UPDATED 1/27/07 |
North American Union Treason on the Installment Plan
On November 29, 1994, Congressman Bill Richardson placed a speech titled "Free Trade for the Americas: Next Steps" by Ambassador Abelardo L. Valdez into the Congressional Record. In the speech, Valdez says the following:
The North American Union is
the integration of the United States, Canada and Mexico
initially. The integration of our economies, harmonization
of laws, open borders and national treatment de facto means
the disintegration of these countries as sovereign nations.
Ultimately it will include all of the countries of North and
South America into one big non-descript region. |
The "New European Soviet" "...former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev visited Britain in 2000, he accurately described the European Union as "the new European Soviet." He said this with obvious approval, since he sees the evolving EU as fulfilling his vision of a "common European home" stretching "from the Atlantic to the Urals,"
Because the idea that our own government officials would commit national suicide is so repugnant and unthinkable, it is useful at this point to look at statements from official government websites so that we can be assured that it is real and not just some wild imaginings of 'conspiracy theorists'. Caution: Since the 1980's, language has been used to mask the truth of what is being discussed. The use of the word 'partnership' is case in point. It sounds friendly and nice - neighborly. You have to peel off the mask of language and use the real words the words that accurately describe what they are talking about. "Partnership" means integration - integration of law and the functions of our governments - which by definition means the disintegration of national sovereignty. |
George Bush and Vincente Fox launch the U.S.-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity Joint Statement - September 6, 2001 More - scroll down for dates Sept 4th thru Sept 7th. State Dept: Partnership for Prosperity. Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America Joint Statement - North American Leaders Unveil 'Partnership' North American Partnership Offers Agenda of Prosperity North American Partnership Offers Agenda of Security SPP.Gov - Partnership in Treason Website Canada - Partnership for Prosperity Trade and Integration of the Americas U.S. State Department - Issues for the 107th Congress (2001)
Jerome Corsi filed a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents relating to the Security & Prosperity Partnership. He received over 1,000 documents that can be viewed HERE. |
Timeline | ||||||||||
Inter-American Agreements, Conventions and Other Documents DECLARATION OF THE PRESIDENTS OF AMERICAS The first summit was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay in 1967. The idea right from the start was to create a Common Market - integrating the economies, first of the Latin American countries and then the North American countries.
President Lyndon B. Johnson |
Timeline of Progress Towards the North American Union Additions to the Timeline 1972 - Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment This agreement called for cooperation between countries on their border regions. It was following this declaration that Rockefeller initiated the formation of the Trilateral Commission. [More on the Trilateral Commission] 1981 - U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission was established by Ronald Reagan 1983 - Ronald Reagan signed the La Paz Agreement creating an international zone in our border states. The La Paz Agreement was a stepping stone to harmonize laws and to integrate U.S. Government departments with Mexican Government Departments. 2001 - George Bush and Vincente Fox launch the U.S.-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity Joint Statement - September 6, 2001 More - scroll down for dates Sept 4th thru Sept 7th. State Dept: Partnership for Prosperity. Trinational Elites Map North American Future [PDF] Vincente Fox - Address to Congress on September 6, 2001
Public Enemy No. 1
David Rockefeller
“We are
grateful to the Washington Post, The New York
Times, Time Magazine and other great publications
whose directors have attended our meetings and
respected their promises of discretion for almost
forty years. It would have been impossible for us
to develop our plan for the world if we had been
subjected to the lights of publicity during those
years. But, the world is now more sophisticated
and prepared to march towards a world government.
The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is surely preferable to
the national auto-determination practiced in past
centuries." |
Hemispheric Integration |
The most visible initiative in the integration plan is the transportation system. A private system of toll roads for international commerce is being built in the United States. The toll roads are privatized Interstate highways that will be expanded to go from Mexico to Canada. These road systems will have 'inland ports' also known as intermodal-commerce zones which correspond to the Communist Chinese Export Zones. There are several corridor routes going from Mexico to Canada. These corridors effectively break up the United States. They leave an open shot at America's heartland for quick and easy enemy penetration - especially for COMMUNIST China if they so choose. |
Corridors Plan
International Highway Plan
Trans-Texas Corridor
Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative
[pdf] Notice that the destination cities line up with the Trans-Texas Corridor map and the Canamex map. The “Shanghai to Chicago” Opportunity for Canada’s Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Canadian Foundation for the Americas North American Integration: Back to Basics Challenges Confronting Free Trade of the Americas Magna Carta of the Americas (Note: Colin Powell was in Lima Peru on September 11, 2001 to sign the Inter-American Democratic Charter). |
CANAMEX - Safety & Security Issues - 2003 Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne's end-of-session tantrum over money for CANAMEX. |
CANAMEX Congressional Hearing on Cross Border Truck and Bus Operations See Adobe Page 81 (p.77) -
Testimony of Joan Claybrook, Public Citizen NAFTA Agreement - Regional Agreement NAFTA Final Text - Link from USTR
U.S. Federal Highway Administration
"The proposed system will be a network of transportation corridors (routes) incorporating separate lanes for passenger vehicles and trucks, rail lines for high-speed passenger and freight rail, and a dedicated utility zone. Components in the system may incorporate existing and new highways, railways, and utility rights-of-way where practical. Up to 366 meters (1,200 feet) wide in some places, the corridor is designed to move people and freight faster and more safely through Texas, from Mexico to the Oklahoma border." Antonio Palacios |
Intermodal Commerce Zones Regionalism - Strategy To Decommission Elected, Representative Government Harmonization of Laws (aka "Deep Integration") NAFTA - Chapter 11 - "The Blackmail Government Provision" Merging Financial Systems and Currency World System Build On Fraud |
Additional Links Lou Dobbs - video segment on the North American Union Council on Foreign Relations - "Building a North American Community" Eagle Forum - North American Union A North American Community: A Proposal To Deepen NAFTA Treason Abounds - Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union (NAU) Trans-Texas Corridor Paved With Campaign Contributions? Globalization - The Final Demise of National Security North American Forum: The Secret Cabal of Trinational Elites NORTH AMERICAN COMMUNITY WON'T REPLACE NATIONAL IDENTITIES, Stanford University, 1993 Confronting The Threat on the Southwest Border - Congressional Report
More Links To Interesting Documents on Government Websites Partnership for Prosperity - Progress Reports to Bush and Fox
Save for later Asia - "Partnership for Prosperity"