Empire of the Black Robe
Part 2
I have a small TV to the left of my computer so often times while I'm working, I'll have it tuned in to C-Span. On Saturday, it was on but I wasn't paying attention to it until a man named Robert Zarate started talking about how horrible the Syrian "regime" was. To listen to Zarate tell it, Assad is a world class monster. I thought... what the hell? This Zarate guy sounds like a neo-con vampire calling for blood. He's a bad liar and he grossly overstated his case.
Isn't that an irony? Obama, the alleged liberal is in the same camp as the neo-cons. Of course, it just confirmed my feeling that there is only one party in the U.S. and it speaks out of both sides of its mouth so voting is pretty much an exercise in futility.
When Zarate said that "we have a moral obligation...here's what I mean by that: the United States is an indispensible pillar in the international community in the post WWII international community... it's a leader... it's a leader of the free world and a beacon to those who seek "security, prosperity and human dignity". BOOM! Right there... that's what this deal with Syria is all about. "Free Trade" Assad must be resisting selling out the Syrian people to the "free traitors". |
My earliest research on the "free traitors" was because of outsourcing IT professional jobs and the import of Indians to take IT and engineering jobs from American citizens. It was a betrayal of the American people and our country on a scale that I found incomprehensible and it set me off on the path that I'm still on to this very day. I hope someday to see these pirates hanging from the yard arms - and I'll be happy to cut the rope to feed them to the sharks. Anyway - it made me remember MEFTA - Middle East Free Trade Area. From the minute George W. Bush was sworn into office, he started signing "free trade agreements".
Middle East - Target Area for "Free Trade"
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On May 9, 2003 President Bush gave a Commencement Address to the graduating class of the University of South Carolina. The following are excerpts with link and emphasis added:
America is working with governments and reformers throughout the Middle East. We are strengthening ties through our Middle East partnership initiative. As a further step, Secretary Powell and Trade Representative Zoellick will meet with regional leaders in Jordan next month to discuss an agenda of economic and political and social progress. Progress will require increased trade, the engine of economic development.
The combined GDP of all Arab countries is smaller than that of Spain. Their peoples have less access to the Internet than the people of Sub-Sahara Africa. The Arab world has a great cultural tradition, but is largely missing out on the economic progress of our time. Across the globe, free markets and trade have helped defeat poverty, and taught men and women the habits of liberty. So I propose the establishment of a U.S. -Middle East free trade area within a decade, to bring the Middle East into an expanding circle of opportunity, to provide hope for the people who live in that region.
We will work with our partners to ensure that small and mid-sized businesses have access to capital, and support efforts in the region to develop central laws on property rights and good business practices. By replacing corruption and self-dealing, with free markets and fair laws, the people of the Middle East will grow in prosperity and freedom.
And, ultimately, both economic success and human dignity depend on the rule of law and honest administration of justice. So America will sponsor, with the government of Bahrain, a regional forum to discuss judicial reforms. And I'm pleased that Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has agreed to lead this effort.As trade expands and knowledge spreads to the Middle East, as women gain a place of equality and respect, as the rule of law takes hold, all peoples of that region will see a new day of justice and a new day of prosperity.
It should be noted that Sandra Day O'Connor was still a sitting Supreme Court Justice when she engaged in this political activity. She didn't retire from the bench until January 31, 2006.
The President's Vision of Free Trade in the Middle East
To re-ignite economic growth and expand opportunity in the Middle East, the President, in May 2003, set out his vision of establishing a U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Area (MEFTA) by 2013. The MEFTA's focus is to work with countries in the Middle East in graduated steps to increase trade and investment with the United States and the world economy, and to assist these countries in implementing domestic reforms, instituting the rule of law, protecting private property rights (including intellectual property), and creating a foundation for openness, economic growth, and prosperity.
Free Trade Agreements (FTAs): U.S. FTAs are comprehensive, high-standard agreements addressing such issues as transparency, the rule of law, anticorruption, and intellectual property protection, that are at the forefront of 21st Century commerce and support economic reform efforts in our FTA partners. U.S. FTAs in the region include:
U.S.- Israel FTA (in force)
U.S.- Jordan FTA (in force)
U.S.- Morocco FTA: completed negotiations on March 2, 2004; formal signing to take place June 15, 2004
U.S.- Bahrain FTA: completed negotiations on May 27, 2004
Robust Trade and Investment Framework Agreements (TIFAs): TIFAs promote the establishment of legal protections for investors, improvements in intellectual property protection, more transparent and efficient customs procedures, and greater transparency in government and commercial regulations. The United States has TIFAs with: Bahrain, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia (signed July 2003), Kuwait (signed February 2004), Yemen (signed February 2004), United Arab Emirates (signed March 2004), and Qatar (signed March 2004).
Active Support for WTO Accession: The United States is providing assistance to Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Algeria, and Yemen in their WTO accession negotiations.
Notice that Syria is not on the list and still is not on the
United States Trade Representative - Middle East Free Trade Area
Initiative (MEFTA).
In 2006, the Congressional Research Service produced a Progress Report. Excerpts from the summary:
On May 9, 2003, the Bush Administration proposed the establishment of a U.S.
Middle East Free Trade Area (MEFTA) within a decade (by about 2013). This
proposal came a year and a half after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the
U.S. World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The MEFTA was billed as part of a plan
to fight terrorism — in this case, by supporting the growth of Middle East prosperity
and democracy — through trade. On June 23, 2003 the Bush Administration
described a six-step process for Middle East entities to become part of that MEFTA:
(1) joining the World Trade Organization (WTO); (2) possibly participating in the
Generalized System of Preferences; successively entering into (3) trade investment
framework agreements (TIFAs), (4) bilateral investment treaties (BITs), and (5) free
trade agreements (FTA) with the United States; and (6) participating in trade capacity
building....The Bush Administration’s initiative aims to help diversify and improve the
economies of the Middle East, provide jobs for the rapidly growing population,
stimulate U.S. exports, and help Middle East countries make economic reforms —
values echoed by The 9-11 Commission Report as part of a comprehensive strategy
to countering terrorism.
On Page 10 of the CRS Report, the details of the MEFTA Initiative are listed. Note Item number 6 on Page 12. After reading this, then refer back a few paragraphs to the link provided for MEPI:
Sixth. The final step in the Bush Administration’s plan is trade-capacity
building to help countries realize more fully the benefits of open markets (e.g., build
the “legal entrepreneurial infrastructure”).The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) aims to help allocate structural
adjustment funding to partner countries to help ease the burden of free trade’s impact
on local industries. The initiative is also aimed at increasing educational
opportunities, strengthening civil society and rule of law, and supporting small
business. The MEPI aims to help target more than $1 billion of annual funding from
various Government agencies and spur partnerships with private organizations and
businesses that support trade and development. It has received an estimated $294
million in funding between FY2002 and FY2005. For 2006 the Bush Administration
has requested an $125 million.17Meanwhile, for 2005, total funding for U.S. Trade Capacity Building reached
$1.3 billion, of which $236 million, or 18%, went to Middle East countries.18
What is the "legal entrepreneurial infrastructure"?
It's the Trojan Triangle
with foreign direct investment and the "Port
Security - Economic Chokepoint":
The global network of Trojan Triangle international zones are the Empire of the Black Robes. The zones are the centers of control for the global system. They are administered by Councils under international law by trade agreement and treaty.
In one of the hearings where John Kerry was trying to justify a
"limited strike" on Syria, he mentioned that Syria had allegedly
violated international law that had been in effect since 1925.
I did a search on it and found that what he was referring to was
Geneva Protocol.
The scenario in Syria is that the State Departments sends in USAID people with money to fund an insurgency that is promised a piece of the global economic pie. This then generates dissention and in the case of Syria - to what appears to be a civil war between those who are selected to benefit - and those who are being destroyed.
Vicky Davis
September 9, 2013
Notes: I did a search on USTR website looking for the term 'infrastructure'. While we are being told by the Ticks in Congress, that our country is broke, they are building the "entrepreneurial infrastructure" for countries all over the world.
Search Results on infrastructure
Search Results on entrepreneurial
Listen to the story about Vladmir Putin again
The Unknown Putin - Part 1
The Unknown Putin - Part 2
And then watch this video about the Carlyle Group.
It should be noted that the Carlyle Group was founded as a private equity group in 1987. The Uruguay Round of GATT was initiated in 1986. They knew that the World Trade Organization would cannabalize national sovereignty and the opening up of the American economy for looting as businesses were destroyed by global (managed) competition. Given the entire history, it appears that the global strategy was to dismantle the nation-states and to establish administrative regions under a global system of "governance". The Carlyle Group was formed to take advantage of the privatizations as governments divested themselves of national assets.
The first two minutes are in Dutch - the rest of the video is in English.