Millennium Declaration


On September 8, 2000, President William J. Clinton signed the United Nations Millennium Declaration. The Millennium Declaration is an mandate for global governance.

UN Websites

Thematic Framework  ** Very important document

Millennium Summit

Clinton's Statement at the Summit (Click on the Countries)

 'We The Peoples' - The Role of the UN in the 21st Century


Comrade William J. Clinton

At the signing of the Millennium Declaration

Communism Didn't Die - Communism Defeated Capitalism


Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 - Legislation for the Millennium Challenge Corp

Federal Register June 27, 2005, S7431, Senate Bill S.1314; titled "International Cooperation to Meet Millennium Development Goals Act of 2005

George W. Bush Rejoins UNESCO

Laura Bush Attends UNESCO Conference


Since all UN programs are implemented in stealth mode in the United States, you need to use the 'thematic framework' document to identify UN programs - although that might be changing soon.  I saw reference to 'mainstreaming' the agenda.

U. S. Dept. of State - Implementation of Agenda 21 (Millennium Development Goals - Sustainable Development  *note:   I haven't been able to find this link - but I found another one in the meantime.  

Pittsburgh Summit - Website maintained by the U.S. Department of State

2009 Leaders Statement

37. We reaffirm our historic commitment to meet the Millennium Development Goals and our respective Official Development Assistance (ODA) pledges, including commitments on Aid for Trade, debt relief, and those made at Gleneagles, especially to sub-Saharan Africa, to 2010 and beyond.

U.S. Dept of State - Sustainable Development Partnerships

U.S. EPA - Gateway to International Best Practices, Urban Mgmt, Sustainable Dev. Smart Growth

U.S. EPA - U.S.- International Partnerships

Kansas City Mayor's Office for International Affairs     Update 1/20/2010  -  KC closes office

Note:  As time passes, webmasters change directory names and information is taken down which breaks links.  Usually, the same or similar page can be found by searching.