The Technocratic Tyranny


Occasionally in my research, I come across information that really is too important to wait for me to put it together in historical context.  Such was the case yesterday.  I sent out an email about Nelson Rockefeller and his desire to be the Czar of Domestic Policy - with Czar being in the very literal sense.  When he was blocked from doing that from within government, he established the 'Commission on Critical Choices for America' to do it from the outside of government - and with the Rockefeller money and the ability to propagate Foundations and non-governmental organizations, he has been very successful apparently. 

The 'Commission on Critical Choices for America'  had six panels that were charged with the task of looking to the future and formulating the Hobson's Choices for America. 

“The six study panels are:

Panel I—Energy and Its Relationship to Ecology: Economics and World Stability.
Panel II—Food, Health, World Population and Quality of Life.
Panel III—Raw Materials, Industrial Development, Capital Formation, Employment and World Trade.
Panel IV—International Trade and Monetary Systems, Inflation and the Relationships Among Differing Economics Systems.
Panel V—Change, National Security and Peace, and

Panel VI -Quality of Life of Individuals and Communities in the U.S.A.”9

One of the responses I got from my email was from Amanda Teegarden of OK-Safe, one of the best researchers I know.  She recognized the significance of the Commission and the panels because she found a plan for the future - 2015... another 15 year increment that is being implemented by our new Czar of Information Systems - the 'Director of National Intelligence'  with six areas that correspond to the six panels of the Rockefeller Commission.   And don't be fooled by appearance that this plan is just for intelligence, security and law enforcement.  The ultimate security for the psychopathic elite is for all people to be in electronic shackles - and that's the full game plan of the Technocratic Tyranny as indicated by the graphic. 

Vision 2015



How do I know that the Rockefeller Commission was the germ cell - the genesis of the Technocratic Tyranny that is being imposed on us today?   Because I was researching William Brock when I found the biography of Nelson Rockefeller. 

William Brock had been a Senator on the Finance Committee, when he lost the election, he was made head of the National Republican Party where he promoted the idea of the 'National Endowment for Democracy' - which is the American government's non-governmental organization for funding insurgency and terrorism - fomenting socialist revolutions all over the world - overthrowing democratically elected governments in the name of "democracy".   William Brock was appointed the U.S. Trade Representative where he initiated the Uruguay Round of GATT talks - which ultimately led to the creation of the World Trade Organization - and the return of the human slave trade under the heading of "trade in services".  Following that, as the Secretary of Labor in 1985, he commissioned a report titled, "Workforce 2000" that laid out the game plan for globalization of labor - "to rebalance the world's economy"  -  enabling global labor arbitrage and the race to the bottom for the majority of the world's population. 

When he left government service, he went to work for the National Commission on Education and the Economy where he has participated in reports with titles like "Tough Choices or Tough Times" in keeping with the theme of 'Critical Choices'.   I have done the analysis on the education system - the "Human Resource Management System"  that they described - and IT IS being implemented in the United States.      


Vicky Davis
April 13, 2010

By starving the beast, you are feeding the beast. This is the world of opposites. When the government is deprived of money it provides the justification for the technocratic systems that will enslave us.

That marxist little troll... Grover Norquist set off the strategy of 'starving the beast' - to make the government so small they could drown it in the bath tub. WRONG! The loss of tax revenues is what justified the implementation of these computer systems that will enslave us.

Up is down. Black is white. Freedom is slavery.   15 yr increments   1985, 2000, 2015    1+5 is 6;  666 by 2015



The following is the text of the email I sent out yesterday:

I think David Rockefeller was the wrong guy to look at.   
I was researching William Brock because he was a co-founder of the National Endowment for Democracy.  Somehow I ended up on the biography of Nelson Rockefeller.
Unsuccessful in his presidential bids, Rockefeller achieved a more impressive record as governor. He was a master builder, overseeing highway construction
Rockefeller envisioned taking charge of domestic policies the same way that Henry Kissinger ran foreign policy in the Ford administration. Gerald Ford seemed to acquiesce, but chief of staff Donald Rumsfeld objected to the vice president preempting the president. When Rockefeller tried to implement Ford's promise that domestic policymakers would report to the president via the vice president, Rumsfeld intervened with various objections. Rockefeller shifted gears and had one of his trusted assistants, James Cannon, appointed chief of the Domestic Council. Rumsfeld responded by cutting the Council's budget to the bone. Rockefeller then moved to develop his own policies independent of the Domestic Council. Tapping the scientist Edward Teller, who had worked for Rockefeller's Commission on Critical Choices, he proposed a $100 billion Energy Independence Authority. Although Ford endorsed the energy plan, the president's economic and environmental advisers lined up solidly against it.
Note:   Third Century.... how about Third Way for the Third Century?    I've never found a good definition for Third Way - probably because it simply means the Rockefeller Way.  Also, for those of you in the education loops, you'll recognize the concept and terminology 'critical choices'  

In its own words,

“The Commission on Critical Choices for Americans is a nationally representative, bipartisan group of 42 prominent Americans, brought together under the chairmanship of Nelson A. Rockefeller. Their assignment: To identify the critical choices which will confront America as it embarks on its third century as a nation and to determine the realistic and desirable objectives this nation can achieve by 1985 and the year 2000. “Because of the complexity and interdependence of issues facing the world today, the Commission organized its work into six study panels, which emphasize the interrelationships of the critical choices rather than studying each one separately.


“The six study panels are:

Panel I—Energy and Its Relationship to Ecology: Economics and World Stability.
Panel II—Food, Health, World Population and Quality of Life.
Panel III—Raw Materials, Industrial Development, Capital Formation, Employment and World Trade.
Panel IV—International Trade and Monetary Systems, Inflation and the Relationships Among Differing Economics Systems.
Panel V—Change, National Security and Peace, and

Panel VI -Quality of Life of Individuals and Communities in the U.S.A.”9

In brief, the Commission is a Rockefeller study group funded by a Rockefeller organization:

The Third Century Corporation, a New York not for-profit organization, was created to finance the work of the
Commission. Since the start of its activities in the fall of 1973, the Corporation has received contributions and pledges from individuals and from foundations well-known for their support of public interest activities. “10


The membership of the Commission reflects this Rockefeller influence:




Chairman -Nelson E. Rockefeller
Executive Director -Henry L. Diamond

Members Ex-Officio
• Gerald R. Ford
• Henry A. Kissinger
• George P. Shultz
• Mike Mansfield
• Hugh Scott
• Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr.
• John J. Rhodes

• Ivan Allen, Jr.
• Martin Anderson
• Robert O. Anderson
• William O. Baker
• Daniel J. Boorstin
• Norman E. Borlaug
• Ernest L. Boyer
• Guido Calabresi
• John S. Foster, Jr.
• Luther H. Foster
• Nancy Hanks Kissinger
• Belton Kleberg Johnson
• Clarence B. Jones
• Joseph Lane Kirkland
• John H. Knowles, M.D.
• David S. Landes
• Mary Wells Lawrence
• Sol M. Linowitz
• Ed ward J. Logue
• Clare Boothe Luce
• Paul W. McCracken
• Daniel Patrick Moynihan
• Bess Myerson
• William S. Paley
• Russell W. Peterson
• Wilson Riles
• Laurence S. Rockefeller
• William J. Ronan
• Oscar M. Ruebhausen
• Joseph C. Swidler
• Edward Teller
• Marina v.N. Whitman
• Carroll L. Wilson
• George D. Woods

Of the above members an unusual number received personal gifts from Nelson Rockefeller and were consequently under some obligation to the Rockefeller family. We know of the following cases:

  • Henry A. Kissinger. Received a $50,000.00 gift in January 1969.

  • Nancy Hanks. Later married to Henry A. Kissinger.

  • Edwin J. Logue. In 1968 received a gift of $31,389 followed by another $145,000 of which $45,000 was repaid.

  • William J. Ronan. Received a gift of $75,000 in 1958 and $550,000 in 1974.

  • Henry L. Diamond. Executive Director of the Commission, received a gift of $100,000 in December 1973. 11