The World Trade Center |
As to the technical details of how the towers
were demolished, I'll leave that to the
scientists and scholars. My research was more centered around the
questions of who and why rather than how because I came about discovering 9-11
truth from a different direction - following the trail of outsourcing or more
correctly, exporting our economy. Background on the Center
"Three months prior
to the destruction
of both towers the
owners of the WTC
leased the
buildings, for
reasons, to the
Jewish real estate
tycoon Larry
Silverstein. Since
then "Silverstein
Properties Inc."
took in the rent
from the 430 tenants
and other source
income (i.e. tourist
admission fees).
Silverstein in
return paid a
leasing fee to the
owners: "Only
three months before
the attack
Silverstein signed a
rental contract for
the WTC. Silverstein
agreed to pay over
99 years a total of
3,2 billion Dollars
in leasing
installments to the
Port Authorities:
616 million as an
initial payment and
then annually 115
million Dollars. The
Port Authorities
remained the owners
of the WTC."
--Die Welt, Berlin,
Oct 11, 2001."
[Note: the website
above describes the
WTC as being a
tremendous financial
success. That isn't
really true. Notice
they mention 3
million sq ft of
office space
rented. The WTC had
10 million sq ft of
office space.
That's 7 million sq
ft of
prime Manhattan
property unaccounted
for. Another
internet source said
that the building
was only half rented
because after the
1993 bombing, a lot
of tenants moved out
but this is
Silverstein insured
the WTC for $3.5
billion. Ultimately
he collected over $7
billion because the
hits on the towers
were counted as two
separate incidents.
The article below is
regarding a very
interesting dispute
among the insurance
companies regarding
the wording of the
insurance policies
pertaining to
terrorist incidents.
Court Rules Against Silverstein WTC Claim, Orders Jury Trial As described above in the history of The World Trade Center, it “was a complex of 7 buildings on 16-acres”. It had over 10 million square feet of office space. The Port Authority of New York built it for a cost of $1.5 billion. It opened in 1970. It had a Path train station in the basement that connected it with New Jersey and Midtown Manhattan."
The buildings were
loaded with asbestos
and under New York
state law, the
asbestos was going
to have to be
removed. The Port
Authority was
already under attack
with asbestos
lawsuits and they
were losing. In
1989 it was
estimated that it
was going to cost
Port Authority $1
billion for asbestos
at the World Trade
Center and La
Guardia. The costs
for abatement
significantly with
each year that went
by and these were
not the only
properties that the
Port Authority had
that required
abatement. Eleven
years later - by
2001, the cost of
abatement could
easily have topped
$3 billion dollars.
All things
considered, the
smart business
was to demolish the
towers and cut the
losses. But this
was not feasible
because of the
lawsuits. There
were lawsuits to
prevent it from
being built and
there would be
lawsuits to prevent
it from being torn
down. After tearing
it down, there would
be more asbestos
lawsuits. Just
thinking about it
would make every
liability lawyer
in New York
Why would Larry
lease buildings that
he knew he would
have to pay billions
for asbestos
abatement? And
wasn't it a 'lucky
break' there there
was a discrepancy in
the insurance
paperwork that
allowed Silverstein
to collect double?
Isn't the timing
Update on Insurance
![]() Forget the official story and consider that what happened on September 11, 2001 was a planned, controlled demolition of the towers. Pretend for a minute that you are a liability lawyer and look at these pictures: September 11, 2001 - Slide Show Websites containing research on the Sept. 11th Hegelian Dialectic. Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse? EXCLUSIVE: Physics Professor Reports WTC Destroyed by Controlled Demolition Case for WTC Demolition Sealed by Griffin |