Several weeks ago, Jane Lesko of
Idaho Eagle Forum reported that a woman had come to her door with a
handheld device. In talking to the woman, Jane found out that the
GPS coordinates of everyone's front door was being collected.
According to the woman, she was doing "address canvassing" for the
Following some investigative work into Census Bureau contracts it was
discovered that among others, Michael Baker Jr. Corporation was given a
$10 million contract for data collections services that involve Global
Positioning System (GPS) technology.
Excerpts from an article titled, "Baker
Firm Lands Census GPS Work"
"The contract calls on Baker to serve as project manager and
provide GPS coordinate data points to validate the spatial accuracy
of the division's Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and
Referencing (TIGER) system. The project encompasses data collection
in nearly 1,200 counties throughout the United States. Baker
officials expect that the project will require more than three years
of fieldwork and data analysis."
"A focus on validation and accuracy of GPS data points is
expected to play a key role in the bureau's plan to modernize
data-management for the 2010 census. In a budget initiative
statement for the 2003 fiscal year, Preston Jay Waite, associate
director for de-cennial census, said that an updated master address
file (MAF) and an accompanying improved TIGER database, with GPS
positional accuracy, would be a key part of a census
In the course of researching the Shadow Government - the regional
organizations that lurk in the shadows and who direct the activities of
the ballot box puppets, it was discovered that the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) has a map modernization project that you - the
taxpayers are paying for via the Department of Homescam Security / FEMA
budget. One of the purposes for the map modernization project is
for the National Flood Insurance Program. Michael J. Baker Jr.
Corporation is the project manager for the map modernization project:
Michael J. Baker Jr. Corp.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc., an engineering
unit of Michael Baker Corporation (NYSE Alternext US: BKR), is the
recipient of an Honor Award from the American Council of Engineering
Companies of Metropolitan Washington (ACEC/MW) in the 2008-2009 ACEC/MW
Engineering Excellence Awards Competition for their work on the National
Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL). Baker developed and deployed the NFHL under
contract to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). [NFHL
is the Flood Hazard Layer of the TIGER System].
Arkansas Geographic Information
Arkansas GIS Gateway: "Michael Baker Corporation, out of
Denton, TX, is the Project Manager for the MapMOD Program in Arkansas.
They have made availiable several brochures from FEMA that offers great
insights into the MapMOD Program and information about a community
becomming a Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) with FEMA."

MAPMOD Project (Notice
the name at the bottom of the page) - emphasis added
Flood Map Modernization Program
The Department of Homeland
Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as the agency
responsible for administration of the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP), conducts flood hazard studies and prepares flood
Flood Map Modernization (Map Mod)
is FEMA’s multi-year effort to update the Nation’s flood maps and
present the map data in a digital environment thereby transforming
the flood maps into a more reliable, easier-to-use, and readily
available product.
As part of Map Mod, FEMA has
established a partnership with a National Service Provider, known as
the Mapping on Demand (MOD) team. The mission of the MOD team is to
assist FEMA in meeting Map Mod’s goals. The MOD team Regional
Management Centers (RMCs) are co-located with the FEMA Regions and
collaborate with them on a daily basis to reach these goals, by
helping FEMA:
- Develop technology to
facilitate the cost-effective production, distribution, and
usefulness of modernized flood maps
- Provide effective program
management to efficiently run Map Mod and meet the mandates
established by Congress for budget and schedule
- Empower the user community
to understand and accept the products developed by Map Mod
- Encourage and enable partners
to deliver results by taking ownership of flood mapping process
and products, effectively using the standard tools and
technology available nationwide
FEMA - Map
Modernization Project
FEMA Map Service Center
Product Price List
So tax dollars pay to build the
systems, collect the data, and then the information collected is sold.
And, that's not all - the taxpayers pay to build the systems and
collect the data through every agency that uses the same information.
I call that a racket.
Notice in the above graphic of the GIS Map
Modernization program - the "Political Layer". The political
layer is where the personal information collected from the American
Community Survey will reside and it will be stored based on the GPS
coordinates of your front door.
The following is an excerpt from the
Prepared Statement of Charles Louis Kincannon, Director of the U.S.
Census Bureau for a Congressional Hearing on March 1, 2006 that was
posted as a press release on the Census Bureau website (emphasis added):
Good morning. On behalf of the U.S.
Census Bureau, I want to thank Chairman Turner and the Subcommittee
on Federalism and the Census for inviting me to testify on the
progress of the 2010 Decennial Census Program. Today, we are four
years and one month from Census Day. Because of your support, many
of the key planning and operational components of the 2010
reengineered census are already underway, including the
fully-implemented American Community Survey; the address list and
map, known as MAF/TIGER, consolidation and modernization;
and the 2010 Census testing and preparation activities.1
Each of these components is an integral part of a successful 2010
Decennial Census Program.
The success of the decennial census
is the Census Bureau’s largest priority, and represents sixty
percent of the President’s FY2007 budget request for the Census
Bureau. This request includes approximately $184 million for
salaries and expenses, as well as $182 million for other economic
and demographic programs conducted by the Census Bureau. The budget
request of $512 million, an increase of $64 million from last year,
for the Decennial Census Program includes $180 million for the
American Community Survey; $74 million for MAF/TIGER; and $258
million for 2010 Census activities.
The American Community
Survey, the nation’s largest continuous household survey, is crucial
to the overall success of the decennial census because it replaces
the long form. This will allow the Census Bureau to
conduct a short-form only census and fully focus its efforts on the
constitutional responsibility of the census—an accurate, complete
enumeration. The American Community Survey also provides annual,
up-to-date estimates for the characteristics of the population.
Because of strong congressional support, the American Community
Survey is on track and moving toward its goals. The American
Community Survey began full implementation in 2005, when the
survey’s sample size reached three million housing units per year,
or about 250,000 housing units per month. We have been able to
maintain high response rates throughout the survey. In January 2006,
we began the last phase of full implementation by incorporating
group quarters data collection in the survey.
The American Community Survey is
important to the nation, because it strengthens the nation’s data
infrastructure by providing timely local data that will
enhance decision-making at all levels of government, as well as the
private sector.
The Census Bureau is
conducting an extensive, nation-wide operation to modernize and
consolidate MAF/TIGER. We are using GPS to align
streets of the TIGER maps and working with communities to ensure we
do not miss a new neighborhood. These objectives are supported by
the 2007 budget request for $74 million for the MAF/TIGER
Enhancement Program. To date, working with the Harris Corporation,
we have realigned the streets and roads for approximately 1,700 of
the nation’s counties, with about 1,600 more to go in order to reach
completion by April 2008. This improvement is significant because
the TIGER system and census data are national resources used by
both the public and private sectors to make decisions affecting the
quality of life throughout the United States. TIGER is
used by the US Geological Survey (USGS) for the National Map, as
well as commercial applications.
With this information, whoever has a
copy of the TIGER database will be able to enter your address and find
out just about everything about you - what assets you have - or don't
have, what the demographics of the neighborhood are ("this is a rich
neighborhood, they can afford a big tax increase in the value of their
homes"; "this is a poor neighborhood, we could improve our
economic position if we ran them out of there"), etc.
Prediction for the 2020
The Nationalized Medical Records System
will be fully implemented and a new layer of health information will be
added to the TIGER database. The CMS and CDC will partner with the
Census Bureau to design a new section in the American Community Survey.
Rumor has it that in addition to all the other data collected, the
census taker's, they will be required to count the pimples on your butt.
This information will be useful to the CDC for their Butt Pimple
Eradication Program. But this is all speculation at this
point. We'll have to wait and see what happens.
But in the meantime, you might want to
start practicing saying, "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" to the Census Bureau
for anything other than the number of persons living in your home and
their names.
Vicky Davis
May 31, 2009
Related stories:
Big Brother at your Front Door
GPS Census Alert! Alert! Alert!