A World Of One


Many people talk about the New World Order, but I wonder how many really understand what that means beyond some nebulous concept of a ruling elite.  At a little deeper level, it means bringing order out of chaos.  At the deepest level, it means sacrificing our humanity for global efficiency - global normalization.  

In the world of computer systems design, normalization is a technique for efficiently organizing data.  It is a process of continual refinement of organization to reach optimum efficiency.  There are five steps to normalization[1] but efficiency is usually reached in three.

 First normal form  

Identify your tables based on your requirements (needs), identify the primary (unique) key element then eliminate duplicate data elements

Second normal form

Remove subsets of data that apply to multiple tables and create new tables thereby further reducing redundancy.   Create cross-reference relationships (foreign keys) between the old tables and the new tables.

Third normal form 

Remove data that is not dependent on the primary key


Here is where you need to drop your humanity.  Think of the world as a system and the people in it - as data elements, then apply normalization steps.  We need one set of laws that apply universally. In this system, we need only one government - global, with subsets for local control.  Eliminate national governments as redundant.  We need one land mass for manufacturing.  We need one land mass for agriculture.  We need one retailer - Walmart to provide household goods for masses.  We need only one source of news and information.  Global normalization means eliminating duplicates and redundancies as it pertains to people and businesses. 


This is where globalization and ‘free trade’ are taking us - to a World Of One.   If you are a duplicate or redundant, you are a useless eater and need to be eliminated - efficiency demands it.  If you are not of the right genetic quality, you need to be eliminated.   If you are old and worn out, you must be eliminated.   In the World of One, to attain maximum efficiency, only the highest quality and newest, may be retained. 


It would be easy to dismiss such thinking because it is obviously psychotic.  But, if one looks at the actions of the Bush Administration since they took office, the psychosis is visible in everything their every action.  It did not begin with the Bush Administration; it was in the planning years before the Year 2000 rollover.  The Year 2000 computer problem provided the means and opportunity to execute a coup d’etat on the U.S. government. 


A partnership between the military and the private sector has given rise to the World Of One.  Terrorism executed by a network of Special Forces perhaps on contract to the Pentagon or a cancerous thread within the military - probably both is the method through which the military and private sector are driving changes in law to allow normalization to take place.  As we have seen, there has been a breakdown of privacy laws, a breakdown of law and order, a breakdown of government infrastructure - turning it over to private hands, there has been a breakdown in military norms - approval for torture - which is a method of terrorism in itself.    Most telling is the consolidation of power into the hands of a few. 


The creation of the Department of Homeland Security is evidence.  The hiring of former KGB and East German Secret Police add to this evidence.  The ostensible purpose of the Homeland Security Department was to protect us.  But rather than protecting us, they actually block the Border Patrol’s efforts to protect our borders.  They harass white haired grandmothers at airports, they search babies and they fondle pregnant women. 


The Pope said recently that an evil has been unleashed on the world - and he is right.  The evil is the World of One.   The scheme was brilliant.  Sell the left on the concept of globalization to lift the third world out of poverty.  Sell the right on the concept of maximized profits and every man for himself.  By creating tunnels of thought, neither side can see that the utopian world they envision is not possible.  In the normalized World of One, poor people are useless eaters that must be eliminated - See Darfar.   In the normalized World of One, productive people are useful only until they can be replaced by cheaper productive people or until such time as their function can be eliminated all together. 


Paraphrasing what Steven Metz, an expert in insurgencies said, “If we think about the future as only this choice or that choice, we are never going to understand the essence of the conflict, and we will never be able to craft an appropriate strategy”.  The Democrats and Republicans have constructed such a world for us.  They have built tunnels through which we view the world and it prevents us from understanding the essence of the conflict.



Pathways to the World Of One



It is unquestioned that the United States is the driving force globalization and free trade.  And it was George Bush Sr. who first - at least for me, used the term ‘New World Order’.  The problem that the One Worlder’s had is that because of our system of government the pathways to the World of One were blocked in many ways.  We have those bothersome elections that occasionally replace facilitators of the New World Order.  That’s why the Year 2000 election was critical and why there was such a vicious battle for the crown. 


Through election polling, it was known that the decision would come down to Florida - or perhaps it was engineered to come down to Florida using the same method that was used in Florida.  Katherine Harris, Secretary of State hired Choice Point to purge the voter rolls of enough democratic voters to swing the election.  The scheme was almost foiled but the Supreme Court obligingly selected the winner thereby setting into motion the plan for the destruction of the United States as a nation.   The use of an outside contractor for the purge supplied plausible deniability for Harris and Brother Jeb.


Immediately after the Supreme Court decision, the thing that stuck most clearly in my mind was the rush to grab the reins of power.  They couldn’t even wait for an orderly transition.  Their campaign contributors went so far as to rent outside offices so that they could begin setting up their government.  Among Dick Cheney’s first official acts in office was to hold secret meeting with energy lobbyists and corporate leaders supposedly to set the national energy policy.  Since secret meetings like this are an anathema to democratic processes and open government, Judicial Watch sued to find out both who attended these meetings and what was discussed.  Whether officially acknowledged or not, it is known that Ken Lay of Enron was among the participants.  There is one email[2] from an energy official to an energy lobbyist that indicates Cheney’s policy on energy better than any other evidence: 

"If you were King, or Il Duce, what would you include in a national energy policy, especially with respect to natural gas issues?"

Obviously Ken Lay’s request of Il Duce must have been, “Just ignore what we are going to do to California”.  As a result, Enron was able to extort billions of dollars from California electric customers.  Il Duce heard, saw and spoke no evil regarding Enron’s bleeding of California.   The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) didn’t think that energy price manipulation was within the sphere of their responsibility to stop.  Even when the fraud was exposed, the FERC denied California ratepayers requests for refunds of the ill-gotten gains due to fraud[3].   The top two corporate leaders of Enron are still walking around free - claiming the Dunce Defense.  The third man in line and his wife got a few years easy time in jail. 


The billions of dollars stolen from Californians went missing; Enron filed bankruptcy cheating both shareholders and their employees out of even more billions of dollars and Enron is back in business - living to steal again. 


At the time that this was all going on, I was still in the Matrix watching Fox News on a daily basis.  They hammered Governor Gray Davis for being so stupid as to deregulate wholesale energy prices while leaving retail prices regulated thereby setting up California ratepayers for the kill.  That set the stage for the ‘incompetent’ Gov. Davis to be recalled.  Years later, during an interview with Gray Davis, it was revealed that deregulation occurred when Pete Wilson was Governor.  Gray Davis had nothing to do with it.  ‘Coincidently’,  Pete Wilson became Arnold Schwarzenegger’s campaign manager and it came to light that Ahnuld had met with Key Lay[4] in May of 2001 - before Enron’s collapse.   


Just looking at the history of Enron and their rise to global prominence, the quality of the fraud, the complicity of Wall Street and the media, it’s fairly obvious - to this writer anyway, that Enron was a creation - built and marketed on fraud - image without substance for the purpose of stealing billions of dollars.   The Enron fraud exposed the extent of Wall Street corruption and the manipulation of the market.    Following Enron’s collapse, there was Worldcom[5], Global Crossing[6] and a host of other ‘creations’ of the dot.com era that filed for bankruptcy - stealing billions from shareholders and employees. 



How is this tied into the World of One?  Arthur Andersen was The World of One accounting and computer consulting firm.  They assisted Enron, Worldcom and Global Crossing in setting up the accounting schemes and tricks to steal billions of dollars from Americans.  They faded off into the sunset only to resurface under the name of Accenture[7].  They are now contracting with the Department of Homescam Security[8].  Here again, Il Duce sees, hears and speaks no evil. 



If the computer says so….


Even as people have become more familiar with computers through use of PC’s, they still have no idea what goes on behind the scenes - what makes them work.  There is almost a blind faith… “if the computer says so, it must be true”.  The large computer consulting firms like Andersen exploit that ignorance.  In fact, the marketing technique that has been used on unsuspecting firms as been - “you just focus on your core business - let us take care of your computer systems”.   Corporate management never understood the value of their information systems and their employees who designed and wrote them.  It never occurred to them that the efficiencies gained that allowed their core business to grow and develop were due to those computer systems.  The computer systems are the heart of any large corporation or organization.  If an insurgent force gets control of the computer systems, they control the core business - de facto.  If the people who are managing the computer systems are dishonest, they can manipulate the data in whatever way they want to show whatever they want.   This was how Arthur Andersen manipulated the books of the companies where they consulted.  They were the accountants that wrote the requirements for the computer systems, they wrote the systems and then they audited the systems.  This is like having the mafia design your security system and then asking them to verify that it is secure and then leaving them in charge to guard the gates. 


Update 11/11/2007  and now apply the above to corporate management of government and the corporate contracts to run government computer systems.   

Vicky Davis




[1] Database Normalization Basics, Mike Chapple, http://databases.about.com/od/specificproducts/a/normalization.htm

[2] Judicial Watch, http://www.judicialwatch.org/1770.shtml

[3] http://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/101503Leopold/101503leopold.html