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In research by Barbara Aho published in 2005 on the Council for National Policy, Aho reports that the letter from Willard W. Garvey to President Ronald Reagan about privatization was published in a media promotion brochure for an International Conference on Family Choice/Educational Vouchers that was sponsored by the NCP on Sept. 30-Oct. 2 of 1985.[1]  A copy of this letter came to me by way of Charlotte Iserbyt who worked on Private Sectors Initiatives in the Federal Department of Education for the Reagan Administration[2]  She has a copy of a letter from Willard W. Garvey to President Ronald

Reagan, written in 1984.  Garvey founded an organization called the National Center for Privatization.  In the letter, he listed the organizations that supported privatization with the comments:


“Privatization is now ‘an idea whose time has come’ 


The knowledge, communication, and computer industry can make political representatives obsolete!


The banner for “Volunteerism” refers back to the Private Sector Initiatives[3] – to build coalitions of special interest groups whose purpose would be to act as the change agent instigators and chorus for demanding change (the ‘behind the scenes’ plan of which was to break down government – replacing our system of government with feudalism but probably more accurately fascism.


[1] The Council for National Policy (CNP) Part I, by Barbara Aho,

[2] Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Iserbyt, articles, interviews, books, bio,, article No American Left Alone

[3] The Heritage Foundation, November 2, 1981, Stuart M. Butler, Ph.D, Policy Analyst, Voluntarism and the Reagan Economic Program,