Continuing from its
Background page, we see that this was a border agreement between
North and South:
The Fund focuses its efforts in
Northern Ireland and the southern border counties of Cavan, Donegal,
Leitrim, Louth, Monaghan and Sligo.
This is confirmed on the
Strategy page
where the purpose of the agreement is listed as:
help to
build and realise the vision of a shared
future in Northern Ireland and the
southern border counties;
understanding between the different
work with
those communities suffering the greatest
economic and social deprivation, using
economic concerns as a platform to build
stronger relations with their neighbours;
more integration between the
deal with
the problems of the economically
inactive and long-term unemployed;
strong strategic alliances with other
agencies and bodies active on the
ground, ensuring that efforts are
complementary, sustainable and mutually
ensure the
long-term continuation of its work in
Ireland beyond the lifetime of the Fund;
share the
expertise and learning acquired over the
past three decades with peace builders
in other regions.
The significance of this being a
North-South Agreement is that it represents an incremental step towards
regional integration. The term North-South is a symbolic
representation of the relative wealth of bordering countries - with
North representing the wealthier country and South representing the
poorer country. The North-South Agreements were the result of
implementation of the ideas expressed in reports of the Independent
Commission on International Development (aka Brandt Commission) chaired
by Willy Brandt. The La Paz Agreement between the United States
and Mexico, signed by
Ronald Reagan in 1983 was a North-South Agreement. To
continue this thread on International Commissions, Agreements and
integration, click HERE (coming soon).
On the
Accomplishments page we hit pay dirt - the
Trojan Triangle system
in Ireland:
Since it was
established in 1986, the International Fund for Ireland has worked
tirelessly and impartially towards achieving lasting peace and
prosperity in Northern Ireland and the southern border counties...
The Fund’s key achievements include:
supporting over 5,800 projects
across Northern Ireland and the southern border counties;
leveraging other funding of
almost £1.4 billion / €1.68 billion by putting ‘first money
on the table’; and
helping to create 55,000 direct
and indirect jobs.
An external
review of the Fund’s activities by Deloitte MCS Ltd in 2005 found
the Fund has a unique standing
within all communities throughout the island of Ireland,
notably within areas regarded as most difficult to reach and
it has been able to transcend ‘political’ disputes and
the Fund is seen to adopt a
partnership approach with local communities that is unique
in the funding world;
the vast majority of projects
supported by the Fund have been located in areas designated
as disadvantaged; and
nearly 75% of projects
supported by the Fund will be continued under a
self-sustainable income generating basis.
In 2009, the
New York Times published an article on Ireland's economic decline:
The roots of
Ireland’s fall date to more than 20 years
ago, when a clutch of economists,
politicians and civil servants put their
heads together in this very pub and planted
the philosophical seeds for the Irish
economic miracle.
Known widely
as the “Doheny & Nesbitt School of
Economics,” these beery musings soon became
government policy that chopped taxes in
half, sharply reduced import duties and
embraced foreign investment — a radical
transformation that gave birth to the Celtic
Tiger and perhaps the most open and vibrant
economy in Europe.
Reading that
article is like reading about the economic meltdown in the U.S.
including the bursting of the subprime mortgage bubble. Why would
that be? It's because bureaucrats globally confused the
economic policies of their nations with the
business goals of the technology industry which include the radical
environmental agenda. The environmental agenda dovetails into
Technology's business goals by virtue of the technology based control
systems for energy and resource management. Technology is
great, but you can't build an economy for a nation on it - because a
significant portion of it is "virtual" - intellectual and remote.
The very essence of technology is efficiency which is by definition,
reductionist. Growth through reduction. It is the growth
of technology and related service companies bottom line through
the reduction and elimination of the rest of the productive economy.
With that simple truth as the basis of understanding the impact of
technology on society, the rest of the 'Celtic Tiger' story becomes
understandable and predictable, even before it happened.
The Accomplishments section
above, where it says,
other funding of almost £1.4 billion / €1.68 billion by putting ‘first
money on the table’ (key word is leveraging), notice the statement,
"the Fund is seen to adopt a
partnership approach with local communities that is unique in the
funding world". That's not true. The same system of
"partnership", leveraging and foreign direct investment is operating in
this country as well as other countries around the world. It's called "social
investing". It's a global economic strategy for "the New World
Order" - or perhaps you could call it the takeover strategy for the
Fourth Reich (reich: 'kingdom', Webster's Monarch Dictionary,
Splendid Edition, 1909.)
On the
International Fund for Ireland website, there is a panel that loops
through a series of images with a message box description with a
hyperlink More... for more info. When the
display is for Duolog Technologies, and you click on More, it takes you
to an information page about this company, Duolog. Duolog is the
prize pig for 'show and tell' marketing for the "New Economy".
What you need to look at is on the right hand side panel where there is
a hyperlink for Enterprise Equity. Click on that and you find out
there are two listings for private venture capital, one for Northern
Ireland and one for Southern Ireland.
Equity Fund Management (NI) Limited based in Belfast and Enterprise
Equity (IRL) Limited based in Dublin provide Venture Capital and
Private Equity to new and expanding businesses in Northern Ireland
and the southern border counties.... For further information about
Enterprise Equity Venture Capital Group, please visit its websites: (Northern Ireland)
Spend some time
on those websites keeping in mind the effect of the Trojan Technology
Horse on the economy - and the system of leveraged investment of public
and private funds for the small technology startups
(prize pigs). They are effectively the dot.cons at the community level
that initially give the illusion of a booming economy.
Infrastructure for the Holographic Economy
New, high tech infrastructure is an
essential component of the Technology Corporate business plans. To
rebuild infrastructure requires that nations and states go into debt to
pay for it - at the same time Technology is collapsing the real
economies. Because I already knew about the high tech
global transportation system, I did a search on "roads for Ireland" and
found this wonderful website called, "Roads
Ireland". In their
first journal on
Page 38, it says the following:
It wasn’t
until Ireland’s accession to the European Union in 1973 that things
began to change. I began working in 1974 and my first job involved
driving to every corner of the country. Traffic volumes were still
relatively low but the state of Ireland’s road infrastructure was
such that trips to Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford or further
afield were major expeditions. H o w e v e r, the impact of EU
accession began to make itself felt in the 1980s....At long last in
the 1990s sanity began to prevail. EU funding was made available and
the National Roads Authority came into being with the brief of
managing those funds in order to bring about a planned and
prioritised development plan for the improvement of the country’s
road infrastructure.
The following
is an excerpt from previous research titled, "War in the Context of
Everything Else: Global Ponzi Scheme":
The following is an excerpt
from an article titled, "Why
we need EU Bonds" in the section called, "A Little
The principle of
borrowing money from financial markets on behalf of the
European Community has previously been applied to grant
aid to extra-EU countries, in particular before the 2004
enlargement. Kosovo, Moldova and Georgia are all
currently receiving financial help through EU loans
raised on the market. In January 1993, Italy, a member
of the European Community (the EU’s forerunner), was
granted an eight billion ECU loan to support its
strained balance of payments. Since then, no member
state has received financial help through this
The idea of borrowing
money via the issue of EU bonds was first launched by
former Commission President Jacques Delors via his 1993
plan for growth, competitiveness and employment. Delors
initially wanted EU bonds to fund the European budget.
But the majority of member states opposed the idea,
fearing it would ultimately increase their expenditure
on the Community budget.
Borrowed money has been
used by the EU to fund projects in several cases,
although the amounts involved have been small. For
instance, a ‘New Community Instrumentexternal ‘ was used
in the late 70s and early 80s to help regions affected
by earthquakes in Italy and Greece. Italy has recently
proposed using European bonds to fund key EU projects,
but the idea garnered little support...
Jacque Delors White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and
Employment is the European Master Plan for European
competitiveness in the 21st Century. Strip off the
name 'Delors' and you'll recognize the elements of the plan
immediately because it America's Master Plan and no doubt
it's Canada and Japan's Master Plan as well.
From pages 30 and 31 of Delors paper:
3. Environment - ECU 174 billion on large
environmental projects by the year 2000.
The environment is an integral element of the
trans-European networks, for example concerning combined transport
networks designed to get traffic off the roads onto rail. The
Commission has nevertheless environmental programmes of sufficient
size to merit eligibility for financial support from the Community.
These concern urban waste water treatment and renovation of water
supply distribution systems at an estimated cost of ECU 280 billion
in total over 12 years or ECU 140 billion by the end the century.
The Community could help finance some ECU 25 billion in this area of
environmental concern over the period 1994-99.
4. Financing the trans-European networks and large
environmental projects
The major portion of finance for these investments
will be raised at the level of the Member State, either through
private investors (especially in the telecoms sector) or via public
enterprises. The Community can however, play a role, as foreseen in
the Treaty, by supporting the financial efforts of the Member States
and mobilizing private capital1. This requires a panoply
of financial instruments, as set out in the table below, some of
which exist already and two of which are new ('Union Bonds",
Convertibles). The new instruments are needed for
projects specifically included in
the Master Plans and complement the lending of the European
Investment Bank,
which is more general. The
budgetary elements remain within the Edinburgh ceilings. National
budgets would not be required to support additional financing.
In the case of the new instruments, the capital and interest would
be repaid by the promoters of the projects, with the Community
budget available to back the repayment of the Union Bonds and the
capital of the European Investment Fund available in the case of the
Convertibles. There would be no risk of destabilizing the capital
markets given that the amounts concerned represent less than 1 % of
the Eurobond and bank credit markets.

So what is that all about?
press release issued by the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance to
consider the impact of leasing deals gives us an idea. Keeping in
mind both the governmental guarantee of repayment and the fact that they
are talking about infrastructure, a default without bailout would mean
repossession of infrastructure that was built to accommodate the
business objectives of the tech industry in the first place.
That's pretty much how the economic hologram
works but just to wrap up on the Ponzi Scheme aspect of all of this,
consider this, the United States along with several other countries
contribute to a fund for economic development in Ireland.
Ireland contributes:
The Government of Ireland’s
Development Cooperation Ireland (DCI) manages the
Irish Aid, providing assistance to people, governments
civil society in other countries. Irish Aid is an
integral part of Ireland’s foreign policy and it has played a
critical role in supporting many programmes for
development around the world. Poverty is the key focus of
international development assistance of the Irish Aid.
Irish Aid also believes in flexibility of operations and hence, most
of the aid it gives to countries and
organizations is untied.
Irish Aid has prioritized mostly African
countries, in addition to Vietnam, Eastern Europe and the Western
Balkans. It has a number of funding programmes such as Multi Annual
Programme Scheme (MAPS), Micro Projects Scheme, Civil Society Fund,
Emergency and Recovery, Development Education, Simon Cumbers Media
Challenge Fund, Global Health Research Awards, Irish Aid and Higher
Education Partnership and Partnership Programme for Europe and
Oh... and I almost forgot to
mention, the prize pig, Innovalight that John McCain was shilling for in
2008 - agreeing that they needed H1-B imported foreign
workers, received a $3 million grant from the Department of Energy in
Chinese solar manufacturer Yingli Solar
announced it has signed a technology, research and production
agreement with Innovalight (Sunnyvale, CA; $900K SBIR in
Texas). It's Innovalight's second major deal with a Chinese
solar manufacturer. Earlier this month, JA Solar
signed an agreement to buy inks from Innovalight
for three years. ....
In 2008, Innovalight was
one of six companies to be awarded a competitive, $3 million grant
from the Department of Energy that aims to make solar energy
cost-competitive with conventional forms of electricity by 2015.
[Dana Hull, San Jose Mercury
News, Jul 26, 10]
In October 2010, they signed an agreement
with a Chinese company:
recently announced plans to convert solar cell manufacturing
capacity to higher efficiency products through the introduction of
selective emitter technology.
Solarfun will license a solar cell process and purchase silicon ink
from Innovalight for the production of high efficiency solar cells
on mono-crystalline silicon substrates.
In July of 2010, Innovalight signed
another agreement with a Chinese firm:
JA Solar Holdings Co. a Chinese
has teamed up with a U.S. start-up
in a deal that points Chinese solar
interest in advancing new
Innovalight Inc. and JA Solar agreed
to co-develop solar cells
whose sunlight-to-power conversion
efficiencies would exceed 20%. The
current efficiencies that JA Solar
has achieved using inks from
Innovalight are 18.9%.
JA Solar also signed a commercial
agreement to buy inks from
Innovalight for three years.
Terms of the deal weren't disclosed.
The Sunnyvale, Calif.-based start-up
makes silicon nanocrystal inks that
cover solar wafers to improve the
power output of solar cells.
acceleration of [the Chinese solar
industry's] investment in
shouldn't be underestimated," said
Conrad Burke, chief executive and
president of Innovalight, in an
Personally, I don't see "The Great Irish
Miracle" in any of this. All I see is deceit, fraud, theft
and corruption.
Vicky Davis
November 30, 2010
Update... Thank you Joann...
Link to:
CNBC Slide Show of the World's Biggest Debtor Nations