The other day, I was having an
email conversation with small group of people from
Abel Danger. Abel Danger is an ad hoc team of
researchers who came together on their common
interest in solving the crime of 9/11. They are
all extremely bright and very colorful. Anyway, one
of the members of the group asked a question about
something I said in a previous email. I spent about
15 minutes typing out a response that is an overview
of the "game board". Bonsai posted it on the
Abel Danger blog:
Peak oil was on my mind because
another great researcher friend of mine who was
researching Agenda 21 in Tucson, found the
'Sustainable Tucson' website.
They are promoting a packaged
Agenda 21 community program called 'Transitions'.
The Transitions program is out of the UK. The
Transitions Primer is the most straightforward
document I've seen on the real agenda behind Agenda
21. It's a How-To game plan to manage a
community towards the Transitions vision
of how life should be in their paranoid world.
The following is the Transition
Model - the thinking behind their program:
the Transition Model is a recognition of the
• Climate
Change and Peak Oil require urgent action
• life
with less energy is inevitable and it is
better to plan for it than be taken by
industrial society has lost the resilience
to be able to cope with energy shocks
• we have
to act together and we have to act now
regarding the world economy and the
consumptive patterns within it, as long as
the laws of physics apply, infinite growth
within a finite system (such as planet
earth) simply isn't possible.
• we
demonstrated phenomenal levels of ingenuity
and intelligence as we raced up the energy
curve over the last 150 years, and there's
no reason why we can't use those qualities,
and more, as we negotiate our way down from
the peak of the energy mountain
• if we
plan and act early enough, and use our
creativity and cooperation to unleash the
genius within our local communities, then we
can build a future that could be far more
fulfilling and enriching, more connected and
more gentle on the earth than the lifestyles
we have today.
On page 24, you'll find the 12
Steps of Transition. Step No. 12 is "Create
an Energy Descent Plan".
Naturally, I searched on Energy
Descent Plan. It's a great label for searching.
Someplace in my results, I saw
the term 'PermOccupy' so I searched on that.
The other day, I did a
radio program, America in the Balance with
Amanda Teegarden and Don Wyatt. We talked about
the Transitions Program and PermOccupy (I don't
remember if that was during the program or
before), but Amanda said, these people sound
just like the Preppers.
I didn't immediately
remember the term Preppers but I figured it out
while we were talking. They are the
survivalists that Homescam Security considers
If we were to believe Al Gore,
Maurice Strong and a host of other Chicken Littles,
you'd have to be crazy not to duck and cover...
"Climate Change" is going to get us! The sky
is going to open up.. the oceans are going to rise
and we are all going to be killed in earthquakes,
floods, hurricanes, tornadoes - some horrible way -
or if we survive the disaster, we'll all become
cannibals and eat each other. Of course,
if we come up with enough money and change our whole
way of life, then the planet will be saved.
It's like a B-Movie script from Hollywood. But
the point is that the fear mongers are or were high
government officials - not just in this country but
other countries as well.
When people think of Agenda 21, they obviously think of the UN
publication about it. But actually, the American version of it can
be found in energy legislation dating back before 1992, but
specifically, in the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Title XXI
- Energy and Environment Program.
The community design part of it comes out of the Transportation
Department because the Metropolitan Planning Organizations were
already established when the Interstate was built.
And of course, the land use planning comes out of the EPA. (The EPA
started the Smart Growth Network)
Back to Transitions for
another look. This time at Step 10: