Slave Trading and Management System

Trade in Services

A service is a function performed by a person.  Therefore, Trade in Services means people and it means jobs.  Any job that a person is hired to do is a service job.  Services jobs including lawn mowing, truck driving, performing surgery, teaching, answering phones, etc. 

In the Uruguay Round of the WTO trade negotiations, Trade in Services was included in the agreement.  Since the WTO is a corporate trading system that has it's own legal system not tied to nations, this provision essentially gave the transnational corporations the authority and ability to become modern day slave traders and to use their power to engage in arbitrage against the citizens of nations to turn them into slaves.  Essentially, the deal is 'if you don't do what we say, we'll move out of your country - but we can still import to your country and destroy your economy by flooding your markets with cheap goods'.  That's precisely what the formerly U.S. multinational corporations that moved to China and India are doing to the U.S.

"There is no job that is America's God-given right anymore. We have to compete for jobs." Carly Fiorina, CEO HP

Movement of natural persons

At the end of the Uruguay Round, it was agreed that negotiations to improve commitments on the Movement of Natural Persons would take place in the six months after the WTO came into force. The negotiations ended on 28 July 1995 and only achieved modest results.

What is “the movement of natural persons”? The provisions of services can take place in four different ways — called the four modes. The presence of natural persons is the fourth mode. It consists of persons of one Member temporarily entering the territory of another Member to supply a service (e.g. accountants, doctors or teachers).

“Movement of natural persons” refers to the entry and temporary stay of persons for the purpose of providing a service. It does not relate to persons seeking citizenship, permanent employment or permanent residence in a country.

The GATS distinguishes between four modes of supplying services: cross-border trade, consumption abroad, commercial presence, and presence of natural persons.

Cross-border supply is defined to cover services flows from the territory of one Member into the territory of another Member (e.g. banking or architectural services transmitted via telecommunications or mail);

Consumption abroad refers to situations where a service consumer (e.g. tourist or patient) moves into another Member's territory to obtain a service;

Commercial presence implies that a service supplier of one Member establishes a territorial presence, including through ownership or lease of premises, in another Member's territory to provide a service (e.g. domestic subsidiaries of foreign insurance companies or hotel chains); and

Presence of natural persons consists of persons of one Member entering the territory of another Member to supply a service (e.g. accountants, doctors or teachers). The Annex on Movement of Natural Persons specifies, however, that Members remain free to operate measures regarding citizenship, residence or access to the employment market on a permanent basis.


To ensure their power to engage in arbitrage against the developed countries, the 'least-developed countries' which include the high population, low wage countries were given preferential treatment under the trade agreements.   Since Services are traded the same as Products, the preferential treatment applies to imported service workers


And the Multilateral Agreements on Investment that allow money to be moved in and out of countries at will gave the power of the multinational corporations the power of blackmail because the top 200 corporations have more money than most countries. 


And foreign corporations were given the power to sue nations when the laws of a nation interfere with a corporations ability to make a profit.

NAFTA Chapter 11 Investor-to-State Cases: Bankrupting Democracy
NAFTA's Investor "Rights" A Corporate Dream, A Citizen Nightmare


Using Trade to Break Nations

And of course, once the nation is broken, the goal to enslave the populations and to turn the countries into stables of Gladiator Workers will be achieved.  The world returns to feudalism and a new dark ages is born.