Slave Trading and Management System

The System

The concept of 'nation' and 'citizen' are antithetical to the concept of a service provider for corporations.  Realistically, a service provider to a corporation is simply another form of corporation - Business-to-Business.  As such, under the global corporate trading system, countries and land masses become stables for the workers.  The best stable of workers will get the corporate business.  The North American Union is about creating the stable of workers for this continent. 

At this point in the discussion, it's necessary to drop the pretense of 'Guest Workers' and to simply use the term Workers (synonymous with Slave) because it is impossible to manage 'guest workers' without managing domestic workers.  The categorization of 'foreign' or 'domestic' simply becomes an attribute of the entity called: 'worker'.  Children must also be included in the system because they are future Workers and the system must be able to project future worker availability relative to the duration of stay for a 'guest worker'.   

The pretense of 'guest workers' and the concept of the management system as a way to limit entry of foreign workers will be maintained to avoid dissention among domestic workers during the transition.  When the control system is fully implemented, domestic workers will have no choice but to be cooperative and malleable beasts of burden.  Workers who do not cooperate will be weeded out of the system by excluding them from the employment system rendering them incapable of making a living.  Their inability to participate will cause them to self-destruct - one way or the other. 

Because the nature and purpose of this computer system would be considered un-American by the adult American population, it must first be implemented for the school children so that they 'grow into' the concept of a labor management system.  In the schools and state Workforce Development Departments it's called 'life long learning' although the term 'conditioning' is more accurate.  Through imposition of 'standards', the curriculum is being changed to focus on 'workplace skills' beginning in Kindergarten and going through to 12th grade[1].  It is gradually being made a standard that vocational training will replace the high schools years for most students.   Grading based on tests is being replaced with 'assessments' that are nothing more than teacher opinions of attitudes and beliefs [2].  It's possible that a bad assessment by a teacher will effect a student's future earning ability and therein is the control factor for attitudes.     


The Slave Management System

As a starting point, the best way to think about this management system is to envision the personnel system of a corporation that sells the services of temporary workers.  Manpower, Inc. is one such corporation.   At the conceptual level, the following entities (info kept in the database) are required to make the system work:  

        Future (school children)
        Skills (degrees, certificates earned, etc.)
        History - experience 

       Type of job
       Skills required    (corresponds to skills above)
       Salary offered 
       Number of Available positions

The high level requirements are that all jobs must be registered in the labor management system.  All domestic workers must be registered in the system along with their skills, job history and availability.  The required skill set for a job must be defined so that the skills of available workers (both foreign and domestic) can be matched by computer to the skill set required for a job. And finally, the career path of students must be known so that the system can factor in the projected availability of the future workers for a particular job specification. This will allow the system to determine the need for foreign workers for given job descriptions based on the availability and projected availability of domestic workers - current and future. 

The above is the external view of the system.  Internally, the information above provides the capability to use the information to set wage rates to allow competition between the stables of workers in the various regions (i.e. China, India, NAU, EU).  By increasing the supply of available workers for a given job specification the wage rate can be lowered.  By decreasing the available pool of workers for a job specification, the wage rates can be increased. 

The fact that this system is a collectivist labor management system for workers has been masked by the gradual transformation of the state unemployment offices to 'workforce development' offices.  The 'One-Stop Shop' concept of education, training and employment has been incorporated into the mission of the state Workforce Development Departments.  These state Workforce development departments have the computer systems that provide for the retention of worker skills, job history, worker availability and job availability.  The student information management systems of the public school systems have been linked to the State Workforce Development computer systems to provide the life-long information that will ultimately provide the capability to manage the labor force as a corporation would manage it's personnel. 

At this point, most Americans would say that what I've just described is impossible.  Even if it could be done, it wouldn't be done in America.  They would wrong.  The following links are to websites and webpages where there are descriptions of the how the various entities of the system have been designed and implemented. 

1994 -    National Skill Standards Board  - to define standard job descriptions and standard skill sets for those jobs

1990 - “Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) - to define an assessment and certification system for workplace skills.  The purpose of this is to ensure that a certificate of a skill set means the same thing in Arizona as it means in California as it means in India. 

Additional Links:

NCCTE - Implementing SCANS
U.S. Department of Labor - "Learning a Living"
Commentary on the SCANS-DOL "Learning a Living" system
Certifications - Credential for all defined job specifications
Electronic Resume - Link between School Records and Workforce Development System

1992 - Job Training Initiative - transition of unemployment offices to One-Stop Shop Workforce Development Centers for Education, Training and Jobs; and lifelong management of workers via control of their ability to obtain work.

Remarks from the above link - Job Training 2000 rests on four cornerstones: 

First, the creation of a 21st-century training system. Job Training 2000 creates a one-stop shopping center for job training, coordinated by private industry councils all across the country.

Second, this program will help ease the transition from welfare to work, from dependence to independence. Under Job Training 2000, we'll dedicate more than million to demonstration projects to place welfare recipients in permanent jobs. And then we'll enlist market forces to break the welfare dependency. A substantial portion of the money government saves as each new worker leaves welfare behind will be shared with the company that helped that person get a job.

And thirdly, this program will ease the transition from school to work. Job Training 2000 will encourage voluntary apprentice programs for high school students, combining quality education, on-the-job training, and mentoring. This approach will help these apprentices keep their options open to pursue their education or, alternatively, to enter the work force as they wish.

Fourth and finally, Job Training 2000 promotes lifelong learning. Job Training 2000 establishes lifetime training and education accounts, enabling the Federal Government to provide the average American tens of thousands of dollars' worth of education and training over the course of his lifetime. Job Training 2000 will create a kind of passport to continuing education, making it easier for people of all ages to receive grants and loans that they need to keep pace with the challenges of the 21st-century workplace.

1994 School-to-Work Opportunities Act  - 

Chronology of legislation to enable and build the slave management system


Medical, Dental, Psychological, Legal, and Family Records

No slave management system would be complete without pedigree information.  The student information systems as defined by a standard set of data elements [3] by the U.S. Department of Education include elements for all of the categories of information in the titled of this section.  While it is not explicitly mentioned in the education literature, this information will be used in conjunction with the academic and social assessments to determine the quality of the slave.  It would not be cost effective to allow a slave with genetic defects to receive a high value education when at some point, the cost of maintaining the slave will exceed their benefit to the system.  Recall that the goal is to have the best stable of slaves to 'compete' against the slaves of another region.

To ensure that the schools have access to the private medical and family information, the schools are being transformed to include social services as an integral part of their mission.  As the initiator of the services, the schools can claim 'ownership' to the records. 

2004 Safe Schools, Healthy Children Act

“The Safe Schools/Healthy Students initiative is a partnership between the U.S. Departments of Education, Justice and Health and Human Services…..Local school districts or groups of school districts can partner with their community's mental health, law enforcement and juvenile justice system on activities, curriculums, programs and services.

2004 Education Begins At Home Act

(a) AUTHORIZATION- The Secretary, in collaboration with the Secretary of Education, shall make grants to States to enable such States to establish or expand Parents as Teachers programs, or other programs of early childhood home visitation, as specified under subsection (f). Each grant shall consist of the allotment determined for a State under subsection (b).

 (1) To enable States to deliver services under Parents as Teachers programs, or other programs of early childhood home visitation, to pregnant women and parents of children from birth until entry into kindergarten in order to promote parents' ability to support their children's optimal cognitive, language, social-emotional, and physical development.

(2) To improve Early Head Start programs carried out under section 645A of the Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9840a).

(3) To expand Parents as Teachers programs, or other programs of early childhood home visitation, so as to more effectively reach and serve families with English language learners.  

(2) offer annual health, vision, hearing, and developmental screening for children from birth until entry into kindergarten;

Additional Links

Medicalization of the Schools
From Schools to 'Community Learning Centers'

Preparing Workers for a Planned Economy


















[1] See DOLETA Blueprint for Learning, Adobe pg 93, Reinventing Schools
[2] SCANS Know-How - Workplace Competencies
[3] Student Data Elements Update for 2000