REINVENTION OF AMERICA - Part 4 Public Policy for Private Profit (and control)
Government computer systems are always authorized in law so the first thing I did was to work backwards from the legislation that I knew about that was authorizing for the 'Human Resource Management System' and I produced a timeline of education legislation to see if what I read in the letter was really true and to see the steps that were taken to build it because large scale computer systems are always built in phases over many years. Of course nationalization of the education system tracks back to Lyndon Johnson and his 'Great Society' (also called the 'Big Society' in the UK) but that's not the start of the computer system. The start of the federal takeover of education leading into management of the labor market began with the report titled, "Nation at Risk". A Commission was appointed with the publically stated purpose to being to study American schools because "people were concerned". If you know how to read reports like this, it's obvious that the real purpose was to begin the project to build a national computer system on the schools - beginning with a statistical system and to set the stage for a new market in computers for classrooms.
Lifelong learning is lifelong management
and control. And that is a classic example of the bifurcation of
rhetoric. It's the bifurcation of rhetoric that is causing the
cognitive dissonance across our nation. Politicians pass along the
marketing language and it's not clear that the majority of them even
understand what they are saying - but the words sound good and they are
what people want to hear. The programs that are being sold to the
public are something different in the detail which is why politicians
can never keep their promises and why things never get better, they only
get worse. |
In the report,
Nation at Risk, people in the education community see what they expect to see because
they think the report is about improving the quality of education but
embedded in the report is the justification for and the initial
requirements for the labor management computer system plus, they were setting the stage for
subsequent phases of the project. |
From the report:
That part was fine - and just about right in terms of computer education. But here is where the problem starts:
According to a Frontline report on PBS, Lou Gerstner as President of American Express, as CEO of RJR Nabisco and as CEO of IBM was a major force behind the plan to build the "Human Resource Management" System of lifelong enslavement.
That last sentence reminds of something I heard a western governor say recently and I think it was preceded by an a statement that he was the CEO of his state. He said, "our job is to edjacate, medicate, and incarcerate". Very catchy and very wrong - but we see where he got it. So at this point, we know that American Express was the driving force behind the establishment of the World Trade Organization that has destroyed our economy and that Louis Gerstner was in a power position at American Express at the time. We now know that Louis Gerstner was the behind the educational "reforms" for the last 30 years that have built a system that is being transformed into a system of Soviet polytechnical education with the children being taught "worker skills" and and that the "reforms" are a computerized system of management of the labor market that will make slaves of America's children. There can be no doubt that public policy has been set for private profit and that the "Reinvention of America" is to turn this country into feudal state run by Lords of the Empire. [ Anybody have a wooden stake for this vampire?] There are many components to the 'Human Resource Management System' (HRM) but all you really need to do is to picture a corporate personnel system and in the same way, the corporate management decides your fate within the corporation. It is the people who maintain the databases and who write the search engines for jobs and candidates that will control the labor market and by controlling the labor market, they can control the price and supply of labor. The following is a simplified diagram of the HRM. Look for the HOTSPOTS on the diagram for more information: |
The truth is... the REALITY is that an unfriendly foreign power did impose a mediocre education system on us and it was the very same people who wrote the report. That unfriendly foreign power is corporate America led by people like Louis Gerstner and now Bill Gates. They established public policy for private profit. The above One Stop System is a slave management system. The American people will not have control over their own destiny because the system is interlocking, cradle-to-grave, total domination. And *** Breaking News *** from the U.S. Department of Labor relieves me of the burden of continuing to try and prove to you the national takeover of the labor market. And you can see the bifurcation of rhetoric in the press release. |
News Release ETA News Release: [11/08/2010] Contact Name: Mike Trupo Phone Number: (202) 693-3414 Release Number: 10-1511-NAT
Department of Labor awards more than $12 million for 13 states to build
workforce databases [ Click the link above to see the article and list of grantees on the Department of Labor Website. ] |
Vicky Davis |