The Biggest, Big Lie


If you're like most people, when you hear the term 'Free Trade', you probably imagine something like this:

Free Trade!

Importing Teas and Spices From the Orient

Exporting 21st Century American Technology and Know-How to the

Close your eyes and take a deep breath... can't you just smell the salt air, Matey?    Well, snap out of it because that's not what 'Free Trade' is about.

"America's trade policies are connected to our broader economic, political, and security aims. This intellectual integration may confound some trade scholars, but it follows in the footsteps of the architects of reconstruction after 1945." 
Robert Zoellick

As Robert Zoellick implies, U.S. trade policy has been used as a foreign relations tool to spread "democracy" - supposedly to end the Cold War.  Looking at the external debt report from the CIA World Fact Book, clearly the net effect has been to export American wealth and to buy back on credit what were American products from the foreign countries we were "democratizing".  The joke is on us.  The "good, American jobs created by 'free trade' are in foreign countries - benefiting foreigners and the exported American corporations.    

We'll just convert to

"FREE energy"

And Build 

Windmills for the World!

At this point, the export of American wealth should be obvious to all.  But the other side of it - the importation of communism has not been so obvious primarily because the American people were mis-educated as to the nature of communism.  If you ask, most people will respond that communism is a system in which the government owns everything and the economy is centrally planned.  That description is only partially true.  In reality, Communism is feudalism in an industrialized, modern state and people are the chattel of the Overlords.    

The 'system' of communism is institutionalized theft and corruption, gang (group) warfare against the individual - suppression of initiative and self-expression, social conditioning, forced deference to state planning (police state) and the pathologies that result from what is in effect, state-run slavery.  You as a "worker" are a factor of production.  In the communist system, you are a forced worker - a slave for the state and of course, slaves can't own property and can't accumulate wealth.  All you can do is survive on the meager dole of the state as remuneration for your assigned position in the state monopoly.  


The Marshall Plan

The United States had a good idea 60 years ago - 'The Marshall Plan'.   Unfortunately, once the bureaucracy was in motion towards the goal of the Marshall Plan, it became the mission of the U.S. government rather than temporary assistance for the war torn countries of Europe.  In just 60 short years, they've been able to accomplish through central economic planning what military might would never have been able to do - they are bringing down western civilization... grinding it under heals of global communism.  When Khrushchev said, "we will bury you", he wasn't kidding.  The irony is that the Soviets aren't burying us - we are committing national suicide at the hands of the traitors and criminals within.        

Very simply, following World War II, the infrastructure of Western Europe was in shambles and as a result the economies of the European countries were in shambles.   The original idea was to have Germany pay punitive reparations for the costs to the world for the German Nazi movement:

"In Potsdam in July, British Prime Minister Clement Attlee, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, and Truman set their common goals—the four Ds—for Germany: democratization, denazification, demilitarization, and decartellization (the break-up of trusts and industrial conglomerates). Germany was also to pay reparations for war damages; a total benchmark figure of $20 billion in cash and in kind was discussed, with $10 billion going to the Soviet Union. Because most of Germany's industrial capacity lay in the Ruhr Valley and thus outside the Soviet Zone, the Allies agreed that for reparation purposes Germany, considered within its 1937 boundaries (minus territories ceded to Poland and the Soviet Union), was to be treated as an economic unit with central administrative organs for the four zones. Reparations in kind—the dismantling of factories and compulsory export of manufactured goods and foodstuffs—fit the stated purpose of JCS 1067 as well as the overall Allied policy of punishment and retribution for postwar Germany. This agreement was fraught with pitfalls, but in the summer of 1945, few Americans worried about the long-term political and socioeconomic consequences of such a policy toward Germany nor how western concepts of democracy and free enterprise might co-exist with the Soviet-style one-party rule and a state-run economy." Robert A. Selig,  America's Long Road to the Federal Republic of Germany (West)

Then, somebody gave serious thought to Stalin and the Communist Soviet Union to the east:

"The Soviet Union derived its raison d'être from the ideology of Marxism-Leninism; Stalin's world was a bipolar one of antagonistic and mutually exclusive ideologies and their ancillary political and economic systems. The antagonism would eventually be overcome through world-revolutionary violence, which made Stalin's regime expansionist by definition. Even before the war with Nazi Germany was over, Stalin had already accepted the possibility of a future conflict of ideologies with the west. In April 1945 he told Yugoslav communist Milovan Djilas: "This is not a war as in the past: Whoever occupies a territory will also determine its societal system. Everyone introduces his own system as far as his own army can advance. It can't be any other way."

A deindustrialized and demilitarized Germany would have been a sitting duck for Stalin and his ambitions.  If Germany fell to communism, then the rest of western Europe would fall because the functioning Soviet industries would move to fill the gap of the destroyed industries of the west bringing the communist system with them.  As a result, the "Economic Recovery Act of 1948" - The Marshall Plan - named for George C. Marshall because he proposed the idea at Harvard in 1947 - became the authorization for post-war recovery assistance. 

Excerpts from a State Dept article titled, "The Marshall Plan, A Strategy That Worked":

"Kennan and his new State Department Policy Planning Staff produced one of the master documents from which the Marshall Plan eventually flowed.... But there was a specifically European dimension to the Marshall effort. Europe's evil genie, said people like Kennan, Assistant Secretary of State Dean Acheson, and future ERP Ambassador Averell Harriman, was nationalism. If that root of Nazi-fascism and other 20th-century rivalries could be bottled up in an integrated European economic framework, the resulting prosperity might dampen nationalist competition, prevent future armed conflicts, and obviate U.S. involvement in future European wars."

The above State Department document contains many important details concerning the Marshall Plan, but there is a bit of spin in it.  The writer says that the twin objectives were modernization and integration but a more accurate description that gives a clearer definition of the objectives with respect to past and current events is 'Security and Prosperity'.   Prosperity through the breakdown of national barriers for economic integration and collective security for the western European countries.  In other words, the goal was to create a United States of Europe.   And the U.S. State Department had a major role in the planning and implementation of it.  (Continuing excerpts).  

...After a long winter of discussion, some stopgap help, and greatly increased tension in East-West relations, the European Recovery Program was born officially with an act of Congress signed by President Truman in April 1948. To administer the project, a new federal agency, the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA), was established. Truman, a Democrat, signified his intent to secure bipartisan support for the program by appointing a Republican, Studebaker automobile company CEO Paul G. Hoffmann, as ECA head. Expenditures began to flow immediately, under tight congressional supervision.

The program's official enactment identified the supreme objective as creating in Western Europe "a healthy economy independent of extraordinary outside assistance" by 1952. To this end, comments the economic historian Immanuel Wexler, "the act stipulated a recovery plan based on four specific endeavors: (1) a strong production effort, (2) expansion of foreign trade, (3) the creation and maintenance of internal financial stability, and (4) the development of (European) economic cooperation."

In Europe the clash of imported and native models provided the energy to set the great 1950s boom going. The European Recovery Program had supplied the spark to set the chain reaction in motion. In 1957 came the Treaty of Rome, which launched the European Economic Community. Although this scheme of fledgling economic integration was far less radical than the American visionaries of 1949 had demanded, of the inheritance left by the Marshall Plan and its promises, none was more concrete. This founding document initiated Europe's peaceful economic integration, a process that continues to this day.


The Blueprint

A declassified State Department report titled, "Summary of the Department's Position on the Content of a European Recovery Plan" provides an overview of objectives, requirements and issue areas for the reorganization of the economic and political systems of Europe.

Noteworthy excerpts:

  • Essential Elements.  Concrete proposals for area-wide recovery of agriculture and basic industries -- coal, steel, transport, and power -- which are fundamental to viable European economy.

  • Progressive replacement of bilateral trading arrangements by more effective multilateral arrangements for expanding intra-European trade, looking if possible, toward an eventual European Customs Union.

  • "While in many respects the long-run gains of European economic integration in terms of specialization of production and economic location -- achieved ideally through both a customs and a currency union -- would be the most beneficial consequences of a recovery program, these goals must be put in perspective in relation to more urgent short-run needs.

  • Role of the UN.  "Department supports fullest practicable use of United Nations bodies and specialized agencies in carrying out of program.  This includes continued international allocation of coal through ECE Coal Committee and food through IEFC Committees, and technical planning work in ECE Committees on transport and power.  Sympathetic to assignment to ECE of additional functions related to program.  But Dept recognizes that coordination of European program and integration of UN activities with needs of this special program will probably have to be retained in organization composed only of participants (including bizonal Germany).  In view possibilities systematic obstruction to ECE effectiveness, special European recovery organization must be able to handle entire program and must be prepared to assume promptly functions assigned to other organizations if they prove ineffective. 

  • Continuing Organization.  Dept recognizes that present Conference cannot possibly make complete blueprint for European recovery over next several years.  Initial program must conform to all above elements, but many details of its application will remain for further study.  Modifications are also to be expected during negotiations with the U.S. before acceptance and in continuing development of any accepted program.  Emphasis should be given to major role of continuing organization of participating countries (plus bizonal German area), both in implementing and in progressively refining any agreed program.

A more detailed view of the State Department's Blueprint for European Recovery is contained in a document that was in the files of John Snyder of the Treasury Dept.  This document is titled, "The Marshall Proposal of Assistance to Europe", dated July 10, 1947. 


The flow of goods may be impeded by insurmountable obstacles to trade.  These problems are being dealt with by the I.T.O., but it is possible that specific regional arrangements applicable to certain parts of Europe may establish definite areas of "freer trade".  This cannot,  however, be a short-run development; and then it is well not to forget that today the most formidable hindrances to normal trade are found in the foreign exchange regulations and the dwindling monetary reserves, necessitating a cut in imports - hindrances which should be partially, if not wholly, removed by the application of the Marshall programme. 

Main Objectives of American Policy:

  1. Restore an international monetary system of sufficient stability for the most rigid controls to be removed

  2. Reduce trade barriers to foreign trade, in particular quantitative restrictions and various obnoxious forms of discrimination (one of the provisions of the lend-lease agreements and now the principal objective of the International Trade Organization)

  3. To contribute by sound loans to the reconstruction of war-stricken countries (one of the objectives of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

[Different Stages of Tackling the problem.]  The methods of coordination applied by the European countries participating in the Marshall programme will be decided upon at the July meetings in Paris.  The first task will be to prepare a plan for action in the autumn of 1947.  But only a limited number of problems will find their solution at so early a date.  There are, of course, greater tasks confronting the European countries, including such questions as a freer movement of population, which may more easily be solved on a regional basis for Europe than for the world as a whole.

Isador Lubin and Wassily Leontief

Isador Lubin was an Economist and a statistical genius who was hired by the government during the New Deal era to provide the government with statistics and analyses that were the foundational support for the New Deal programs.  Roosevelt appointed him to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1941.  His role in the Marshall plan was documented in a 2005 BLS article titled, "BLS and the Marshall Plan:  the forgotten story".


"Prior to and during the Second World War, Lubin was assigned an office in the White House West Wing and served as special statistical advisor to President Franklin Roosevelt". 

"Lubin had authorized BLS to create a small research unit at Harvard University in 1941; the unit under the direction of Wassily Leontief, constructed the first official input-output table.  Leontief's new technique employed a system of double entry bookkeeping that tabulated the transactions of any one transactor group industry with all other groups.  It included the flow of intermediate as well as final output.  [ Note:  English translation is that he compiled supply chain tables of industry inputs and outputs.  The reports from these statistics allowed them to selectively target one component in a production process because it would stop the entire chain of production.  For instance, coal is an input to the steel industry and steel is the output.  If you don't have coal, you can't make steel.]

The technique had proved useful to the Office of Strategic Services during the war, helping to pinpoint bombing targets of those German industries crucial to the war effort.  Its earliest domestic application had been an estimate made in 1944 for the Planning Division of the War Production Board".  

[Wiki history of the OSS:   On the suggestion of Canadian spymaster William Stephenson, the senior representative of British intelligence in the western hemisphere, Roosevelt directed Stephenson's friend William J. Donovan, a World War I veteran, Medal of Honor recipient and New York lawyer, to draft a plan for an intelligence service. Donovan was employed to evaluate the global military position in order to offer suggestions concerning American intelligence requirements because the US did not have a central intelligence agency. After submitting his work, "Memorandum of Establishment of Service of Strategic Information," Gen. Donovan was appointed as the "Co-ordinator of Information" in July, 1941.]

Donovan was a member of the New York City "Establishment," a powerful Wall Street lawyer and a Columbia Law School classmate (1908) (but credited to 1907) of Franklin D. Roosevelt, although they were not close at the time.

Donovan forged ahead, though, and began to lay the groundwork for a centralized intelligence program. It was he who organized the COI's New York headquarters in Room 3603 of Rockefeller Center in October, 1941 and asked Allen Dulles to head it; the offices Dulles took over had been the location of the operations of Britain's MI6.]

President Franklin Roosevelt appointed Isador Lubin as Minister to the Allied Reparations Commission in 1945 after recognizing Lubin’s current service on the War Production Board, his experience with the War Industries Board during World War I, and his intimate knowledge of the mistakes that had led to hyperinflation.21 

[Note:  There is a discrepancy between the BLS account and the American Presidency Project.  BLS says Roosevelt appointed Lubin - but the APP says that Truman appointed Lubin on April 27, 1945.  Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945.  When I was researching 9/11, I found a video named, 9/11 - Creating the Myth.  They had a clip of Jerome Hauer so I researched him.  I found an article written by a woman named Theresa. 

"Hauer seems to specialize in the art of holding down several different jobs at the same time. While he started to work for the NIH in September 2001, he remained a Managing Director at Kroll Associates - the official security and bodyguard company for all American presidents since World War II. Kroll Associates is also the security company for the Sears Tower."

[Kroll Link:  Kroll Associates, a security consultant firm, which was renamed to Kroll Inc. in August 2001, started in New York City in 1972. In December 1997, Kroll merged with armored car manufacturer O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt to form The Kroll-O'Gara Company. O'Gara is responsible for the security of all US-Presidents since 1945. However the background of Kroll is very interesting, too: In 1993, Maurice Greenberg's American International Group (AIG ->), became co-owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll Associates, as a result of rescuing Kroll from bankruptcy with a cash infusion. Kroll was notorious during the 1980s as the "CIA of Wall Street" due to the prevalence of former CIA, FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British Special Air Service men Kroll employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign nations.


The immediate issue facing Lubin, therefore, was an approach to the handling of German reparations in a way that would not further devastate Germany’s industrial productive capacity. He knew that German industry was central to the recovery of Western Europe, but that its importance had to be measured in commodity terms in order to be effectively noninflationary. To tackle the problem, Lubin needed standardized measurements, that is, statistical data on the reparations Germany could afford, the state of German industrial capacity, and the living standards of the German population.  For answers, he turned to BLS, of which he was still technically the Commissioner....

The Truman Administration. During the early days of the Truman Administration, in the postwar period, there had been some debate as to how best to seek a remedy to the devastation that had engulfed Western Europe. Two schools of thought emerged.13 One, known as the “fundamentalist” approach, favored the granting of charity and loans to these countries and the continuing implementation of the efforts of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.  A second approach, motivated by enlightened self-interest, was forwarded by American big business and gained influence within the Administration. Known as the “progressive” approach, it reasoned that if America could tutor Europe in the techniques of American productivity, the problem would be permanently solved.14 The progressives also looked to a tariff-free and integrated European economy as a solution to postwar recovery. It was the belief of U.S. Under Secretary of State William Clayton that Europe’s interwar failure to keep pace with American economic growth had sprung from national rivalries, which had led to tariff restrictions throughout Europe and constraints on international trade. America viewed European markets as too local and advocated their integration and expansion. It was a belief shared by Lubin.

A key component of the Marshall Plan, put forward in 1947, called for cooperative meetings of the 16 European nations who would be its beneficiaries. These nations met in Paris in 1947 and formed what came to be known as the Organization for European Economic Cooperation. It was the belief that this Organization would unanimously determine what Europe’s economic needs would be and help give shape and substance to the Marshall Plan. Chief among the issues to be resolved would be the opening of tariff-free European markets to the products of American industry.

[Wiki Refer back to William Donovan:    In 1949, he became chairman of the newly-founded American Committee on United Europe, which worked to counter the new Communist threat to Europe by promoting European political unity.

Wiki: The American Committee on United Europe (ACUE), founded in 1949, was an American organization which sought to counter the Communist threat in Europe by promoting European political integration. Its first chairman was ex-wartime OSS head, William Joseph Donovan.[1]

Declassified American government documents have shown that the ACUE was an important early funder of both the European Movement and the European Youth Campaign. The ACUE itself received funding from the Rockefeller and Ford foundations.

The U.S. policy was to promote a United States of Europe, and to this end the committee was used to discretely funnel CIA funds - by the mid 50's ACUE was receiving roughly $1,000,000 USD per year - to European pro-federalists supporting such organizations as the Council of Europe, the Schumann plan, and the proposed West European army.[2]


"Lubin was named U.S. Representative to the Temporary Subcommittee on the Economic Reconstruction of Devasted Areas, which was created by the Economic and Employment Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, serving from 1946 to 1949. He was one of the group of State Department officials who saw Germany as the key to the integration of Europe. They felt that German unity could not be achieved without the unity of Europe, and that the unity of Europe could best be approached “crabwise” through technical cooperation in economic matters. These ideas were the beginning of the concepts that led to the Marshall Plan proposal.25


Treaties Uniting Europe

Information and links from the website named, "Treaty of Rome".  Compare these treaties to the plans listed above in the Top Secret State Department reports that were produced in 1947:

Link to history of the 'Treaty of Paris'

The ECSC Treaty was signed in Paris in 1951 and brought France, Germany, Italy and the Benelux countries together in a Community with the aim of organising free movement of coal and steel and free access to sources of production. In addition to this, a common High Authority supervised the market, respect for competition rules and price transparency. This treaty is the origin of the institutions as we know them today.

"Thus the idea of pooling Franco-German coal and steel production came about and the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was formed. This choice was not only economic but also political, as these two raw materials were the basis of the industry and power of the two countries. The underlying political objective was to strengthen Franco-German solidarity, banish the spectre of war and open the way to European integration.

The French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, in his famous declaration of 9 May 1950 , proposed that Franco-German coal and steel production be placed under a common High Authority within the framework of an organisation in which other European countries could participate."

Treaty of Rome - 1957.   The Six (referring to Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) decided, on 25 March 1957 with the Treaty of Rome, to build a European Economic Community (EEC) based on a wider common market covering a whole range of goods and services.


Jumping to the present day website of the State Department:

Policy Planning Staff

Mission Statement

Fusing Thought With Action: The Mission and Purpose of the Policy Planning Staff

Created in 1947 by George Kennan at the request of Secretary of State George C. Marshall, the Policy Planning Staff (S/P) serves as a source of independent policy analysis and advice for the Secretary of State. The Policy Planning Staff's mission is to take a longer term, strategic view of global trends and frame recommendations for the Secretary of State to advance U.S. interests and American values.

In his memoirs Present at the Creation, former Secretary of State Dean Acheson characterized the role of Policy Planning: "To anticipate the emerging form of things to come, to reappraise policies which had acquired their own momentum and went on after the reasons for them had ceased, and to stimulate and, when necessary, to devise basic policies crucial to the conduct of our foreign affairs."


The summation of my analysis of the information above is as follows:

The United Nations started out with a covert mission directed by the State Department to break down the sovereignty of European nations for the purpose of facilitating the business interests of America's industrialists - most specifically the Rockefeller Empire.  After the war, the Office of Strategic Services became the CIA and was connected to the Rockefeller Empire via William Donovan.  It would appear that the mission of the CIA was actually industrial espionage - the information from which was fed into the Input-Output Systems of Leontieff and the BLS.   That information was used to set both American domestic policy and Foreign Policy executed through the cover of the UN as directed by the State Department Policy Planning Staff and by the CIA when the Jackals were needed to convince "the target" of the wisdom of going along with the State Dept. (Rockefeller - UN) policy. 

- To Be Continued -