One time when I
was young, I was sitting in a bar with a friend, when a couple of
handsome young
guys spotted us (we spotted them first I'm sure), after going
through the rituals, they invited us to their table. We accepted,
picked up our drinks and headed over. As we got to the table and
were sitting down, suddenly there were 5 people at the table. Two
young girls. Two young guys. And one older man. Making
a long story short, the older man was a very clever party crasher.
The guys thought he came with us. We thought he came with them.
The older guy was the only one at the table who was in on the joke and
so the conversation was rather bizarre.. kind of ping ponging back and
forth but never getting anywhere rather like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
Eventually we figured it out and sent the guy packing - but not before
he got a couple of free drinks but we got the best of it. We got a
story to tell and it still makes me laugh when I think of it.
"The EB-5 visa (see
Party) is called various names, the most common being Investor,
Entrepreneur, or Founder. In the year 2000 The Baltimore Sun
published a standout series on the EB-5 program that exposed the
crime and corruption that is associated with the program. The series
was authored by Walter F. Roche Jr. and Gary Cohn. It’s a story
about the revolving doors between Capitol Hill and the big money
lobbyists who influence immigration policy."
Rob is making a
play words with the TEA Party reference because the 'TEA' that he is
talking about is the "Targeted Employment Area (TEA)' or EB-5 Zone.
A TEA is:
by law as ‘a rural area or an area that has experienced high
unemployment of at least 150 percent of the national average.’”
description of the TEA zone sounded a lot like the description of other zones
that I've researched that establish specified areas for preferential
treatment of businesses located within the zones and preferential
treatment by the Small Business Administration for loans and government
contracts. Those zones and programs go by a lot of different names
Enterprise Zones, Empowerment Zones, Economic Development Zones, HubZones, Intermodal Commerce Zones, Foreign Trade Zones, etc. As
best I can tell, the different names are used by different agencies in
government to describe the program for their agency but at the core,
they are the same program and they serve the same agenda.
Because of the
obvious conflicting goals and interests of the TEA (EB-5 Zone) people
and the Tea Party goals of patriots, I decided to see if I could find
out how the Tea Party idea started. Fortunately, somebody put an
entry on Wiki. (Go to the article to read because there are lots
of hyperlinks in it)
On January 19, 2009,
Graham Makohoniuk, a
portfolio manager for an investment firm[28]
posted a casual invitation on the forums to "Mail
a tea bag to congress and to senate".[29]
The idea quickly caught on with others on the forum, some of whom
reported being attracted to the inexpensive, easy way to reach
"everyone that voted for the bailout."
So who is this
guy Graham Makohoniuk? It turns out that he is a portfolio
manager for a company called 'Globalvest
Management Company' that was in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
The website for Globalvest is a redirection to PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Corporate Finance and Recovery, Cayman Islands for inquiries.
That makes sense because there is an
encyclopedia entry that says that GlobalVest Management closed in 2007.
I found a video of Mr. Makohoniuk. Click on this link and then in
the left column, click on the name "Graham
Makohoniuk" and the video will start. But it's the
September 13, 2000 article in the New York Times that ties it all
TECHNOLOGY; Mexico Cement Giant Plans Internet Emphasis
Cemex S.A., the big Mexican cement
producer and one of Latin America's most successful multinational
companies, expects today to announce the formation of a subsidiary
that will consolidate its Internet strategies and expand the company
into online procurement services, the chief executive said.
Moving beyond Cemex's core business -- producing and selling cement
-- the subsidiary, CxNetworks, will focus mainly on the online
procurement of goods and services for the construction industry and
on Internet consulting services.
Several of the largest Latin American companies are working to move
parts of their operations online, even if their main business has
little to do with the Internet. In the case of Cemex, management
hopes that the new unit can use the stable cash flow generated by
its cement business to branch out into areas that are potentially
faster growing.
''We're not simply about selling cement,'' Lorenzo H. Zambrano,
Cemex's chairman and chief executive, said in a telephone interview
yesterday. ''In the end, we're selling timeliness and quality and
the image of a company that is at the top of its class.''
The third-largest cement company after Holderbank of Switzerland and
Lafarge of France, Cemex -- with substantial operations in Mexico,
Spain, Egypt and several Asian and other Latin American countries --
is already known for its real-time updating of inventories and its
global positioning systems that use satellites to track its trucks.
With the new subsidiary, Cemex plans to go beyond these initiatives
and a previous strategy to create an online business-to-business
exchange for the construction industry together with the Votorantim
and Bradesco groups of Brazil.
For example, in a pilot program in Mexico, Cemex has signed up 120
construction companies seeking lower prices for goods and services
that are not necessarily related to cement, said Juan Pablo San
Agustin, who will head the new unit. Similar online procurement
programs are planned in coming weeks for Brazil, Argentina and
Cemex is also seeking to broaden its sales of information technology
and Internet-based consulting services, which will be grouped under
the new unit. It estimates revenue from these activities around $100
million this year, with 40 percent coming from companies that are
not already customers.
''In the short to medium term, these initiatives won't mean much for
the bottom line,'' said Graham Makohoniuk, a portfolio manager for
Globalvest Management in St. Thomas, V.I., which owns Cemex shares.
''But this could be the first step in the evolution of the company
from the Cemex we know today to one that uses the cement cash cow to
get into other markets.''
cement company outside
the zone that had been in business in Minnesota for 20 years. The
new cement company located in the JOBZ zone obviously had a competitive
advantage because they didn't have to pay taxes. And you'll notice in
commentary above, the reference to the "partnership" between Minnesota
and China.
JOBZ is a TEA as you can see (sorry for the poetry) from this
slide presentation.
Go back to the articles that Rob wrote and you'll see a link to an
expose that the
Baltimore Sun did on the E5-B abuses that includes INS officials
basically selling entry to American citizenship to foreigners.
Excerpts from one of those articles:
INS insiders profit on immigrant
dreams Cashing in: Former immigration officials siphon
millions from a program to entice foreign investors with the promise
of green cards.
By Walter F. Roche Jr. and Gary Cohn Sun Staff
Baltimore Sun Feb. 20, 2000
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to
breathe free.
Over more than half a century, 12 million immigrants streamed into
America welcomed by the
words of Emma Lazarus engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty.
But welcoming the tired and poor was hardly on the minds of a small
group of former
government officials who helped design an immigration program to
attract wealthy foreigners
who could obtain prized green cards by investing $500,000 to $1
million in U.S. businesses.
The investor visa program was a little-noticed part of the
Immigration Reform Act, a sweeping
law that reshaped the country's immigration policies.
President George Bush called
the law "the most comprehensive reform of our immigration laws
in 66 years." It was, he said as he signed the bill into law on Nov.
29, 1990, "good for families,
good for business, good for fighting crime and good for America."
While his predictions may yet come true, a review of the decade-old
law shows that it has
benefited one group not mentioned by the president -- former INS
officials and their associates
who have pocketed millions in fees from wealthy foreigners willing
to invest their savings to join
in the American dream." Page 3
(pdf) "This one provision,"
declared Illinois Democrat Paul Simon during a 1986 Senate debate,
generate over $8 billion annually in new investments in small and
independent U.S. businesses,
and provide up to 100,000 new jobs for Americans."
The impetus for the visa program came from a similar strategy in
Canada that was attracting
millions of dollars from wealthy Hong Kong residents. Why not have
some of that money come
to the United States, supporters argued, especially since the
country was suffering through an
economic downturn. Though the
legislation failed in 1986, it was renewed in 1989 and in 1990, when
the investor
visa program was included in a massive immigration bill. A House
version was filed by Rep.
Bruce Morrison, a Democrat who chaired the subcommittee on
immigration. The Senate version
was filed by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat.
George H.W. Bush's
New World Order |
11, 1990
We stand today at a unique and extraordinary
moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a
rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation.
Out of these troubled times, our
fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge: a new era -- freer
from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more
secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the
world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.
A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace,
while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today
that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from
the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of
the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility
for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of
the weak. This is the vision
that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other
leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how
we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to
come. |

New World Order
(video) |
In Houston Texas in 1990 at the G7 Summit,
George Herbert Walker Bush agreed to pursue the New World Order.
1990, the G8 Summit
was held in Houston, Texas.
The International Trading System
18. The open world
trading system is vital to economic prosperity. A
strengthened General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
is essential to provide a stable framework for the expansion
of trade and the fuller integration of Central and Eastern
Europe and developing countries into the global economy. We
reject protectionism in all its forms.
administration began negotiations on the NAFTA Agreement (it was signed
during the Clinton Administration but was negotiated during the Bush
Administration. The Uruguay Round of trade talks was already
underway and lead to the creation of the WTO in 1995.
In 1990, the
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA)
legislation was passed to begin work on the Intelligent Vehicle Highway
System - and International Corridors. And in subsequent years, the
SAFETEA-LU legislation was passed to continue the international corridor
system with police state surveillance systems to monitor all movement -
human, vehicle - commercial and passenger. The first designated
international corridor was the CANAMEX and was referred to as the
NAFTA SuperHighway in
congressional hearings.
And, it would
seem that the TEA program - "targeted employment area" that
originated in 1990 that was an open invitation to foreign
"entrepreneurs" was intended to be for the Intermodal Commerce
Zones that were also part of the ISTEA legislation. All of it was
intended to serve the purpose of the 'New World Order' - globalization
which really means global "governance" and the elimination of
And the joke
that Graham Makohoniuk and the tea baggers knew was that they were
partying the New World Order TEA of George H. W. Bush while the patriot
tea partiers were partying to oppose the New World Order with the Boston
Tea Party in mind. And they were all partying together in what can
only be described as a Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
Vicky Davis
March 6, 2010
Related Links and Research:
This website for LA describes some of
them using the planning & zoning names
"Targeted Employment Areas" - Idaho