Millennium Declaration
Why Is Our Kids Not   Learning?

A Nation At Risk

Charter 99 - Global Citizenship

Education or Indoctrination?

UNESCO and Environmental Education


Audio - Council on Competitiveness

Education Materials





















































































UNESCO - What it is and What it does

The U.S. Department of Education is simply a pass-through point for education programs coming from UNESCO.  UNESCO's programs call for children to be functionally literate and fully indoctrinated into Marxist thinking.  All of the UN social engineering programs are embedded into the education curriculum.   Even the teachers receive training on how to indoctrinate children by embedding the indoctrination in teaching:

The Earth Charter & Education

Embedding Education for Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development (EGCSD)

The programs are channeled from UNESCO through the Department of Education to the states using the carrot of federal funding and the stick of denial of funds for critical programs.  The Governor's of the states receive the game plan for their part from the Education Commission of the States which pass through the National Governor's Association

U.S. Program:     No Child Left Behind

U.N. Program:    Education For All


UNESCO lists five functions as their mandate.  Among those functions are data gathering and research, standard setting, best practices, and education program design to solve 'major problems' in the member states.  As you delve into the education system of the United States, it is impossible to miss seeing UNESCO footprints from top to bottom. 

Here is an example of the states marching in lockstep on the issue of teen suicide prevention

State Status on Implementation


A Nation At Risk

In 1983, a report titled, "A Nation At Risk" was produced by the Department of Education.  It shocked the nation into thinking that our schools needed to be reformed.  With the benefit of hindsight, we now see that the real goal was to nationalize our schools so that the Marxists at the federal Department of Education could set education policy including 'national' standards for the curriculum using UNESCO 'best practices' and 'standards'.  

Charlotte Iserbyt was an education policy analyst during the 80's.  She wrote a book titled, "the deliberate dumbing down of america" which documents the planned decline in the education of American children.  

In 1984 Reagan formally withdrew from UNESCO, but that was simply for show.  It changed nothing in terms of education. 


Reagan Withdraws

"The Reagan Administration withdrew from UNESCO in 1984 largely because the agency had become highly politicized. When the U.S. left, many UNESCO programs and debates focused on disarmament, "collective rights," and other themes which Washington believed were departures from UNESCO's original mandate. Moreover, these activities, driven by East Bloc and Third World countries, were hostile to free markets and a free press. UNESCO became a hotbed of agitation for the so-called New World Information and Communications Order (NWICO), which would have sanctioned government licensing of reporters."


George W. Bush Rejoins

"As a symbol of our commitment to human dignity, the United States will return to UNESCO... and participate fully in its mission to advance human rights and tolerance and learning"   George W. Bush,  September 12, 2002 

"First Lady Laura Bush officially represented the Bush administration at ceremonies marking United States reentry into UNESCO at ceremonies in Paris, France, on Monday, September 29, 2003. Mrs. Bush was joined by officials of the United States Government, including Secretary of Education Rod Paige, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA), and Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Kim Holmes. United States reentry into UNESCO takes effect on October 1 in conjunction with the start of the United States' fiscal year 2004.

She told delegates that Americans "have much to offer, and we have much to learn" in partnering with UNESCO's 189 member states. "As of October 1st," she said, "the United States government will once again be a full, active and enthusiastic participant in UNESCO's important mission to promote peace and freedom."

Expressing her view that "education is our most urgent priority and should have the first and highest call on our time and resources," Mrs. Bush expressed hope that progress could occur in four specific areas. These include a commitment to literacy and to providing a basic primary education for everyone; quality education stressing truth and tolerance; post-conflict education, or the rebuilding of educations systems in countries affected by war or civil strife; and education to control the spread of HIV/AIDS. "By directing our resources towards these four priorities, UNESCO will be acting on its most important purpose and lifting millions of lives," she said."