Africom: The Mission
First, you need to see the regional military command structure.
See below
He said that he works for the Ambassadors
of the countries which are part of the command he leads. Of course the
Ambassadors work for the U.S. State Department (significance - UN Agenda).
Mission of the Command: Protect the interests of the United States
Strengthening the defense of African militaries - regional coordination
Activities are guided by 2 simple principles:
- a safe stable secure Africa is in our interest
- African solutions to African problems - but last year Hillary Clinton
said, "yes, African solutions for African problems, but increasingly, global
problems require African solutions as well"
2 Documents guide Africa policy
U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa
Policy and Strategy built on four pillars:
Promote opportunity and development
Spur economic growth trade and investment
Advance peace and security
Strengthen democratic institutions
Defense Strategic Guidance
Notice the difference between the way the DOD Guidance is written and
General Ham's description of Africom's activities in Africa. General Ham
sounds more like a UN NGO than he does a military man.
Mission sets in Africa
Countering extremist organizations and threats in Africa - manifests as
"undermining governance of those countries and establishing their own regime
of control outside of legitimate government control". (Side Note: logical
islands? Isn't that the same thing that's being done here in the United
States with the intermodal commerce zones - i.e. inland ports? He named a
lot of insurgent groups - sounds like so-called Sovereign Citizens doesn't
it? It sure seems like it to me. )
Here is what I'm getting from General Ham - plus what I know from my
We have USAID and the CIA operating covertly to support the insurgency to
break nation-states as a prerequisite for "global governance" under the
direction of the U.S. State Department. We have the military operating in
regional command structures - reporting to Ambassadors (who work for the
State Department) fighting insurgent groups who are trying to operate
outside nation-state boundaries and who intend to establish their own
regimes. The U.S. Military, USAID and the CIA are all working on
implementing "smart systems" - which are required for the global
governance system - and the American taxpayer is paying for all of it.
And that makes sense from the strategic standpoint of having one plan
(global technocractic tyranny) translated culturally for the various
countries - with media reporting back to the U.S. being the cultural
version which makes it seem like different things happening in different
countries - when in fact, it is one thing happening in all countries - with
the U.S. and NATO behind it.
Gen. Ham talks about how U.S. attention is shifting to the Pacific.
Note: I received an email in my inbox last night hyping the threat of
North Korea. I made a tiny url of the browser copy of the email - because I
wanted you to see how they compiled this scare-mail.
Get ready for war North Korea - it's coming your way. Actually, probably
the South Koreans should get ready because they will be flooded with
refugees no doubt.
* * * E N D O F E M A I L * * *
The military of which Africom is a part, is the Unified Command
Plan. These Commands are assigned regional territories.

US Northern Command is the North American counterpart to Africom.
Northern Command was stood up following September 11, 2001. According to a
Congressional Research Report titled,
The Unified Command Plan
and Combatant Commands: Background and Issues for Congress published
January 3, 2013, Northcom's mission is as follows (Page 49):
“USNORTHCOM’s mission is to conduct homeland defense,
civil support and security
cooperation to defend and secure the United States and
its interests. USNORTHCOM was
established Oct. 1, 2002, to provide command and control
of DOD homeland defense efforts and to coordinate
defense support of civil authorities.
USNORTHCOM’s area of operation includes air, land and
sea approaches and encompasses the continental United
States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico and the surrounding water
out to approximately 500 nautical miles. It also
includes the Gulf of Mexico, the Straits of Florida,
portions of the Caribbean region to include The Bahamas,
Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The commander
of USNORTHCOM is responsible for theater security
cooperation with Canada, Mexico, and The Bahamas.”
Civil Support Mission98
USNORTHCOM’s civil support mission includes domestic
disaster relief operations during fires, hurricanes,
floods and earthquakes. Support also includes
counter-drug operations and managing the consequences of
a terrorist event employing a weapon of mass
destruction. The command provides assistance to a
nonmilitary Primary Agency when tasked to do so by DOD.
Per the Posse Comitatus Act,99 military
forces can provide civil support, but cannot become
directly involved in law enforcement.100 |
There are two other paragraphs that are highly significant in this attempt to
sort out who is doing what to whom and under what authority. On Page 14,
it says the following:
Agency Involvement19
There are other executive branch agencies (State
Department, Department of Justice, Department of
Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency,
to name a few) that are collectively referred to as the
Interagency and have a vested interest in the UCP
because some of its associated military tasks intersect
with the responsibilities of these agencies. While none
of these agencies are formally part of the UCP
development process, they do have access to it by means
of agency liaison officers stationed at the COCOMs and
on the Joint Staff. These liaison officers have
visibility of the IDP and COA process as well as access
to draft UCPs and are able to report their observations
and concerns to their principals (i.e. Secretary of
State, Attorney General, etc.). The NSC also receives
periodic updates on UCP development or revisions during
the UCP cycle. The principals may then choose to address
their UCP concerns with senior DOD leadership. During
the NSC UCP Review, other agencies can publicly voice
concerns with the UCP but, unless an agency has not been
actively following the UCP development, there should be
no “surprises” when the UCP is reviewed by the NSC.
Congressional Involvement20
Congress currently has no statutory role in the UCP
development, revision, or review process other than
those stipulated in Title 10, Chapter 6, Sections 161
and 166. Congress does, however, make its concerns known
during hearings, private conversations between Members
and staff and DOD leadership, and through lending
support to UCP-related issues through legislation or by
resolution. For example, prior to the 2007 decision to
stand up AFRICOM, a number of Members called for the
creation of a separate geographic combatant command for
Africa. Congress also periodically includes provisions
in annual National Defense Authorization Acts calling
for DOD studies and reports on certain aspects of COCOM
structure and operations. These requirements, in
addition to providing information to Congress, also
serve the purpose of identifying areas of congressional
concern which can influence DOD COCOM-related resourcing
and policy decisions. |
Obviously, with the understanding of the above, it becomes important to know
what authorities are stipulated for Congress in
Title 10, Chapter 6, Sections 161 and 166. Essentially, Congress has
no authority over any aspect of the UCP except budget which is disbursed through
the authority of the Secretary of Defense.
Northern Command operates
under the direction of the President and they are trying to bridge the gap
between military and civilian spheres by using a thin veil of disaster
assistance and drug interdiction. Since Northern Command is one unit of an international force
structure and it includes areas beyond the borders of our country including in
this region, the Caribbean, Canada and Mexico, and it has interagency relations
with the CIA, State Department and the also newly created Department of Homescam
Security which assumed authority over all domestic agencies of law enforcement
and "security", it seems to me that the standup of Northern
Command constituted a coup d'etat by a foreign military some of the members of
which sport the uniforms of American soldiers.