The Syndicate
The discussions on the Fiscal Cliff are making me dizzy.
They move in an infinite loop. No matter which option or combination of
options they select, it won't fix the problem. There has been so
much wealth extraction from this country that they've killed the demand side of
the economy. Obviously, the demand side is the consumer market and
the consumer market is the labor market and the labor market means people who
work or used to work for a living.
The tax increases and government spending cuts are always focused on the demand (labor/consumer) side.
The tax cuts and spending increases are always directed towards
the supply side (corporations/investors). Examples of spending increases
categorized as stimulus include the re-building of infrastructure even though it only takes
about 10 guys to build a couple hundred of miles of highway for a
billion dollars or two and since our road system is mature, it doesn't
generate any new economic activity. Water and waste water
facilities only increase property taxes. The smart grid - adding a
layer of computerization over the top |

of the
electricity grid will only add to the cost of electricity not lower it.
And the telecommunications infrastructure including cell towers is
simply facilitating the rollout of the surveillance state while at the
same time bathing people in electromagnetic energy fields that who knows
what that will cost in increased health care. |
The whole conversation is idiotic and I'm tired of it. The
political parties provide the talking points and people parrot those talking
points as if the words came from the mouth of God himself. The democrats
talk up the issues of the poor. The republicans talk up the issues of the
middle class. The joke that people don't seem to grasp is that both
political parties actually work for the corporations, their representatives and
the wealthy who profit from them. Get a clue Billy Bob and Betty Sue. They
ain't workin' for you.
Recently, while doing
some research, I saw a reference to something called the Powell Manifesto.
It was written in 1971 by Lewis F. Powell. A copy of it was obtained and
published by investigative reporter, Jack Anderson. The organization
called Reclaim
Democracy has a copy of it published on their website along with a brief
The following are excerpts from the memo,
but the entire Manifesto should be read to understand the full impact of what he
was proposing and to apply those concepts to the nightmare we are living today:
The Powell
Perhaps the single most
effective antagonist of American business is Ralph
Nader, who — thanks largely to the media — has become a
legend in his own time and an idol of millions of
In all fairness, it must be
recognized that businessmen have not been trained or
equipped to conduct guerrilla warfare with those who
propagandize against the system, seeking insidiously and
constantly to sabotage it. The traditional role of
business executives has been to manage, to produce, to
sell, to create jobs, to make profits, to improve the
standard of living, to be community leaders, to serve on
charitable and educational boards, and generally to be
good citizens.
I've been aware of
the Chamber of Commerce for quite awhile because Tom Donohue, CEO of the Chamber
thought he was going to be the Dictator in Chief and was quite bold about
presenting his agenda. I wrote about it in
2006 when the Jack
Abramoff extortion racket was exposed.
An article published
on September 4, 1987 in the New York Times, the reporter wrote:
Reagan Appoints Privatization Unit
Reagan today appointed a commission to study ways
Government functions can be turned over to private
Prof. David F.
Linowes, a political economist at the University of
Illinois, was named chairman of the President's
Commission on Privatization, and said the 12-member
panel's mandate ''is very broad.'' It will ''probe the
entire dimension of Government operations'' and offer
recommendations in six months, he said.
Mr. Reagan,
vacationing at his ranch near here, issued a statement
saying the commission would help him ''end
unfair Government competition and return
Government programs and assets to the American people.'
So far the
Government has sold only one significant asset, Conrail,
the national freight railway system. But efforts to pay
contractors to fill a range of service jobs previously
carried out by the Government have been somewhat more
successful. The White House
says 38,000 Government positions have been turned over
to contractors in the last six years, at an annual
saving of $602 million.
(Loss leader contracts)
Linowes, speaking to reporters here, said he could not
predict what the commission might recommend. But he
indicated that likely targets of study included Federal
low-income housing projects. The Government has already
given some prospective tenants
vouchers to pay for low-income housing of
their choice, rather than building new Federal housing
units. A similar Administration idea, to distribute
education vouchers so parents
can send children to the school of their choice,
has gone nowhere.
Professor Linowes said the
commission would also study the Federal penal system and
the health care field.
(This is where the redesign of our health care system
began.) Several state and local governments
have turned their jails over to private contractors,
with mixed results.
Early in the
Reagan Administration the Government proposed turning
over some regulation of nursing homes and other health
care facilities that accept Federal funds to an
organization run by private industry.
(Self-regulation for industry and
beginning of functional sovereignty - international
network of associations making "rules" for the
industry.) But the Government had to
pull back in response to critics who said that, without
public oversight, there was no way to assure that
nursing home patients were cared for properly.
the Office of Management and Budget announced today that
it had created a new position, Associate Director for
Privatization, and appointed Ronald Utt, an official
with the United States Chamber of Commerce, to fill it.
He is to promote ideas to reduce Federal spending
through privatization.
Besides Professor Linowes,
those named to the commission were: ANDERSON, Annelise
Graebner, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution in
Palo Alto, Calif. ANTONOVICH, Michael D., member of the
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. BISH, Walter,
president of the Independent Steelworkers Union at the
Weirton Steel Corporation in West Virginia, the largest
employee-owned company in the United States. BROCK,
Sandra Mitchell, government relations adviser in
Washington for Heron, Burchette, Ruchert & Rothwell.
CARRUTHERS, Garrey, Governor of New Mexico. FINK,
Richard, founder of Citizens for a Sound Economy. LAIRD,
Melvin R., former Defense Secretary. McINTYRE, James T.,
former head of the Office of Management and Budget.
PRIEST, George, Yale Law School professor. STANLEY,
Ralph L., senior vice president of the Municipal
Development Corporation in New York City.
WRISTON, Walter, former
chairman of Citicorp. |
It's pretty funny that all attention is focused
on the Council of Foreign Relations and the State Department while no attention
is paid to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce connection to the Office of Management
and Budget.
Walter Wriston was without doubt, one of the
most powerful people in our country. I wrote about him and the economic
war on the people of the United States in a series titled, War in the Context of
Everything Else. Wriston is in the section titled,
The Global Ponzi Scheme.
The best for last - demonstrating that the
criminal corporate syndicate that Lewis Powell proposed was actually built and
is still operating (assuming you've been paying attention to that Marxist little
troll, Grover Norquist) -
Grover Norquist's bio retrieved from the
Wayback Machine:
In the past, Mr. Norquist served as:
• A commissioner on the Advisory Commission
on Electronic Commerce.
• A commissioner on the National Commission
on Restructuring the Internal Revenue Servi
• Economist and
chief speech-writer, U.S. Chamber of Commerce (1983-1984.)
• Campaign staff on the 1988, 1992, 1996
Republican Platform Committees.
• Executive director of the National
Taxpayers’ Union.
• Executive director of the College
Lewis Powell was
clearly concerned about "Green"
lawyers like Ralph Nader. The joke on the Left environmental movement
is that corporate mafia infiltrated them too. In 1984, the Environmental
Defense Fund made a deal with Pacific Gas and Electric to turn regulation
against people rather than corporations - and to squeeze the retail consumers
using market mechanisms and marketing concept of "conservation". In
an article titled, "The Making of a Market-Minded Environmentalist, Fred Krupp,
CEO of EDF wrote:
"I became the green
community's chief advocate for using economic incentives to solve
environmental problems. The Wall Street Journal has cheered me on,
crediting me with a "singular style that serves business and the environment
And the joke on the
Right is that the corporate mafia bought them also. At about
the same time I wrote the page on Tom Donohue, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, I
wrote about Grover Norquist and his connection to Jack Abramoff in a thinking
piece titled, "Movement Politics".
The term "Movement Politics" is something I picked up from reading articles that
Grover Norquist wrote pertaining to "buying a movement".
If the Pogo cartoon
strip was being written today, Pogo would have said, "I have seen the enemy and
the enemy is the Chamber of Commerce".
The Chamber of
Commerce is a criminal corporate syndicate. They used the collective power
and wealth of corporations not only to destroy our economy, but also to
dismantle and privatize the government. A privatized, "for-profit"
government is not government. It's a fascist, totalitarian system that
will turn your children and grandchildren into slaves.
Vicky Davis
December 5, 2012