Student Comments on IB



It's rare to get a glimpse of the discord that shows up when an International Baccalaureate (IB) Program moves into a school -- which is why this student's description of what took place at his school in Tucson, Arizona is important to read (see below my note).

We need to pay attention. IB is spreading through the U.S. public school system -- supported by deceit and bullying. Public input is removed from any schools that implement IB.

As of today (2/26/09), IBO lists 981 school locations in the U.S. that are authorized to deliver their programs. In 2005, the number was 597 when I was researching IB.


The following appeared in the Arizona Daily Star newspaper's online comments. Note: Marica Volpe is the Principal of Cholla High School in Tucson, Arizona] Emphasis added:

10. Comment by Will H. (Steelers) ‹ May 2,2007 @ 12:34PM

Marica Volpe is ruining Cholla High School. She is destroying any chance we have at a quality education, by forcing the teachers to teach classes that they are either not qualified to teach or that they are over qualified to teach. She is the cause of over 25 Cholla staff not returning next year. As a Cholla student I believe Marica Volpe is the cause of our school's rapid deterioration, and will be the cause of many Cholla students graduating undereducated and under prepared for the work that lies ahead. She has attempted to strong-arm many teachers into teaching classes under the auspices of the new International Baccalaureate program, and if they refuse she takes from them the classes that they enjoy teaching, such as certain electives and A.P. classes. As a result, we lose some of our best teachers and our favorite classes are handed over to inexperienced teachers. She has deliberately chosen these inexperienced teachers because they will be easily manipulated to her will, and they know not the consequences of Volpe's actions. This a deliberate attack on the teachers and a despicable act that drastically affects the quality of our education. We are in desperate need of a new principal and an administrative staff that does not worry about keeping their jobs, but about the students and our education. I feel Marica Volpe has violated my rights as a student in a TUSD school, rights that the school board has set down, the right to a quality education in a nurturing learning environment. 

The following excerpts about IB are from my school district's propaganda rag that ran an article about IB DP at Cholla High school (same school that the above criticisms were about).
Misc excerpts:

"IB program graduates will have a golden ticket to the college of their choice."
(Comment: FALSE! Additionally, IB students will not receive college transfer credits for their IB courses UNLESS, as an IB diploma holder (which not all students who take IB classes will be) meets stated IB credit policy requirements for a higher education institution. Policies vary widely among universities/colleges.)

"Its main tenet is training students to think globally and critically about what they know, forming conclusions about whether their judgement is well grounded. They assess other cultural perspectives, becoming aware of subjective and ideological biases."




"IB students also come to realize that they must consider the broad picture because they are not just residents of Tucson, Arizona, but of the world. These students will be ready for the world."
(Comment: Global ideology koolaid drinking. Isn't this contrary to claims that IB programs don't indoctrinate students?)

"'It's very different from last year,' said student Matthew Altimirano. 'It's more challenging and it takes more dedication than last year. There are times when I don't get to bed until 2 and I get up at 5:30.'"

"No late work is accepted and no remedial work is offered. In one classroom last fall, one student finished her comparative literature paper on a computer in the back of the room while the rest of the class listened to the lecture."
(Translation: IB DP is not for kids with special learning needs)

Source: Test of Time
International Baccalaureate challenges students
Focus, a publication of Tucson Unified School District, January 2009



March 2006 - name withheld at the request of the student - but you can just click the link for it - as if it matters :)

Let's match the test to the school curriculum  (IB and FCAT)


"...Last year I managed to do fairly well on the science portion of the FCAT, regardless of the fact that I had never taken an earth and space science course. I had, however, taken biology and a physical science course (chemistry and physics). And as most of us know, getting two thirds of the questions on FCAT right is more than enough.

I still found myself, an International Baccalaureate junior at Vanguard High School, struggling to answer questions about fault lines and earthquakes. I actually hadn't taken science at all that year. I was enrolled in IB psychology, which didn't help me much with FCAT, if any at all. It is a good thing that I don't pick my courses based on which would help me to pass the FCAT the most; that would be like constant CIM. I would surely be dressed in the uniform and shouting party slogans by now."

". . . there was also the format of the science FCAT.

With charts and graphs, I was monotonously asked to analyze and evaluate and draw conclusions (and every other command word) about made up data that didn't actually show any knowledge I might have had concerning any given science. In short, much of the science FCAT was reasoning more so than science."

"If you are going to test our abilities in science, give us a science test -- and not just a vague collection of test questions from three very different types of science. Let us show you what we have learned in our specific disciplines of science."