On September 11, 2001,
Colin Powell was in Lima, Peru to sign the
Inter-American Democratic Charter
Sandy Berger, George Tenet
"The Plan" 24 March 2004, 9-11 Commission hearings
George Tenet -
Misdirection to the Middle East
Cover Story Prepared Before 9/11
(Research John Deutch - stolen CIA files)
September 11, 2001 - code name: "The Big
CS Monitor, "Sometime in the late summer of
2001, GID headquarters in Jordan intercepted a
crucial Al Qaeda communication.....The message
showed clearly that a major attack was planned
inside the continental US. It said aircraft would
be used. But neither hijacking nor, apparently,
precise timing nor targets were named. The code
name of the operation was mentioned: in Arabic, Al
Ourush al-Kabir, "The Big Wedding".
Paul Thompson - Audio - Advanced Warnings
Wedding: FTAA (NAU)
"A Magna Carta For The Americas"
Council of
the Americas
The Century of the Americas:
Setting the New Hemispheric Agenda
May 6-8, 2001
"We have a great vision
before us: a fully democratic hemisphere, bound together by
good will and free trade. That is a tall order. It is also
the chance of a lifetime. And it is the responsibility we
President George W. Bush
April 21, 2001
Speech at the Summit of the Americas
Project For the New American Century (PNAC)
PNAC Funded by New
Citizenship Project
"To achieve
world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds
of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions,
national patriotism and religious dogmas." Dr. G. Brock Chisolm
Deep Integration Timeline
Creation of the Global Union
Robert Gaylon Ross Sr. Video -
(Rockefeller Speech 1994,

"This present window
of opportunity during which a truly peaceful and
interdependent world order might be built will not
be open for too long. Already there are powerful
forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our
hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure
of global cooperation.
I refer here to those ruthless
advocates of ethnic nationalism who seek to break
apart existing nations as well as to militant
fundamentalists who want to subordinate or even
eliminate anyone who refuses to comply with their
rigid ideological beliefs."
"The drive of the
Rockefellers and their allies is to create a
one-world government combining supercapitalism
and Communism under the same tent, all
under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes
I do. I am convinced there is such a plot,
international in scope, generations old in
planning, and incredibly evil in intent."
Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the
Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the
Speech at the Council of the Americas - May 6, 2006

RICE: "The peoples of the Americas are united by ties
of language, of culture, and mostly importantly, by our
common aspirations, which are perhaps best expressed in the
founding charter of the Organization of American States.
"The historic mission of America," the charter says, "is to
offer man a land of liberty and a favorable environment for
the development of his personality and the realization of
his just aspirations." And of course, it's offered to women,
too. (Laughter.)
President Bush and I believe that we in the Americas
have reached a decisive moment in our shared history. And in
order to truly understand and capitalize on this
opportunity, we need to be clear about a few things. We
have to be clear about the hopeful transformation of the
Americas. In just a matter of decades, the people of the
Americas have thrown juntas and caudillos out of power and
they have built democratic governments that reflect their
own cultures, their own traditions and their own unique
"Free trade is the key and our vision remains a free
trade area of the Americas; the union of 800 million men and
women from Northern Canada to Southern Chile, in the world's
largest free trade community."
"Transformation of the Middle East"
"Free trade (free oil) was also the vision for the Middle
Free Trade of the Americas - aka North American Union
The U.S. and
the Organization of the American States
June 6, 2005, President Discusses Trade, CAFTA at
Organization of American States
"We come
together at a great moment in history, when freedom is on
the march around our world. In the last year-and-a-half --
think about this -- we've witnessed a Rose Revolution in
Georgia, an Orange Revolution in Ukraine,
a Purple Revolution in Iraq,
a Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, a Cedar Revolution in
Lebanon -- and these are just the beginnings. Across Central
Asia, hope is stirring at the prospect of change -- and
change will come. Across the broader Middle East, we are
seeing the rise of a new generation whose hearts burn for
freedom -- and they will have it."
Failure on 9-11 generates Honors and
Two days after the attack of
9-11 Gen. Richard Meyers, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, Commander in Chief of Space Command participated
in a formality hearing for his promotion to the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The man in charge 9-11, Gen.
Ralph E. Eberhart, Commander of NORAD was given a
promotion to Commander of the Northern Command - the
newly created military unit to 'protect' the Homeland.
Failure = Promotion. George Tenet, Director of the CIA who
resigned supposedly because he failed was given National
Medal of Freedom for his service to our country.

Pete Peterson, Blackstone, Institute for International
Board of
The Institute for International Economics - Press Releases
August 30, 2001 -
A Blueprint for a North American Community
Washington, DC—The United States and Mexico should
use the state visit to Washington of President Vicente Fox
of Mexico on September 4-7 to build on President Fox's bold
proposals to launch the creation of a true North American
Community. They should invite Canada to join them in a
creating a community that could:
- integrate the infrastructure and
transportation networks of North America;
- create a development fund to reduce income
disparities across the countries;
- establish a North American Commission to
prepare for the three leaders at their next Summit
an agenda and options for promoting continental
- move toward a Customs Union in five years with
a Permanent North American Court on Trade and
- forge a more humane immigration policy that
includes "North American passports" for frequent
travelers, immigration preferences, and a larger
temporary program with safeguards;
- train North American customs and immigration
officers to reduce duplication; and
- eventually adopt a common currency.
September 10, 2001 -
Trade Promotion Authority Needed to Advance Free Trade Area
of the Americas
Washington, DC—Congress needs to pass new Trade
Promotion Authority (TPA) by early 2002 to boost US trade
and investment in Latin American and to advance negotiations
on a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), according to a
new Institute study, Prospects for Free Trade in the
Americas by Jeffrey J. Schott.
September 10, 2001 -
Trade Promotion Authority Needed to Open New WTO Round
Washington, DC—Congress needs to pass new Trade
Promotion Authority (TPA) by early 2002 to boost US trade
and investment in Europe through the launch of a new global
round of trade negotiations in the World Trade Organization
according to a new Institute study, Measuring the Costs
of Protection in Europe: European Commercial Policy in the
2000s by Patrick A. Messerlin.
September 10, 2001 -
declares war on the Pentagon. Plan to privatize the

Rudy & Rocky
for Audio
Giuliani Linked to "NAFTA Superhighway"
"GOP presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani has extensive
and deep ties to the
Superhighway and the construction of the Trans-Texas
Corridor (TTC). Giuliani's law firm, Bracewell & Giuliani,
is the exclusive legal council for Cintra, the Spanish firm
chosen to operate the I-35 toll road in the TTC."
House of Representatives, Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), October
1990, the U.S. passed a series of
immigration laws. They were sponsored by
a member of the other body from
Massachusetts, and it instructed
the State Department employees that mere
membership in a terrorist organization
or advocacy of acts of terrorism should
not exclude foreigners from receiving
U.S. immigration visas. Mere membership
in these kinds of organizations should
not exclude anyone from getting a visa...
One of the more
bizarre aspects of that muddle-headed
thinking to which this Nation went and
to a certain extent still exists, even
here in the halls of Congress, as
evidenced by the fact that we watered
down the terrorist bill, but
as a result of that we passed this
law that instructs the State Department
employees that mere membership in a
terrorist organization or advocacy of
acts of terrorism should not exclude
foreigners from receiving U.S.
immigration visas.
Islamic Institute's Position on 'Free Trade" and Trade
Promotion Authority
Norquist - Testimony to the Senate - September 7, 2001
"Our nation is about
to embrace a path to prosperity that will reach
from the Canadian Yukon to Cape Horn. By enacting
a free trade zone throughout the Western
Hemisphere, we will dramatically improve the lives
of all who live within it. Taking a more sensible
approach to freeing the movement of labor is a
crucial component of making hemispheric free trade
Disaster Capitalism
- "terrorist acts" followed by the hire of
private contractors and privatization.
Iraq's Invisible Army
"After the shootings at Columbine
High School in 1999, Blackwater created "Are You Ready High"
to train its troops to "face down the violent youth of
America," Scahill said. Following the bombing of the U.S.S.
Cole in 2000, the company received $45 million from the
government to train its mercenaries—and then hit the jackpot
after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Initially working in Afghanistan,
Blackwater later made its name by guarding high-profile
individuals like Bremer, so hated by the Iraqi people he
earned the nickname "Little Saddam," Scahill said. Since
guarding Bremer for a year—at a cost of $21 million—Blackwater
has secured $750 million worth of contracts from the U.S.
State Department alone since 2004.
Since these mercenaries are
privately contracted, there is virtually zero accountability
for their actions, Scahill said. Bremer granted all private
contractors immunity from Iraqi courts, and they are not
officially U.S. military, so they cannot be prosecuted under
the military commission code.
Many mercenaries were implicated
in the Abu Ghraib scandal and the murders of several Iraqi
civilians, yet their taxpayer-funded actions have gone
undisciplined, he said. In fact, he added, the mercenary's
motto is, "What happens here today, stays here today."
xx |

Colin Powell, Secretary of State

Rep. John Mica (R-FL)
Mica was with Donald Rumsfeld for a breakfast meeting at the
Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Purpose of the
meeting: "to make certain we were prepared for something we
might not expect". Audio clip from the August 1, 2007
House Oversight Committee on Pat Tillman's Death.
Key to 9-11 is WTC Building 7
"Christopher Bollyn commented on the insider
connections to the WTC complex: “For
example, Peter G. Peterson, chairman of the CFR
and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced
that his Blackstone Group had purchased, in
October 2000, the mortgage on 7 World Trade Center,
the 47-story building built by Larry Silverstein
in 1987. Silverstein is the person who obtained
99-year leases on the twin towers shortly before
9-11 and who insured the property and its future
income against terrorism. He is seeking some $7.2
billion claiming the attacks were two separate
events.” Silverstein also made the indiscreet
comment to reporters that he had given orders to
“pull the building” just prior to its collapse.
This is demolition lingo for bringing down a
building by controlled demolition.
According to
Bollyn, others suspected controlled
demolition too: “WTC 7 mysteriously
collapsed at 5:25 p.m. on 9-11, in what
appears to have been a controlled
demolition. John Wholihan, a firefighter
with Rescue 5 from Staten Island was
near WTC 7 when it collapsed. Wholihan
told American Free Press that he heard
‘many explosions’ just before the
building collapsed neatly within the
perimeter of its foundation. Silverstein
received some $441 million in insurance
money for WTC 7 although the cause of
the collapse remains officially
Dot.compost stock market fraud
Excerpt from a report titled,
“Behind GATS 2000: Corporate Power at Work (p6):
The US Coalition of Service Industries (USCSI)
is undoubtedly the most influential services lobby
group in the world. Its origins date back to the
At that
time, US financial services companies American
International Group (AIG), American Express and
Citicorp wanted to improve their access to what
were at that time heavily regulated markets
outside the US. They considered the inclusion of
‘trade in services’ in the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT, the WTO precursor) as a
good tool with which to force open these markets.
In 1981,
the chief executive officers of AIG,
American Express and Citicorp concluded
that there was a need to form a broader
business coalition to push the demand to
include ‘trade in services’ in the GATT
agenda. They mandated American Express
Vice-President Harry Freeman to form a
coalition of services industries that
would reach well beyond
York financial circles. In 1982, the US
Coalition of Service Industries (USCSI)
was officially launched under Freeman’s
The conference also highlighted the shared
objective of the US Department of Commerce and the
USCSI to use the GATS 2000 talks to increase
market access for US companies, not only through
specific market access negotiations, but also by
adding new disciplines on domestic regulatory
reform to the GATS “in order to ensure that market
access and national treatment commitments achieve
their promised objectives”.10 This confirms GATS
critics’ warnings that the GATS negotiations
comprise a corporate deregulatory agenda that
threatens to undermine democratic governments’
ability to regulate.
Because it would be entirely unacceptable to say
to Americans that we are exporting your jobs and
importing cheap labor to replace you in the labor
market so that our financial services sector can
have access to foreign markets, so they adopted a
strategy developed by
Harris Miller in the 1980’s, the centerpiece
of which was a propaganda campaign of “shortages
of workers” and “crops rotting in the fields” -
none of which was true. It was just a strategy to
break Cesaer Chavez’s Farm Worker’s Union. Miller
succeeded in breaking the union by flooding the
farm labor market with more farm workers from
Mexico. The strategy was so successful that the
Information Technology Associates of America (ITAA)
hired Harris Miller to become the CEO of ITAA and
all we’ve heard since is that there is a
“shortage of workers” in every profession -
blue and white collar - in America.
problem for the USCSI was that for foreign workers
to be imported to the United States, they needed
visas H-1B, H-2B, L-1, etc. so the propaganda
campaign of “shortages” was not enough. They had
to create an illusion equivalent to "crops rotting
in the field". For the tech industry, the
illusion was an explosion of tech jobs and an
expanding job market for tech workers. Enter the
dot.com tech boom. The so-called tech boom began
in the late 1990’s and was IPO driven. These
companies had no assets and no products. All they
had was a lot of marketing hype that drove the
stock market. The dot.com boom went to
bust “coincidently” around the same time that the
American Competitiveness Act of 2000 went into
effect greatly expanding the number of visas for
imported foreign workers. But - in addition
to that, if we are to believe
Treasury Secretary John Snow, the thieves made
off with $7 trillion - drained out of the U.S.
We know the SEC was
investigating the stock market fraud that occurred
in the late 90's. "Coincidently", on 9-11
all the evidence the SEC was gathering was
destroyed in Building 7. What a lucky break
for the Wall Street crooks that Osama Bin Boogey
Man destroyed the evidence.
On November
9, 2001 ( 11-9)
George Bush signed an agreement with India for
trade in technology - "to fight terrorism".
The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll
"What happened at 7 WTC might be the key to the entire mystery of September 11, contends Hoffman. The $500 million insurance profit made by Larry Silverstein is a garden-variety motive, but the list of 7 WTC tenants sets conspiracy heads spinning.
To wit: The IRS, the Department of Defense, and the CIA kept offices on the 25th floor. The Secret Service occupied the ninth and tenth. The Securities and Exchange Commission (home to vast records of bank transactions) was on floors 11 through 13. The 23rd floor was home to Rudy Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management, his crisis center. If this wasn’t enough, the mortgage of 7 WTC was held by the Blackstone Group, headed by Pete Peterson, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, stalwart players in any NWO MIHOP."
Professional Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7
The Collapse of WTC 7
Cover Story Prepared Before 9/11
(Research John Deutch - stolen CIA files)
Shock and Awe
9/11 was an inside job.

David Rockefeller
Council of the Americas Founder and
Honorary Chairman
The Americas Society Chairman
The Forum of the Americas, Founder
Trilateral Commission, founder and
Honorary Chairman
The Institute for International Economics, Financial Backer
& Board Member
Chairman Emeritus of the CFR, Dick
Cheney was a Director
September 11, Coup d' Etat
