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The system will be capable of producing an electronic resume that will be used by prospective employers, government and as yet unnamed others to make decisions about character, employability, etc. for the entire life of the student.

The following is a link to a letter written by the Chamber of Commerce in Harrisburg, PA to their members telling them about the 'WORKLINK' system and inviting them to join up.  What they choose to call the system within each state is irrelevant. See pg 61)  It is the same system for all the states.  At this point, the system is voluntary.  At some point in the future (coming soon), it will be a de facto mandatory system as the GATS agreement becomes fully implemented and foreign workers have free access to our labor market (See H.R. 3333 Tom Tancredo’s Real Guest Act of 2005 Section 102 and 103).


"WORKLINK is an electronic record/resume for high school students that will go beyond existing transcripts to include business skills, work performance ratings, work experience, honors, awards, etc. Employers can directly access the regional database of WORKLINK records." 


To be able to produce an electronic resume that will be accessible to the prospective employers through the Workforce Development Departments requires a student information database to retain all school records permanently. 



Statewide Student Information Systems are an integral component to the national 'human resources supply chain management' system that the Department of Labor and Federal Department of Education have been building. 

The design calls for all student academic and social(ist) adoption assessments, medical, psychiatric, law enforcement, community volunteer, on-the-job learning, and earned 'certificates' to be recorded in the SIMS database.  It is the SIMS databases that will be networked with the Workforce Development systems that provide the basis for the  'Total Information Awareness System' that is being surreptiously implemented via the school systems for future citizens.  This information will be available to prospective employers via the WORKLINK computer system provided by the state Workforce Development Departments.  The WORKLINK system provides employers with the capability to 'report back' their evaluations of their employees.  This provides the 'state' with full control over the economic fortunes of future citizens. 

In 1997, the National Center for Education Statistics published the Data Element Guide for Elementary and Secondary School Information Systems.  It was a mandate of Congress that statistical data on students be collected supposedly to assist in the improvement of schools.   One hopes that Congress' intention was not to authorize the compilation of information worthy of totalitarian communist governments, but that's precisely what the NCES did and subsequent legislation changing privacy laws allowing for the collection and retention of such information would indicate Congress' approval de facto whether they intended or not.

Initially, collection of the data was voluntary, but as the years have passed, the schools are required to collect more and more information.  The purpose obviously was to get the initial buy in on the system.  One of the main goals of the No Child Left Behind Act was to mandate the collection of data for the systems.  Using a twofold strategy of 'standards' and 'accountability', the Federal Department of Education and the Labor Department are incrementally transforming our system of education into a national system of 'human resource management and control'.  Both departments transmit this information to the communist UN-UNESCO via the OECD.

Below are excerpted pages from the NCES Data Element Guide:


Document Page V-9  (Adobe Page 41) - Notice that they've included records for Early Childhood.  This shows the advance planning in the system.  In Idaho, just this year, there is legislation for the Early Childhood programs that will provide the prenatal to school age records for this system.  In keeping with their MO, the programs are voluntary for the school districts at this point - the same as the Kindergarten programs were when introduced.  However, eventually the programs become mandatory as they are attempting to do with Kindergarten in Idaho this year.



The following is an example of the electronic resume that will be produced from the WORKLINK system.  Statements from "Learning a Living" pg 63, 64, 65. 

"The proposed resume would be a universally recognized statement of experience and accomplishment.  The information would mean the same thing to everybody: this student has the SCANS know-how noted here... The benefits of such a resume for student and employee are considerable: For the student, the resume becomes a permanent record of genuine attainment.  As more and more high-performance jobs require higher and higher competance, the resume will have a more obvious payoff for the student. Employers will benefit from the realistic expectation that their businesses can demand higher levels of competancy, and become high-performance workplaces....In the Commission's view, it is essential that the certification system incorporate the other part of the equation--avoiding penalties for students who fail to reach the standard...Students may take as long as they need, and the schools will be obliged to provide education that enables students to acquire the certificate, and to provide the services necessary for students of any age, both in-school and out-of-school, to meet this goal.  Thus the system is not "pass/fail" but "ready/try again".