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." -- Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)




More coming soon....

Why are they doing it?   Apparently the elites and executives of the multinational corporations believe that the concept of 'nation' is quaint and old fashioned.  They believe that somehow they can make the world work under a single global system of 'rules' and 'best practices' handed down from the sapiential circles of Davos and Geneva to non-governmental. social change agents (we call them public-private partnerships) - using 'development' money as the carrot and police state information technology and a globalized military of Special Forces soldiers as the stick.