Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power   Benito Mussolini

New Federalism

New System of Governance



Human Resources


In 1992, Marc Tucker of the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) wrote a letter to Hillary Clinton regarding a plan to "remold the entire American System for human resources development".  The system that was Tucker was describing was a 'seamless web, cradle-to-grave' government system of management of human resources.  By human resources - he meant citizens - not government employees.  This letter was published in the Congressional Record by Congressman Bob Schaeffer in 1998. 

In the letter, he also mentioned 'a new approach to governance':

“First, a vision of the kind of national--not federal--human resources development system the nation could have.  This is interwoven with a new approach to governing that should inform that vision. 

When an ordinary person such as myself reads that statement, the immediate response is, "What the hell does that mean.... "inform that vision"? 

Interestingly, Mikhail Gorbachev gives us a clue in a letter of response to the question, "What are you doing in San Francisco at the Presidio?".  

"The core mission of the State of the World Forum is to establish an enabling environment and to serve as a Secretariat for the gathering of leaders and citizens from around the world and a spectrum of disciplines to search together for those new frameworks of values required for this new phase of human development; and within this context to take concerted action -- strategic initiatives -- to help give shape to the world we envision".

"Many of earlier civilizations which have largely appeared over the 6,000 years of our recorded history have largely been created by groups of so-called "creative minorities" or "sapiential circles" -- independent individuals who came together to articulate and take up challenges being ignored by declining and out-dated concepts, organizations and governments."

That Mikhail Gorbachev's purpose in our country with his obviously communist organization should have sounded the alarms but didn't is indicative of the fact that we have communist traitors within our own government who were going along. 

"But the West does not understand that these Leninist revolutionaries intend that "convergence" is to be achieved on their (Communist) terms, not on ours. The Leninist meaning of "convergence" is that the West is to "converge" towards the Communists, contrary to the naive belief of Western policy-makers and political establishments.

In New Lies for Old, Golitsyn explained the detailed preparations for "convergence," and predicted that it would form the central theme of the forthcoming false "liberalization." He pointed out that the most prominent agent of influence preparing the West for perestroika was the nuclear scientist and controlled "dissident" Andrei Sakharov. He was the primary advance salesman for "convergence." Christopher Story

In this country, if you research "Third Way" and "Communitarianism" you find the operatives and the strategies for "convergence".   Democratic Leadership Council - upper right - Progressive Policy Institute, Third Way


Back to Marc tucker's letter, first column on Page 1820, fifth paragraph, "First a vision of the kind of national--not federal human resources development..." 

So what we have it seems are 'Circles of Saps who go around envisioning' and making strategic plans on how remold our values and society to match their vision.  


Where do the Circles of Saps come from?  

Who are they, where are they and how is it that they have the power to make strategic decisions to restructure our society?   


Several new features are included in the law to ensure the full involvement of business, labor, and community organizations in designing and ensuring the quality of the new workforce investment system. These include State and local workforce investment boards, local youth councils, and long-term State strategic planning.

Each State will establish both State and local workforce investment boards. The State board will help the Governor develop a five-year strategic plan

Local workforce investment boards, in partnership with local elected officials, will plan and oversee the local system.


Governor's Initiatives

Parent's as Teachers Program (PAT) - The budget includes federal Americorp funds to complete this program statewide.  This will enhance the learning environment for Idaho's students and helps build strong family support.

Governor's Coordinating Council for Families and Children - The budget includes federal funding to establish a Council to inventory all children's and family programs existing in the State, and to establish a a long-range plan to ensure statewide cooperation and coordination of these programs. 



Serve Idaho

The Mission of Serve Idaho is: "TO ENCOURAGE VOLUNTEERISM AND

Serve Idaho is funded by grants from the Corporation for National and Community Service and through cash and in-kind donations from State and local partners.

The Corporation for National and Community Service provides federal funding for service-related programs and initiatives including AmeriCorps*State and National Grants program, AmeriCorps*VISTA, the Senior Service Corps and Learn and Serve America. All of these programs strive to engage Americans of all ages and backgrounds in community-based service to address unmet critical needs in communities throughout the United States.

Seventeen (17) Idahoans of diverse backgrounds have been appointed by Governor Dirk Kempthorne to sit on the Serve Idaho Commission. These individuals graciously volunteer their time and talents to support efforts that engage more citizens in service and volunteerism throughout the State.


The YES Ambassador

"Idaho's YES Ambassador was partnered with Serve Idaho (The Governor's Commission on Service and Volunteerism) and the Governor's Coordinating Council for Families and Children. While meeting with the First Lady, Patricia Kempthorne, she communicated that she would like to know all youth resources in the State of Idaho. While this seemed like a huge task for one person, the YES Ambassador started meeting with groups in the state of Idaho that could be of help. While meeting with groups and organizations, the YES Ambassador met with Idaho Careline and 211. These two groups were about to launch the "211 Idaho Careline" information and referral number. (The three of us, found that there was a natural partnership for the work that the YES Ambassador was to complete and they were needing more contacts for their database.)"

Idaho Council on Children's Mental Health

"OVERSIGHT BY THE IDAHO COUNCIL ON CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH, The Idaho Council on Children's Mental Health shall have the authority to oversee the "Building on Each Other's Strength's Initiative," a grant from the federal government through the Department of Health and Human Services.  The Idaho Council on Children's Mental Health was established through Executive Order..." 


Restated, the federal government mandates that a local board, commission or council be appointed as a "public-private partnership" to serve as the leaders in 'crafting the vision'.  Locals are appointed to give the appearance of a local program but the 'leadership' is provided by appointment by the Governor (no doubt with 'recommendations' by the feds) or through the 'private' federally funded program  The 'leadership' is no doubt a highly trained facilitator or they hire the highly trained facilitators (to make themselves appear neutral) who control the direction of "crafting the vision" and most importantly, the money that helps the locals "see the vision". 


So what is a Facilitator? 

The website below lists the qualifications and expectations for the job description 'facilitator'. 

Facilitator Competencies


This professional facilitator's website advertising his services explains the game plan - which is really a con for anybody who attends a facilitated meeting.  They think they are participating - but in reality, they are being led down the path.  The facilitator takes directions from the people who hire him and he leads groups of people into arriving at the pre-defined conclusions. 

See the 'Off-Site Planning" ?  That means the back room discussions on what the goals are and what the conclusions must be.   


Haig Bazoian, experienced facilitator of Strategic Planning meetings guides management through a Team Planning process to integrated strategic, operational and implementation plans; based upon extensive top management and Strategic Planning Consultant experience.

Team Planning Process - Overview

The Team Planning process with the participation of a skilled Strategic Planning Facilitator allows top management to work through a proven process to develop directions, objectives, strategies and implementation steps required for success.
· Team selection
· Data acquisition
· Leader's expectations
Interviews - Planning team
Questionnaire - Responses
Off-site Planning Meeting
· Strategic Planning Facilitator
· Situation Analysis
· Strategic Thinking
· Future environment assumptions
· Vision, grand strategy, strategic objectives, initiatives.
· Business area and cross-functional strategies and action plans
· Assignment of actions, dates and responsibilities
· Status, next steps and plan adjustments



Facilitated "Visioning"

"A vision is like a lighthouse, which illuminates rather than limits, giving direction rather than destination".  James J. Mapes

These websites explain it better than this writer could possibly do.  The important areas to look at are 'consensus building'.   The con game is to make the public think they are participating when in fact, the conclusions and directions are decided in advance and the public are simply there as props in a play.  


Community Visioning: Planning for the Future in Oregon's Local Communities
