Al Gore and
Global Climate Change - exit stage left. The
propaganda and the Players in this vignette are no longer
needed. The central planners of the Blueprint are now
in control. Congress - which used to have the power of
the purse are out of the picture. They voted away
their spending authority when they gave control of $700
billion theoretical dollars to some computer programmer
named Neel Kash-n-Kari.
What's the
Blueprint? The Blueprint is a strategic plan to
redesign life in the United States. You can get hints
of it in this plan posted on the House of Representatives
Economic Stimulus and Recovery Plan
Assuming they would admit
it, the proponents of the plan would say that they are
building a 21st Century technology-driven country but what
the Blueprint actually is - is a strategic plan for
controlling our resources, political system and the people.
The technology is not for your benefit. It's to
control you. It's the final phase of the post World War II
Marshall Plan - implementing the Morgenthau Plan in the
United States.
It came to
me when I was refreshing my memory on a story I wrote about
regionalism and Agenda 21 in the Boise (Idaho) metropolitan
area. I was going to turn the timeline into an
actual story because it is one of the most important I've
done not only for understanding the means by which our local
officials were drawn into the Global Con but also who is
behind the Con and the critical elements of the Blueprint.
One of the critical pieces of information that I see didn't
make it into the timeline but that should have been included
was the
first international conference of Mayors that was held
in Lyon France in April, 2000. The following is an
excerpt about the conference:
Lyon, France: Webb Opens
First Transatlantic Summit of Mayors
"The Twenty-First Century
will be the Century of Cities," Conference
President Emphasizes
"If the nineteenth
century was the century of empires and the
twentieth century the century of nation states,
then the twenty-first century will be the century
of cities," said Conference President and Denver
Mayor Wellington E. Webb, opening the historic
first Transatlantic Summit of Mayors in Lyon,
France, April 6-8.
New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial observed, "You
can't be a mayor today without having your own
foreign policy. Mayors have to be more in tune
with international political events than ever
Mayor Morial quoted the late Speaker of the U.
S. House of Representatives, Tip O'Neill, who
said, "All politics is local." "We need to revise
that for the twenty-first century," Mayor Morial
said, "to say that 'All politics will be global.'"
Host Mayor Raymond Barre of Lyon noted the
unavoidable openness of cities to the exterior Š
"the internationalization of cities is a reality."
But he argued that global decentralization should
not lead to uniformization of cities. "Cities need
to safeguard their historical tradition," the
characteristics that make them unique, he
Mayor Coles urged mayors to understand our own
strengths, regionally, nationally and
internationally. "We must be engaged in regional
strategies of smart growth and sustainability," he
said. Globalization means that, "Mayors and cities
may be more relevant than ever before. Let me
recommend that in our next meetings that we share
best practices regionally, nationally, and
connection is made with this timeline entry in 1996:
Planting the Seed for Regionalism - Christine
Saum, Executive Director of the Mayor’s Institute
and Dena Belzer of Strategic Economics of Berkeley
California suggest to Brent Coles that he organize
a forum for Treasure Valley mayors to discuss
not in
the content itself, but with the Mayor's Institute on City
Mayors' Institute on City Design (MICD) is a
partnership program of the
National Endowment for the Arts, the
American Architectural Foundation, and the
United States Conference of Mayors. Since
1986, the Mayors' Institute has helped transform
communities through design by preparing mayors to
be the chief urban designers of their cities.
From another
article about
MICD and it's founder, Joseph Riley:
Origins of Polish
MICD is a joint
program of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the
National Endowment for the Arts and the American
Architectural Foundation that educates city
leaders on design policies and techniques. The
program was founded in part by Riley in 1986. When
Riley traveled with a previous Conference of
Mayors delegation to Poland, he met with the City
Architect of Warsaw and discussed the possibility
of bringing Polish and American mayors together to
share examples of good urban design projects and
methods. Riley observed that Polish leaders are
relatively new to capitalism and are seeking
advice on how to guide urban development.
The delegation of
U.S. mayors and architects traveled to Krakow to
study the architectural design of a city that,
unlike Warsaw, was largely intact through and
after World War II. An outstanding local
architect, Elzbieta Myczka, accompanied the group
on a tour of Krakow, ending in the Main Market
Square of the city. This square is the largest
medieval town square in Poland and reputedly in
all of Europe. “It is considered to be one of the
finest urban designs of its kind,” according to
the guidebook Lonely Planet, Poland, 2005 edition.
The delegation also
visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum
about an hour’s drive from Krakow. The camp began
its operation on June 14, 1940, when the first
transport of Polish political prisoners arrived.
Over the following years, the camp was expanded.
Jews, Poles, Soviet prisoners of war, gypsies,
Catholic priests and others were brought to the
In 1942, the camp
became in the site of the greatest mass murder in
the history of humanity. The number of victims of
Auschwitz in the years 1940-1945 is estimated at
between 1,100,000 and 1,500,000 people. The site
was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in

And this
one -
Communities by smart design
“Gee, I wish
my colleagues back home could see this,”
Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr. of Charleston,
S.C., recalls thinking as he admired the
handsome old urban forms and new design
initiatives of European cities on a
1984 trip organized by the German
Marshall Fund of the United States.
So Riley,
now acknowledged as the dean of major
American city mayors -- he's served
continuously since 1975 -- is determined
to do something about it. Noting his
belief that a mayor, through decisions
he makes, is “the chief urban designer”
of his city, Riley urged creation of
what became the Mayors’ Institute on
City Design, sponsored by the National
Endowment for the Arts (NEA).
The Marshall Plan - Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
The Marshall Plan was named for then
Secretary of State George C. Marshall, who, on June 5, 1947,
proposed his solution to war-devastated Europe. The proposal
was enacted into law in April 1948 as the European Recovery
Program, which created an Economic Cooperation
Administration Agency to organize and administer the
The Marshall Plan at 60: The General’s Successful War
On Poverty
Apart from its
historical importance, the Marshall Plan
experience offers valuable lessons that have
relevance today. It represented a complete
reversal of the preceding Morgenthau Plan, named
after Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. In
his 1945 book, Germany is Our Problem, Morgenthau
promoted a de-industrialization plan, “converting
Germany into a country principally agricultural
and pastoral” to make sure it could never again go
to war.
By late 1946,
however, economic hardship and unemployment in
Germany were worrying the United States, and
former President Herbert Hoover was sent there on
a fact-finding mission. Hoover’s third report of
18 March 1947 noted: “There is the illusion that
the New Germany left after the annexations can be
reduced to a ‘pastoral state’. It cannot be done
unless we exterminate or move 25,000,000 people
out of it.” Hoover well understood that an
agricultural economy would be able to sustain a
much smaller population than an industrialized
Morgenthau Plan described as a "Pastoral State" hides sheer
evil behind Morgenthau's idea as Hoover's report on the
impact on the population indicates. As I've said
before, the ideas of history repeat but the implementation
of those ideas vary with the times. The plan for 21st
Century America, the 'New Economy', the carbon tax,
windmills and solar panels for energy, rural cleansing,
elimination of private property through federal management
schemes and transit-oriented city design are all modern
implementations of the Morgenthau Plan in the United States.
And like the post World War II Morgenthau Plan, it won't
support the population of the United States.
Mohamed Atta - Timeline
- September 1, 1968 - Mohamed Atta, born in Kafr el-Sheikh, Egypt (Legat Cairo)
- 1985 - 1990, Atta was a student at Cairo University
- January 1990 - As a senior at Cairo University, Atta enrolled in the Architectural Engineering Department.
- July 1990 - Atta graduated from Cairo University with a bachelor degree in architectural engineering
- Summer 1990 - Atta attended an intensive German language program at the Goethe Institute in Cairo
- October 1, 1990 - February 1, 1991 - Atta was employed at the Urban Development Center in Cairo, where he worked on architectural, planning, and building design.
- May 25, 1992 - Atta obtains an Egyptian passport
George Tenet - background
started as an aide to a lobbying group for solar power.
He then worked for a long time on Capitol
Hill, mainly for moderate Democrats. The most important
mentor in his career was David Boren, a conservative
Democrat from Oklahoma who chaired the Senate Intelligence
Committee during a period where Tenet was his chief staffer.
It was through Boren's mentorship that Tenet moved from the
Senate to the Clinton National Security Council [NSC], where
he was in charge of intelligence, budgeting and
decision-making at a level that put him right at the heart
of the bureaucratic process that is the intelligence
community in D.C. For several years, completely out of the
limelight, he worked at the NSC at the heart of this