Part 2 - War in the Context of Everything Else

The Bad Seed From Tennessee

In the Part 1 of 'War in the Context of Everything Else', I gave a broad outline of our current status and I set out the premise that unconventional war was declared silently against the American people and that now we need to play catch up.  How do I know that unconventional war was declared on us and what's happening is not just cascading snafus by  well-meaning but incompetent people?   I know because there is evidence of strategic planning.  Incompetent people don't strategically plan for the aftermath of their accidental snafus.   


The best person to look at for evidence of strategic planning for the economic demise of the United States and the rise of fascism is William E. Brock, the bad seed from Tennessee (unfortunately - not the only one).   Following his career is like reading the enemy's playbook.  I first became aware of him on the issue 'free trade' that was an engineered economic attack on the American people.  The marketing campaign "Free Trade" was a fraud from beginning to end.   Then his name showed up again - this time as co-founder of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - consolidating political power in the United States in a shadow organization that also foments revolution around the world.  Then his name showed up again as a leader of the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce after having commissioned the Workforce 2000 report when he was Secretary of Labor and then serving as Chairman of the first Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce (CSAW) - initiating the "Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS).  Out of these "workforce-education" commissions come the plans for the National Human Resource Management System (Tucker letter to Hillary)which is exactly as it sounds.  And now I see that he is a Trustee and Counselor for the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS).  Their list of Counselors and Trustees reads like the Who's Who of traitors to America.     



Creating a "Free Trade" area from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, Argentina was a goal expressed by Ronald Reagan and William E. Brock was appointed by Reagan to work towards that goal.  Brock served as United States Trade Representative from 1981 through 1985.


Brock - Speakers Biography on the Du Plain Enterprises, Inc. website 

Following his 14 years in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, Bill Brock was elected Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He left that responsibility to join President Reagan’s Cabinet in 1981 as the United States Trade Representative.  Brock initiated the first free trade agreements ever negotiated by the United States and was recognized (by The Financial Times of London, along with three others) as a principal ‘father’ of the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations and the World Trade Organization.


On the Du Plain website profile of William Brock is not quite complete so I found another profile on Forbes, Inc.   Emphasis added:      

Senator William E. Brock, 77, has served as a director since April 1996. Senator Brock is the founder and since October 1995 has served as the Chairman of Bridges Learning Systems, a firm specializing in the servicing and delivery of learning development systems to public schools. Senator Brock has also served as Chairman of the Board of Intellectual Development Systems, Inc., a provider of education services from 1996 to 2004. Senator Brock is the founder and from 1994 to 1996 was the Chief Executive Officer of The Brock Offices, a consulting firm specializing in education and trade issues. From 1988 to 1994, Senator Brock was the Chairman of The Brock Group, a firm specializing in international trade, investment and human resources. From 1988 to 1991, Senator Brock served as Chairman of the National Endowment for Democracy, an organization he helped found. Senator Brock served in President Reagan's cabinet as Secretary of Labor from 1985 to 1987 and as the United States Trade Representative from 1981 to 1985. From 1977 to 1981, Senator Brock served as National Chairman of the Republican Party. From 1970 to 1976, he was a member of the U.S. Senate, and from 1962 to 1970, he was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.


Former Republican U.S.Senator from Tennessee, William E. Brock III

The New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce

Wired International


Catalyst Health Systems


On Assignment, Inc. 
     2007 Annual Report Pg 75

On Assignment, 2009 report on their global flesh trade business.


Liberalizing Services - GATS or BANK Way, 1994

Geneva 4 July (Chakravarthi Raghavan) -- It was in 1982 that the United States first brought up in the GATT the idea of a new round of multilateral trade negotiations to open up Third World markets and bring services issues into the General Agreement.

The US intentions on services had been signalled even in 1981 by US Trade Representative Bill Brock, soon after President Reagan moved into the White House, in testimony before Congress and next year in February at the Davos symposium.

At the 1982 GATT Ministerial meeting, the US pushed it further by proposing a North-South Round, and spoke of the industrialized countries providing greater access to goods exports of the NICs, in return for the latter opening up their own markets to other developing countries.

North-South - How the American Political Class Deceives the Public


In 1985, Bill Brock was appointed to be the Secretary of Labor where he hired the Hudson Institute to write a report titled, 'Workforce 2000' about globalization, economic policy, trade and technology - setting the stage for the engineered decline of America in the name of corporate growth - the rise of global fascism.  The Acknowledgements section of the book recognizes William Brock as "deserving credit" for the report.


"The research that led to this book was funded by a grant from the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor.  While the department deserves credit for its far-sighted commitment to long-range policy research, it bears no responsibility for the conclusions and policy recommendations presented here....

While they bear no blame for the failings of this study, three officials within the department deserve great credit for initiating and pursuing the Workforce 2000 project.  Secretary William E. Brock, whose concern with these issues preceded his leadership of the Department of Labor, provided the original inspiration for undertaking the work and valuable guidance as it progressed". 


"Rebalancing World Growth"  Page 9

"Almost as important as the gross level of stimulus will be the correction of severe imbalances in the current world economy.  In order to maximize world growth, the distortions in world financial markets that have been created by inflation and unsound government investment policies must be corrected.  The world's financial institutions must rechannel capital from the rich, aging nations of the world to the young industrializing countries where the real rates of return are likely to be higher.  To accomplish this, the United States must cease consuming so much of the world's savings, by reducing it's massive trade and budget deficits. 

Being the 'fine suthern gentleman' that he is, William E. Brock III saw the opportunity for the return of the human slave trade and he jumped on it.  He left the trail of evidence when he moved from the USTR position to the position of the Secretary of Labor - and then initiated the projects to integrate the American education system with the labor market for "cradle-to-grave" human resource management and then he went into the "body shop" business himself (see links under his picture). 

The Human Resource Management System is a supply chain management system for labor for a planned economy.   And it won't fly that he didn't know because he left the USTR in 1985 because we know, thanks to Eric Wesselius of the Transnational Institute 2002 report, "Behind GATS 2000:  Corporate Power at Work" plus in his bio at the Du Plain Speakers bureau (above), it says he is considered the principal "father of the Uruguay Round" that the plans for the inclusion of flesh trade - "Trade in Services" began in 1981 when William Brock was first appointed to be the United States Trade Representative.   



US Coalition of Service Industries:

Godfathers of GATS

The US Coalition of Service Industries (USCSI) is undoubtedly the most influential services lobby group in the world. Its origins date back to the mid-1970s. At that time, US financial services companies American International Group (AIG), American Express and Citicorp wanted to improve their access to what were at that time heavily regulated markets outside the US. They considered the inclusion of ‘trade in services’ in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT, the WTO precursor) as a good tool with which to force open these markets.

In 1981, the chief executive officers of AIG, American Express and Citicorp concluded that there was a need to form a broader business coalition to push the demand to include ‘trade in services’ in the GATT agenda. They mandated American Express Vice-President Harry Freeman to form a coalition of services industries that would reach well beyond New York financial circles. In 1982, the US Coalition of Service Industries (USCSI) was officially launched under Freeman’s chairmanship.

Between 1982 and 1985, USCSI worked closely with the US Trade Representative (USTR) and the Department of Commerce to place services firmly on the global trade agenda. In late 1983, the USTR submitted a report to the GATT on the growing importance of services in the world economy, summarising existing international rules governing trade in services and suggesting possible approaches to a new regime. When the GATT Uruguay Round was launched at the September 1986 Punta del Este GATT Ministerial Conference, a Group on Negotiations on Services (GNS) was formed and negotiations formally started on a multilateral regime for trade in services within the GATT. (Page 6)

Page 5


What the "Trade in Services" provisions in the GATS agreement failed to do - intentionally - was to distinguish between the 'Service Business'   and the people who are hired to work in 'service businesses'.  The people were considered as products - commodities for trade - as if all 'service businesses' were body shops - human body shops.

And because the intent of "Free Trade" was to invest in the foreign country and "Ship Back In",  the international trading system became a mechanism to subvert and break down our immigration laws and by definition, our national identity, culture and social norms.  I would also call your attention "applies to government" in the above figure which explains why we would have somebody like Wen Ho Lee working at a National Laboratory in a position that requires a security clearance.  And if you do some research on NIH and other national research labs, you'll find mostly foreign names - imported "human products"  in positions that give them access to materials and knowledge that could do us all great harm - think anthrax; think small pox; use your imagination at what access they might have at the National Research Laboratories and what even one of them having malevolent intent could do. 

Also factor in, the affirmative action and non-discrimination laws that were on the books to aid American Blacks, native Americans and other minorities.  Those laws allow imported "service providers" to use the benefits that were intended only for Americans.   What these laws are doing is enabling a reversal of fortunes in which the American people are put at a disadvantage to the "global majority" minority on our shores.

On March 7, 2007, the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions held a hearing titled, "Strengthening American Competitiveness for the 21st Century in which Bill Gates was the only witness.  He was there to testify that the U.S. system of issuing visas for imported workers was hampering the ability of U.S. corporations to "compete" and that the visa system should be eliminated and corporations should be allowed an unlimited ability to import human commodities. 

The following is an excerpt from the transcript of that hearing.  Both the transcript and the video of the hearing are available on the Committee website:


  Questioner is Senator Allard:

Let me quickly go into another subject. Mary Robinson, President of Ireland, head of the World Health Organization, met with a number of us. She's very concerned about just this brain drain to the United States, particularly in health, in health professions. She pointed out that the flow, for example, at a time when we have eight or nine applications for every nursing slot in my State of Massachusetts at community colleges, we can get one applicant that can take it, because we don't have the training facilities, we don't have the professors for the training of nurses. And we're considering an amendment on the floor now on the homeland security bill to increase the number of nurses on this.

    Now, here are some of the countries. Nigeria, we have 2,500 doctors here from Nigeria, and 8,900 nurses. From South Africa, we have 1,950 doctors, 877 nurses. In Kenya, HIV rate, 15 percent, 865 doctors, 765 nurses. Ghana, HIV rate, doctors, 850, 2,100 nurses on this. Her point was, they--many of these countries around the world, so many of these doctors and the nurses, health professionals that are so vital, in terms-- trying to deal with the challenges of healthcare, are here in the United States--are coming to the United States, working in the United States. This is costing these countries--they're training these people. It's an outlay for--training them. How do we balance this, versus what you've said about, sort of, the openendedness, in terms of having skilled people be able to come into the United States? What's really the--where do we--where do we really begin to draw the line? When do we say, ``Well, we're going to try and invest more to develop more opportunities for Americans to become nurses, Americans to become the doctors of''--we have qualified people that don't get into our great medical schools or to our nursing. But what's the balance in there?

    Mr. Gates. Well, the--when foreign labor comes to the United States, there's this incredible benefit to the country that they come from of the remittances they send back to the country. And that's a huge thing, in terms of bootstrapping those economies, letting them send kids back there to school, and having the right nutrition, and great things. So, I don't think the right answer is to restrict that ability to come and earn a high wage and have that go into the economy that they came from.

    Clearly when you get shortages like that, the systems like the community college system are usually quite responsive in creating capacity and meeting that demand. I'm not an expert on the nurse situation in----



Setting aside the horror of the situation in which we find ourselves for a moment (I'll get back to it), the reason for a "trade management system" for human commodities becomes apparent.  The "trade management system" is the "Human Resources Management" system as described by Marc Tucker of the NCEE to Hillary Clinton in a letter written in 1992 and published in the Congressional Record by Colorado Representative Bob Schaffer in 1998. 

Excerpt from Tucker's Letter to Hillary:

First, a vision of the kind of national—not federal—human resources development system the nation could have. This is interwoven with a new approach to governing that should inform that vision. What is essential is that we create a seamless web of opportunities, to develop one’s skills that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same system for everyone—young and old, poor and rich, worker and full-time student.

It needs to be a system driven by client needs (not agency regulations or the needs of the organization providing the services), guided by clear standards that define the stages of the system for the people who progress through it, and regulated on the basis of outcomes that providers produce for their clients, not inputs into the system.

The client for this system is not the workers or the students.  It's the employers. 

A more formalized description of the *National* Human Resource Management System can be found HERE.  Keep in mind that William Brock is co-director with Marc Tucker on the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce and he initiated the original project to justify it - and to design it.       

The fact that this situation was created through international trade agreements designed for the benefit of multinational corporations and the design of the "Human Resource Management" system was well underway before the Uruguay Round of trade was voted on by Congress proves strategic planning for the covert economic attack on American citizens - to flood the U.S. labor market with imported human commodities and to enslave all in a system of electronic manacles and control of life's economic opportunities for America's children.  The development and full implementation of this computer system  will serve as the *national*  'Trade/Human Resource Management" System.

In 1988, legislation was passed to provide for the national collection of education data.  As with most government programs, initially participation was voluntary ultimately becoming mandatory.

From the National Center on Education Statistics (NCES):

The National Cooperative Education Statistics System was established under the Hawkins-Stafford Education Improvement Amendments of 1988. The system is meant to organize cooperation with the states on issues of education data collection and dissemination. To this end, the National Forum on Education Statistics was established in 1989 to create a voluntary, democratic, participatory, federal-state group to identify education data needs at the national, state, and local levels.

The major purpose of the Forum is identified in the Forum’s Policies and Procedures manual as:
  • To develop and propose, cooperatively, a national education data agenda and model(s) for a national data system that will meet the needs of education policymakers and program planners in the coming decade and beyond;
  • To inform federal, state, and local decision makers on the goals and progress of this cooperative education statistics system; and
  • To provide an arena in which federal, state, and local education interests can identify, debate, mediate, and where appropriate, recommend action on education policy, issues, emerging needs, and technological innovation salient to the improvement of education data comparability, uniformity, timeliness, and accuracy at the national level.

The Forum meets semi-annually to discuss issues of current importance in these areas. The Forum consists of four committees, the Steering Committee and three standing committees designed to address major interests of the Cooperative System.

Several years ago, a copy of the 1997 NCES Data Dictionary (Basic Data Elements) education data was located.  The Foreword of this document says the following:

This document represents a collaborative effort of representatives of education agencies and associations at the local, state, and national levels who participate in the National Forum on Education Statistics. The Forum was initiated in response to the Hawkins-Stafford Education Improvement Amendments (Public Law 100-297) which established the National Cooperative Education Statistics System. The Cooperative System was created in 1988 to respond to Congress’ desire to create a mechanism for states and the federal government to work together to produce comparable and uniform education statistics for policymaking at all levels of government. The Forum’s mission is to develop and recommend strategies for strengthening a voluntary national education data system—one that fosters cooperation among existing local, state, and federal systems—to support the improvement of public and private education throughout the United States.

In 1994, the Forum’s National Education Statistics Agenda Committee established a task force to identify a comprehensive and dynamic core of data elements based on clearly-defined criteria that meets the requirements specified in the goal stated above. This report contains the recommendations of the task force for a set of basic data elements that provides the information needed to operate schools and districts, support state and federal program reporting, and guide education policy at all levels. Contained in this report is a set of student and staff level data elements. Areas such as school finance and facilities are not addressed in this report. Additional work will be done to identify data elements in these areas. In addition, the task force will continue additional review of federal reporting data elements, taking into account the changing data requests from the federal government. While this report does capture many of the data elements needed for state and federal reporting, state and local data collectors still need to examine and incorporate those data elements that are critical for state and local reporting purposes.

What you'll see in that document is that the data being collected by the federal government on America's children is individualized and highly personal.  In 2001, there was an update to the NCES Data Dictionary.  Just a look at the table of contents is enough to show the direction the *National* Human Resource Management System - under the heading of "education" is taking.  See page 20 - Work Experience - in-school and post-school.  


Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS)

The Work Force 2000 report commissioned by William Brock, was authored by William E. Johnston who was the Project Director.  The co-author was Arnold E. Packer.  A couple of years ago on the 'National Research Center for Career and Technical Education website, there was an article written by Arnold E. Packer titled, "Implementing SCANS".  It describes the history and purpose of the SCANS project.  The fact that it was found on a vocational education website should not be lost.  Also, it was retrieved from the Internet Archive. 

Implementing SCANS, by Arnold E. Packer and Scott Brainard

Another document was retrieved that was separate - but also had Arnold E. Packer's name on it.  It was the project at Johns-Hopkins University where they attempted to define the skill set for all jobs.  The purpose of defining the skill sets is because it is required for computerized matching of candidate qualifications to job requirements listed online.  

The SCANS Process

In 1991, The Labor Department published a report titled, "What Work Requires of Schools" that describes the employer requirements for "working skills" that they planned to incorporate into the K-12 curriculum once the SCANS system was implemented.  It's in this document and the following documents that you can see the transformation of our system of education into a supply chain management system for labor.   

In 1992, the Labor Department published a formal report titled, "Learning a Living:  Blueprint for High Performance".  This report described the changes to the education system that would be required for the integrated school-workforce system which together become the *National*  "Human Resource Management System".   

Also in 1992, Douglas D. Nobel wrote a paper about the changes taking place in the education system.  The title of his paper was 'New American Schools for the New World Order'.  He begins the paper with:  - The New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC) was established in 1991 by President George Bush to funnel corporate funds into innovative designs for "new American schools". 

The design was already done as defined in Marc Tucker's letter to Hillary.  Besides providing a funnel for money, another report titled, "Skills for a New Century:  A Blueprint for Lifelong Learning" details corporate commitments for participation in the project.  


Reinventing Government

In 1993, Al Gore began a project to redesign the American government.   Conceptually, the way to visualize the magnitude of that is to envision the United States as just one large corporation with the Internet being the corporate computer system.  The *National* "Human Resource Management System" one of the USA, Inc. systems.    Corporate computer systems are management and control systems so by definition, when they started combining the departments and functions of government, they were in effect, making American citizens, their children and their personal assets - all assets to be managed by USA, Inc.  

One component of the Human Resource System is 'America's Talent Bank  -  which is actually the networked state education databases on American children as well as adults registered in the State Workforce Systems (used to be called unemployment systems).  



America's Talent Bank


When I first began researching the National Human Resource Management System, America's Job Bank was an active website.  At some point, when I was checking links, I found that it was no longer active.  Because this piece of the system is critical to understanding the scope of the NHRMS system, I recovered the webpages and followed the "forwarding address" links and captured those pages.  Because this system is about as unAmerican as it gets, it is this writer's opinion that they were going underground - hiding behind the facade of private, non-profit headhunters.  The captured pages were placed into a pdf which can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlink for American's Job Bank below. 

The following is an excerpt from the the captured About Us page from America's Job Bank:

America's Job Bank is a partnership between the US Department of Labor and the state operated public Employment Service.

The Public Employment Service:

The public Employment Service is a state operated program that provides labor exchange service to employers and job seekers through a network of 1800 offices throughout the United States. For more than 60 years, the public Employment Service has helped people and jobs find each other. Since 1979, the states have cooperated to exchange information to offer employers national exposure of their job openings. In the spring of 1998 the additional service of posting resumes from job seekers was initiated. Publicizing job listings on a national basis has helped employers recruit the employees they need to help their business? succeed, while providing the American labor force with an increased number of opportunities to find work and realize their career goals.

The America's Job Bank computerized network links state Employment Service offices to provide job seekers with the largest pool of active job opportunities available anywhere and nationwide exposure for their resumes. For employers it provides rapid, national exposure for job openings and an easily accessible pool of candidates. In addition to the Internet, the job openings and resumes found in America's Job Bank are available on computer systems in public libraries, college and universities, high school, shopping malls, transition offices on military bases worldwide and other places of public access.

America's Job Bank


In 1995, the Idaho Board of Education applied for a grant to implement the National Human Resource Management system in Idaho.  The reference in the letter to "seamless web" ties right back to Marc Tucker's description of the system in his letter to Hillary Clinton.  Just replace the name Idaho with your state name because this is a national system so at the detail level, it is the same for all states. 
Click HERE to read the entire letter.  The diagram following is on Page 3 of the pdf.   



The next document is the 'vision' of Idaho's Education-Workforce Development system which is synonymous with the National Human Resource Management System.  [Note that there will be an error message saying that it can't find a font.  Just click ok because it doesn't need the font for you to read the letter.]

The following is an excerpt from that document:

GOAL II Establish a comprehensive workforce development delivery system.

1. Establish partnerships with business, agencies, and education in the development of a workforce system.

2. Promote a system with a comprehensive menu of quality information services.

· Develop policy recommendations for a One-Stop Career system.

· Oversee implementation of the One-Stop Career system.

3. Develop, recommend and support a substate governance structure.


The importance of this computer system to lock up and manage the U.S. Labor Market cannot be overstated because it was not only designed to manage the U.S. Labor Market, it was designed to act as a human commodity, trade management system providing for foreign worker access to American jobs. 

As I was writing - or just after I finished researching the education system to see if Marc Tucker's vision for a National Human Resource Management (NHRM) system was in fact, being implemented, Congressman Tom Tancredo introduced legislation titled, "Rewarding Employers that Abide by the Law and Guaranteeing Uniform Enforcement to Stop Terrorism Act of 2005" or "REAL GUEST Act of 2005".  Very clever name.  It was providence that I knew about the NHRM System so that I knew how Tom Tancredo's Guest Worker program fit into the picture.

Excerpt from 2005, H.R. 3333.  [Note: The text of this legislation should still be available on THOMAS, the Congressional legislative information system.]

To enhance border enforcement, improve homeland security, remove incentives for illegal immigration, and establish a guest worker program.

(a) Short Title- This Act may be cited as the `Rewarding Employers that Abide by the Law and Guaranteeing Uniform Enforcement to Stop Terrorism Act of 2005' or the `REAL GUEST Act of 2005'.


(a) In General- The Secretary of Labor shall take any steps necessary to ensure that all State employment agencies and all employers in the United States are able to acquire secure, password-protected access to the Internet-based job database provided jointly by the Department of Labor and State employment security agencies and known as `America's Job Bank' in order to permit the posting of job openings throughout the United States

(2) CESSATION- If compensation, including real wages, benefits, and working conditions, in a particular occupational category in a geographic region has been stagnant or in decline for the 6-month period immediately preceding the filing of a petition for an H nonimmigrant worker, the Secretary shall not approve the petition until--

(A) compensation in that occupational category and geographic region has increased each month for at least 6 months by an amount to be determined by the Secretary; and

(B) the Secretary has reassessed the prevailing wage for that occupational category and geographic region to ensure that it reflects the rising real wage levels.



(c) Announcement Contents- Each job announcement posted pursuant to this section shall list, at a minimum, the following:

(1) The name, contact information, and description of the employer

(2) A description of the job and the minimum skills necessary to perform it.

(3) A description of any additional knowledge, skills, or abilities that are preferred by the employer


The significance of those last two highlighted items will become clear in Part 3 of 'War in the Context of Everything Else'



Related Reading:

Humans As Resources
Tangled Web by Joe Esposito
     Tangled Web Pull Out Diagram
School-to-Work Now School-to-Career by Joe Esposito  (update to Tangled Web)

Guest Worker Program - Slave Trading and Management System
D-Day in America, Analysis of NCEE report:  Tough Choices or Tough Times
Regionalism and Education - John Engler's Role (NAM)  in the implementation of Tough Choices or Tough Times
Turn of the Century and a New Gilded Age - Legislation creating Regional Economic Authorities identified

William Brock - 2008 Senate Testimony, still selling reform out of one side of his mouth, and selling and profiting from the foreign labor flesh trade out of the other. 


Vicky Davis
March 24, 2009