U.N. Agenda 21 "sustainable development"
introduced in the U.S. Congress

(large pdf)

The following has been added to the updated version:
transcript from a 1/10/12 public meeting (p.7-8);
Exec. Order 12803 (p.9);
more links (p.18-20);
RNC Resolution Exposing United Nations Agenda 21 (p.19);
NFRA Resolution Opposing Comprehensive Land Use Planning (p.20).
Note that page numbers in Section II were affected by the addition of
pages in Section I.

U.N. Agenda 21 "sustainable development"
introduced in the U.S. Congress
Research by Debra K. Niwa, January 2012; updated Feb. 2012



The old saying that "the devil is in the details" is obvious when it comes to "sustainable development" (SD). Launched at the international level, SD is promoted through U.N. Agenda 21 (a "global plan of action"), U.N. Earth Charter initiatives, and Education for
Sustainable Development processes, to name a few. Less known is the support for the global agenda by certain members of the U.S. Congress.

This document contains a list of bills introduced in the U.S. Congress from 1987 to 2011 that are related to "sustainable development" agendas. Collectively, the proposals underscore the fact that "sustainable development" has tentacles reaching into all areas of
life, and, is behind many problems at local, county, state, and national levels.

Looking at the bills, it becomes clear that we the people must elect officials to represent us who will not allow the excessively regulatory, costly, liberty- and property-rights-destroying "global plans" into our institutions. We need representation by those who will
reject the unaccountable pressure groups that promote "sustainable development" ideas that result in higher taxes, increased debt, and a lower living standard. This means we must scrutinize our choices for U.S. President, Congressional and state legislators, governors, city/ county/state officials, and school boards members.

For those who are unfamiliar with U.N. Agenda 21 and "sustainable development", SECTION I contains some background information. But I encourage you to seek others who -- through their years of research and experience -- have much knowledge about the endless troubles that link to these U.N. issues (see Learn More, p. 15-16).

Research by Debra K. Niwa, January 2012

2 Introduction

3 About Agenda 21
4 Issues mentioned in bills related to “sustainable development”
5 Four aspects of sustainable development
7 Restructuring government (regionalism, public-private partnerships)
11 "Smart Growth" is sustainable development
13 Education and sustainable development
15 Learn more

18 Bills introduced for "sustainable development" -- proposed in the
100th to 112th U.S. Congress

U.N. Agenda 21 "sustainable development" introduced in the U.S. Congress  (pdf)